I loved this so much... This and Shed are probably two of the best Spider-Man stories i've read.
This was great, I've honestly liked every part of this story. I hope that the next crop of stories can keep up the pace.
This was great, I've honestly liked every part of this story. I hope that the next crop of stories can keep up the pace.

The next story is written by Joe Quesada and is a sequel to OMD. I'm not holding out too much hope.

Grim Hunt wasn't as good as Shed, but was still fun.
The next story is written by Joe Quesada and is a sequel to OMD. I'm not holding out too much hope.
At least it will fill in the gaps of what happened.

Grim Hunt wasn't as good as Shed, but was still fun.
really? Huh. Different tastes.
I think the rhino story and the Sandman story from gauntlet were among the best I've ever read. I didn't care much for the electro story or the new vulture or the new scorpion, but i liked the developments in Peter's life that came as a result of those arcs (the DB building being destroyed, Peter being blacklisted as a photographer, Peter and Michelle finally making up).
Oh and I have to admit I really wasn't prepared for the epilogue after the letters page!

Yeah - that was totally unexpected.

Pretty good story...I'm not crazy about having characters resurrected like this but if it has to be done, something like this is the way to do it. With care.

I really enjoyed the art in this arc, too.
Dan Slott is the solo writer of Amazing Spider-Man and Humberto Ramos, Marcos Martin and Stefano Caselli are the artists.

This would be my new favourite comic if Joe Kelly was writing. :(

Also, "Big Time" is a terrible "branding."
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That's actually from Amazing Spider-Man #9 (September, 1999) :O
So I guess they retconned this retcon?
yeah. When they rebooted the series they tried to revamp Spidey's origin. They retold the early career of Spidey in "Chapter One" and the new continuity played into ASM. However, it was received abysmally and quickly forgotten.
Anyone else thought it was awesome when Paul Jenkins started writing Peter Parker Spider-Man back in 2000?
I haven't gotten that far though, but glad to see someone else liked it, looking forward to it!
Peter Parker Spider-man #24 was pretty terrible though (moronic alien abduction plot) but thankfully it was just a slip up I guess :p
So glad I'm at the 2000's, hopefully by the end of this years I'll have read every Spidey issue and will be able to make a reading timeline :D

Edit: Peter Parker Spider-Man #25 = new definition of awesome in the dictionary
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So glad I'm at the 2000's, hopefully by the end of this years I'll have read every Spidey issue and will be able to make a reading timeline :D

woah, good luck with that. That's a HUGE undertaking.

in other news:

Mac Gargan is back as the Scorpion in ASM #651 coming this December to an LCS near you.
Which makes me wonder two things:
1) Is Eddie Brock going to be Venom again? (I haven't read Siege so i didn't even know Mac and the symbiote were separated until right now. What happened to it?)
2) To a lesser extent, what about the new female scorpion?