Bendis: "I smell an Ultimate Deadpool comin’"

DIrishB said:
Dude, you're missing my point. You're basically saying that because someone is a mutant they shouldn't have scars. Thats not the case at all. Only mutants with a healing factor shouldn't have scars. Other mutants, whos' powers have nothing to do with their ability to heal (Cyclops for instance) can most definitly get scars.

And it just went over your head, Deadpool HAS a HEALING FACTOR. If this were his mutation, they how would he have scars?

"--And another thing, don't you ninja monks ever shower? I mean, what are you French?" - Deadpool
Hawkeye101 said:
And it just went over your head, Deadpool HAS a HEALING FACTOR. If this were his mutation, they how would he have scars?

No, it didn't go over my head. I understand what you were saying, just pointing the way you worded it was saying that no mutants can have scars, which is incorrect. You need to pay a bit more attention.

Just like 616 he cannot be a mutant, how else would he get his scars?

See what I mean? I know in the context of what you were saying it makes sense, but the way you worded it makes it seem like no mutants can have scars.
DIrishB said:
No, it didn't go over my head. I understand what you were saying, just pointing the way you worded it was saying that no mutants can have scars, which is incorrect. You need to pay a bit more attention.

See what I mean? I know in the context of what you were saying it makes sense, but the way you worded it makes it seem like no mutants can have scars.

I thought the healing factor was implied. . .

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned 616 Deadpool is Ultimate Deadpool, nothing should change, except his environment.

"Sphincter say what?" - Deadpool
i think it would be cool if they showed a deadpool without his powers fight an early spider-man when he just got his powers and deadpool tries to shoot him but causes a car to explode damaging his face badly and putting him into a coma. months later he will wake up in a labratory and forget what happenened to him. the people who were there were splicing mutant dna onto his human dna, giving him his healing factor and hopefully teleportation, like nightcrawler and maybe super strength. he will be convinced by the scientists (who work for someone that wants spider-man dead) that spider-man was the reason for this. deadpool then goes after spider-man and is sent with the reavers. spider-man and deadpool fight, spider-man tells him what really hapened and deadpool helps spidey fight the reavers, who were just using deadpool.
Arachnoman said:
i think it would be cool if they showed a deadpool without his powers fight an early spider-man when he just got his powers and deadpool tries to shoot him but causes a car to explode damaging his face badly and putting him into a coma. months later he will wake up in a labratory and forget what happenened to him. the people who were there were splicing mutant dna onto his human dna, giving him his healing factor and hopefully teleportation, like nightcrawler and maybe super strength. he will be convinced by the scientists (who work for someone that wants spider-man dead) that spider-man was the reason for this. deadpool then goes after spider-man and is sent with the reavers. spider-man and deadpool fight, spider-man tells him what really hapened and deadpool helps spidey fight the reavers, who were just using deadpool.

Hummmm, thats interesting. I'm kinda attached to the Deadpool we know from 616, but this isn't half bad.
Arachnoman said:
i think it would be cool if they showed a deadpool without his powers fight an early spider-man when he just got his powers and deadpool tries to shoot him but causes a car to explode damaging his face badly and putting him into a coma.

I'd like to see Deadpool get the scars some other way, because he's supposed to be really good, I don't think he'd make that mistake. I think his marksmanship and a good portion of his agility and fighting ability should be from previous training in a valid field, whether it be the military or law enforcement. Maybe he could even have gotten the scars from a mission having to do with those backgrounds, and this forced him in a way out of regular society due to his appearance.

months later he will wake up in a labratory and forget what happenened to him. the people who were there were splicing mutant dna onto his human dna, giving him his healing factor and hopefully teleportation, like nightcrawler and maybe super strength.

Which means the laboratory should be under Weapon X control (or remnants of Weapon X like who were chasing Wolverine in Blockbuster). Even better, instead have Deadpool be one of the soldiers in the Weapon X remnant units, who volunteers for the surgery not only due to some deeper hatred toward Logan, but to his enterrprising nature. Like you said, grafting and splicing the Weapon X subjects abilities (Wolverine's healing factor, Nightcrawler's teleportation, Juggernaut's strength, Rogue's energy/ability drain, etc) and using him as a new Weapon X. His newest mission is to take out the "one that got away"...Wolverine. Through hacked SHIELD surveillance, he'll have seen that Wolverine was recently seen with Spider-Man (from the Superstars arc) and also learn that he recently returned to the X-Men. Deadpool will try to question Spidey about what he knows of Logan, to which Peter will offer very little, being his usual flippant self. Thus the fighting begins.

he will be convinced by the scientists (who work for someone that wants spider-man dead) that spider-man was the reason for this. deadpool then goes after spider-man and is sent with the reavers. spider-man and deadpool fight, spider-man tells him what really hapened and deadpool helps spidey fight the reavers, who were just using deadpool.

I really don't want to see Spidey and Deadpool team up.
icemastertron said:
Really? Where does it say that?

I assume that since the Reavers are going to be in the story, Deadpool was already going to be on them, and Spider-Man get caught in it and sees Deadpool as the guy to be with.
Hawkeye101 said:
I assume that since the Reavers are going to be in the story, Deadpool was already going to be on them, and Spider-Man get caught in it and sees Deadpool as the guy to be with.
It's ok to dream but you can't just assume that. Deadpool could be playing the villain in this arc as well regardless of how much we like him.
Well, ya know you could read my interpretation of how Ultimate Deadpool should be done, and see that both ways work.
Ultimate Warrior said:
Look what I found :D


I know I'm about 10 pages late, But that is a good look for Deadpool!
When are Marvel gonna do some freaking Marvel Legends variants of Deadpool, I'm looking forward to Weapon X and X-men costumes, and oh,oh,oh,oh Deadpool in boxers!!
I'm just saying... I know this is out of place, but since the expansion of the Universe, a lot of the realism has been lost.