Captain America Movie

Oh, absolutely. I'm just saying that Jaggyd's observation that his self-doubt could be brought on by the horrors of war is unlikely due to it being an action adventure and not a war movie like THE HURT LOCKER. Not saying that it should or that it will be bad because it isn't, only that the possibility of the horrors of war getting to Cap is probably unlikely.
Yeah I agree that a Raiders tone would be perfect for this. But I can see Steve's doubt not coming from the horrors of war necessarily but the absurdity of life that he's now forced to live.

His initial goal is to do his part and join the service as he says he has no right to let other men die while he sits back. He doesn't want to be this hero everyone looks at he just wants to be another soldier like Bucky who's doing his job. After the super soldier serum and Erskine's death, however, all of this changes. He's now a literal one man army and has the hopes of his country riding on his shoulders. Instead of fighting in the trenches he's now facing off against magical Nazi supermen like Red Skull and HYDRA who now have possession of a weapon that literally rewrites time and space. Steve's reaction of self-doubt is completely realistic I say and he'd be an idiot to not contemplate it.
In case people missed it in the new full trailer. VM is right, "HYDRA is a Nazi Deep Science Division".

Sadly, there are still people thinking there aren't any in the movie.

Anyway, the trailer looks awesome.
Yeah I agree that a Raiders tone would be perfect for this. But I can see Steve's doubt not coming from the horrors of war necessarily but the absurdity of life that he's now forced to live.

His initial goal is to do his part and join the service as he says he has no right to let other men die while he sits back. He doesn't want to be this hero everyone looks at he just wants to be another soldier like Bucky who's doing his job. After the super soldier serum and Erskine's death, however, all of this changes. He's now a literal one man army and has the hopes of his country riding on his shoulders. Instead of fighting in the trenches he's now facing off against magical Nazi supermen like Red Skull and HYDRA who now have possession of a weapon that literally rewrites time and space. Steve's reaction of self-doubt is completely realistic I say and he'd be an idiot to not contemplate it.

I think he'd look at being the 'one man army' still as a service to his country. I kinda think that Cap thinks of himself as dead, in the sense that as soon as WW2 started, he felt his life was no longer his to live and he had to donate it to his country. Being Cap is an extension of that. I think he'd only be upset if he couldn't fight. But I don't see doubt creeping in there anywhere. :?
Good. It looks like Sam Jackson's cameo is relegated to the discovery of him and not some Infinity Formula bull****.
Saw a picture of the Howling Commandos. One of them is black. I'm guessing that's Fury.

Does anybody else here think that this film would work best as a Titanic-esque picture that starts off with SHIELD finding Cap and then going into flashbacks from there?

I do. I've been thinking that the movie will begin with Cap being found, then jumping back to his beginings and leading up to the point where he is frozen. Then just as he is frozen it will jump back to the present with Cap waking up.
I am really looking forward to this, but based on the previews and commercials I've seen, Chris Evans is a bad choice to play Cap. I've never seen a Captain America comic where Cap is a wisecracking smart alack - that's not Captain America. It's like seeing Spider-Man in a Captain America uniform.

I'm probably in the minority in that but it's been bugging me.
Saw a picture of the Howling Commandos. One of them is black. I'm guessing that's Fury.


I heard that that's Gabe Jones

Yup, thats Gabe Jones, who apparently will also be in the Avengers. Not sure if it'll be a flashback scene or if he'll have old man make-up (or some plot device to keep him young).

I am really looking forward to this, but based on the previews and commercials I've seen, Chris Evans is a bad choice to play Cap. I've never seen a Captain America comic where Cap is a wisecracking smart alack - that's not Captain America. It's like seeing Spider-Man in a Captain America uniform.

I'm probably in the minority in that but it's been bugging me.

One comment isn't that big a deal...if he's cracking them the whole movie, then its a problem.
One comment isn't that big a deal...if he's cracking them the whole movie, then its a problem.

With Captain America even one would be too much - he's just too serious, all of the time. Not exactly the life of the party.

Regardless, I counted it 3 times in one commercial.
With Captain America even one would be too much - he's just too serious, all of the time. Not exactly the life of the party.

Realistically speaking, though, an overly serious Cap like the one from the Ultimate universe (and 616) may not go over well with your average, non-comic reading movie-goer. I suppose the producers/writers/etc felt that adding a bit of humor to the character might help make him more relatable or likeable? I don't know. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I guess I understand it.

Regardless, I counted it 3 times in one commercial.

I have a feeling those are probably the few "wise-cracks" he makes in the movie. Even then, its not like he's joking the entire time like Spider-Man, nor with the same light-heartedness Spidey has.

Again, I'm kind of in agreement with you, but at the same time I think the small bit of humor Cap might display will be balanced by the more serious aspects of his role.

Arguments can also be made that this is a Cap very early in his career, when he was a bit more happy-go-lucky, before the death of Bucky, his best friend, before being frozen for 70 years and awaking to an unknown and radically different world. A more serious Cap after these events makes perfect sense, but before them I can accept a bit of humor from the guy.
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I am really looking forward to this, but based on the previews and commercials I've seen, Chris Evans is a bad choice to play Cap. I've never seen a Captain America comic where Cap is a wisecracking smart alack - that's not Captain America. It's like seeing Spider-Man in a Captain America uniform.

I'm probably in the minority in that but it's been bugging me.

The thing is though I think a lot of people would want see humour in this film, mainly because people enjoyed some of the humour from the other Marvel films. What other options are there for humour in this film? The Red Skull is not funny.