Didn't **** any of those *****es
Cause I'm clearly bored:

Anyone know if he'll get a more modern costume for the Avengers movie?
This costume looks a little too modern as it is, which kind of worries me since this is supposed to take place during World War II.
The flip side is that those ear coverings could contain necessary radio-equipment (ear bud, etc) for long distance communications, etc, so there's a reasoning for it, but I say **** that, let Bucky carry the radio. What the hell else does he do anyway?
Great costume. Third strap makes no sense but makes it look better so it should be in.
You sir are totally correct. They need to hire you.Hm. That's an okay design, but he doesn't look Puerto Rican enough.
You sir are totally correct. They need to hire you.
He scouts ahead and slits unsuspecting Kraut throats. Seriously.
Hm. That's an okay design, but he doesn't look Puerto Rican enough.