Ultimate Houde
UC's Resident Genetic Recombinator
I have that issue.
From 198 something
From 198 something
Brand New Day To End With Amazing Spider-Man #647
101 issues in, the thrice-a-month Amazing Spider-Man comic will end it's current Brand New Day format with issue 647.
Bleeding Cool has previously reported that the book will become a fortnightly Dan Slott title, but whatever the future, they're going out with a bang. Issue 647 will be written by Brand New Day writers Dan Slott, Bob Gale, Joe Kelly, Mark Waid, Fred Van Lente and Zeb Wells and drawn by, well, pretty much everyone, in a 64 page special for $4.99.
Well it said "format" so I think they just mean the less issues thing.
I'm kind of angry that Dan Slott is going to be the new regular writer because Joe Kelly is so much better.
ProjectX2 said:Since Kaine is a clone of Peter, do the Kravinoffs remember that Peter is Spider-Man or not?
Is it possible that Kraven remembers Peter's identity because he died before OMD and returned after?
forget Dan Slott, forget Joe Kelly, give me Fred Van Lente
forget Dan Slott, forget Joe Kelly, give me Fred Van Lente
Joe Kelly also wrote the Rhino stuff.
That's true. Joe Kelly's stuff has been good and the Rhino story was amazing. I'd be happy with him as the ongoing writer, although I'd still prefer Van Lente over all.
Marvel should put out three 616 Spider-Man titles each month again and have them written by Joe Kelly, Fred Van Lente, and Roger Stern.
Roger Stern? Isn't his stuff kind of... uuhh.... dated?
I agree about Van Lente being a strong writer. I prefer Kelly's stuff, but they're both quite good.