Bendis: "I smell an Ultimate Deadpool comin’"

DIrishB said:
Oh cool. In that case disregard all the homosexual relations jokes about you and Bendis I was making. ;)
By the way, that was in person, when Millar told me.

And Ultimate Deadpool, where did you get that UDD was going to be in the SS arc? From what Bendis has said, he's after the arc.
icemastertron said:
And Ultimate Deadpool, where did you get that UDD was going to be in the SS arc? From what Bendis has said, he's after the arc.

I read it at the SuperHeroHype forums under a list for upcoming Ultimate Spider-Man issues. We were discussing Ultimate Deadpool and Weapon X's involvement with Ultimate Spider-Man, Since Ultimate Omega Red will make his appearance in an upcoming Ultimate Spider-Man issue.
Ultimate Deadpool said:
I read it at the SuperHeroHype forums under a list for upcoming Ultimate Spider-Man issues. We were discussing Ultimate Deadpool and Weapon X's involvement with Ultimate Spider-Man, Since Ultimate Omega Red will make his appearance in an upcoming Ultimate Spider-Man issue.

They're misinformed. WeaponX has nothing to do with Ultimate Omega Red and Deadpool is showing up with Ultimate Reavers.
TheManWithoutFear said:
They're misinformed. WeaponX has nothing to do with Ultimate Omega Red and Deadpool is showing up with Ultimate Reavers.

It is all just speculation, But we thought that maybe Weapon-X were angry at Spidey for helping Wolverine escape. Deadpool was/is a member of Weapon-X... Reavers might be aswell, Is there anything known about them yet?

Also, Omega Red is an enemy of Weapon-X members; Namely Wolverine and Sabretooth. I don't think it's a coincidence that he's appearing in Ultimate Spider-Man, Along with Deadpool, When they've mainly been involved with the X-Men.
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Okay, guys I'm back (it was a long weekend) any way Deadpool? **** YEAH!
And I'm with some of you, There is abosoltuely nothing needed to change him to Ultimize him. The costume, the Attitude, the weapons the powers, nothing should be changed. And though it saddens me that Deapool will be showing up in USM instead of UXM like he should, he should not be working for Weapon X. Created by them of course, but NOT working for them. Just like 616 he cannot be a mutant, how else would he get his scars? I am so frickin' afraid of what Bendis is going to do to him. Deadpool is good as is, no question about it.

-"You stole his spleen?"
-"Where is it?"
-"Did you ever wonder why super-heroes have all of those pockets on their utility belts, but never seem to use them?" - Deadpool
They could make him a mutant, and still be ugly just like the thousands of ugly mutants walking around mutopia in 616. Every mutant doesn't win the miss america pageant. Deadpool should've been a mutant in the first place, now they can fix that here. CHEAA!!!
Hawkeye101 said:
Okay, guys I'm back (it was a long weekend) any way Deadpool? **** YEAH!
And I'm with some of you, There is abosoltuely nothing needed to change him to Ultimize him. The costume, the Attitude, the weapons the powers, nothing should be changed. And though it saddens me that Deapool will be showing up in USM instead of UXM like he should, he should not be working for Weapon X. Created by them of course, but NOT working for them. Just like 616 he cannot be a mutant, how else would he get his scars? I am so frickin' afraid of what Bendis is going to do to him. Deadpool is good as is, no question about it.

Whats that have to do with being a mutant or not? Just because you're a mutant doesn't mean you can't have scars...unless you're like Wolverine and have a crazy healing factor. I know he HAS a healing factor, but in 616 that isn't mutant based, but due to the Weapon X experiments.
DIrishB said:
Whats that have to do with being a mutant or not? Just because you're a mutant doesn't mean you can't have scars...unless you're like Wolverine and have a crazy healing factor. I know he HAS a healing factor, but in 616 that isn't mutant based, but due to the Weapon X experiments.
Yup, that's right. I mean, even with his healing factor, he STILL had the somewhat disfigured kinda face. So I don't see that being a problem if Bendis changes him to a mutant, though I wouldn't mind if that wasn't changed (the non-mutant part).
icemastertron said:
Yup, that's right. I mean, even with his healing factor, he STILL had the somewhat disfigured kinda face. So I don't see that being a problem if Bendis changes him to a mutant, though I wouldn't mind if that wasn't changed (the non-mutant part).

I'm really not very familiar with 616 Deadpool, so I'm looking forward to the Ultimate version to get a true taste of him. Admittedly he could be different than the 616 version, but I don't think Bendis will change much at all about the character due to his large following and fan-base.
DIrishB said:
I'm really not very familiar with 616 Deadpool, so I'm looking forward to the Ultimate version to get a true taste of him. Admittedly he could be different than the 616 version, but I don't think Bendis will change much at all about the character due to his large following and fan-base.

No, see, Wade Wilson was in some kind of accident before Weapon X, and it scarred him over, if he were a mutant, there would be no scars. He would have healed them. The only two abilities that Deadpool has are his healing factor and teleportation. If you ask me, both Wolverine and Nightcrawler were apart of Weapon X, so Deadpool should be Weapon X's expirament to bring all of the mutants abilities into one body. And they only got as far as giving Deadpool a healing factor and teleportation.

"What was that about? Oooh, I wonder if I still think in little yellow boxes. Oh! I do! Hello little yellow boxes, how are you? Oh, little yellow boxes the places we will go." - Deadpool.
Hawkeye101 said:
No, see, Wade Wilson was in some kind of accident before Weapon X, and it scarred him over, if he were a mutant, there would be no scars. He would have healed them. The only two abilities that Deadpool has are his healing factor and teleportation. If you ask me, both Wolverine and Nightcrawler were apart of Weapon X, so Deadpool should be Weapon X's expirament to bring all of the mutants abilities into one body. And they only got as far as giving Deadpool a healing factor and teleportation.

"What was that about? Oooh, I wonder if I still think in little yellow boxes. Oh! I do! Hello little yellow boxes, how are you? Oh, little yellow boxes the places we will go." - Deadpool.

Dude, you're missing my point. You're basically saying that because someone is a mutant they shouldn't have scars. Thats not the case at all. Only mutants with a healing factor shouldn't have scars. Other mutants, whos' powers have nothing to do with their ability to heal (Cyclops for instance) can most definitly get scars.