All-Star Superman Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

moonmaster said:

Post of the day.

DIrishB said:
I'm pretty sure I implement the jokes, and then Moony runs with them, winning PotD time and again. He's like the Marcia Brady to my Jan Brady in terms of the PotD.

"Moony, Moony, Moony!"
You set him up, he knocks him down.

Cool cover, looks like lois is about to try and get a jump on him.

Issue #2 out today.


There wasn't a ton of plot advancement but some of the little things made up for it - the past and future Supermans, the key, etc. I love stuff like that.

I also liked the explanation that he wasn't just 3 times stronger, but 3 times more curious, 3 times more honest, etc.

And as usual the art is AWESOME. I love it.

I'm baffled as to where things are going with this suit he made for Lois (who Quitely drew amazingly), but maybe just because I am not familiar with much of Superman. Is this in reference to something that happened in a past story?

not in regular continuity...

Although its interesting how that Superwoman costume mirrors the Crime syndicate Superwoman's costume (developed by Morrison/Quitely too, actually).

I think he wants to leave Earth with a Guardian he trusts...

I loved the Batman and Robin references... and EVERYTHING in the Fortress of Solitude.

The Key in Particular kicked ***.

i love absurd golden age memorabilia. from the very cover question to the very end, it was just absurd. and great.
Grant Morrison has done the unthinkable here. I now respect the character of Lois Lane. Instead of being a forcefull reporter that can't seem to grasp that her savior and her partner are the same people (Something that Morrison and Quietly managed to make a bit more believeable in the first installment) she's suspected, and aparently been activly trying to prove it for years. Only superman, with a little help from Batman and some robots have been able to keep a lid on things. Another intrestig bit was The Supermen from the future. The inclusion of Kal Kent, superman from his DC one Million event was intresting. It made me wish this was all continuity again...
Indeed, I was a little disappointed at first - the 853rd Superman fighting Solaris, the Unknown Superman - these are things Morrison has already done before, then I realised I thought the ideas were still very good and he was using them differently, so why should I be complaining? The Time Telescope was wicked.

But who is J.Lo?! :lol: :lol:

I loved the fact that Lois has been trying to prove Clark is Superman and when he reveals it to her, she doesn't believe it. Great stuff.

And Superman is invulnerable to Kryptonite.

The baby sun eater was cute, despite being completely beyond comprehension.

I particularly loved the Clark Kent/Superman as he looked at himself in the mirror of truth - which showed him as Superman.

I loved the fact the story was simply about curiosity versus paranoia, lies and truth, about who tells truth and from where? Lois' attempts to work out the truth behind Superman's current change of attitude (and never finds out that he's dying) reinforced by the Time Telescope and the questions of the Supermen from the future. God comes down from Heaven, says "I am Adam" and takes Eve back into the Garden of Eden, where nothing dies, nothing changes, everything is as it should be at the perfect act of creation - a time capsule you might say. Here Lois is woman, here she is taken to Heaven, here she is given a chance for truth, and what does she do? She exemplifies curiosity, she takes the forbidden room - I mean fruit, when God tells her not to. But here, after all this, God/Adam at the end is no longer the vengeful teacher, but the understanding father and presents her with a gift he made himself, so that she can be his equal in heaven.

I liked it.

It also reminded me of Miracleman, but not in a derivative way. Only in terms of emotional resonance. The style, the story, the subject matter, differ greatly. But there was a feeling of being lost in wonder that was present in Miracleman, especially in Alan Moore's last issue, #16.

Baxter said:
It made me wish this was all continuity again...

What are you talking about? This is continuity. That other stuff is all Elseworlds nonsense.
Bass said:
What are you talking about? This is continuity. That other stuff is all Elseworlds nonsense.
We need to take a huge undertaking... Create the DC Morrion-verse. The definitive DC universe, free of Cat-hookers and unimaginative green lanterns! A timeline of all his DCU stories, and I do mean all, made to fit together into one ultra-continum!

The greatness continues. I loved all the little bits about the Fortress. When I first saw the inside, my eyes lit up like a little kid. I loved all the gadgets and relics, especially the Mirror of Truth. Lois and Superman were both written perfectly. They made him a thousand times smarter, faster, stronger and more hansome than you or anyone else and yet he never seems arrogant or annoying. And Superwoman is coming next issue! two months!

By the way, when I saw the tagline on the cover ("CAN YOU GUESS THE SECRET OF SUPERMAN'S FORBIDDEN ROOM?) I though my parody of the cover that I posted earlier had come true.

Baxter said:
We need to take a huge undertaking... Create the DC Morrion-verse. The definitive DC universe, free of Cat-hookers and unimaginative green lanterns! A timeline of all his DCU stories, and I do mean all, made to fit together into one ultra-continum!

Quite obviously, I am.
issue two was a bit too "lois lane and the chocolate factory" for me plus morrisons take on superman makes him far too perfect, i hate the whole "He`s perfect at everything ever" thing, it can be an enjoying read if i ignore all those niggling things that piss me off about morrison`s writing but overall seems overrated although i can see why some people would love it, just not my cup of tea im afraid.
I like how you say he's "too perfect" even though he's dying. I think that's kind of a fascinating contradiction for a character which is, as you say, perfect. Perfect, yet dying. I find that great.

But if you don't, fair enough. I can understand how it could be considered annoying.
Bass said:
I like how you say he's "too perfect" even though he's dying. I think that's kind of a fascinating contradiction for a character which is, as you say, perfect. Perfect, yet dying. I find that great.

Thats an interesting point i didnt consider and this is what pisses me off so much, i KNOW i should like this book even love it but i just dont its just not my superman and i cant seem to get away from it and to add insult to injury i am actually enjoying AS Batman and Robin.

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There can be any number of reasons why you don't like AS Superman. You don't "have" to. It's up to you.
Bass said:
There can be any number of reasons why you don't like AS Superman. You don't "have" to. It's up to you.

You dont realise, i HAVE to its morrison he`s in my house i cant say too much, oh **** here he comes he`s wearing his gandalf costume and strap-on NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Tomar said:
You dont realise, i HAVE to its morrison he`s in my house i cant say too much, oh **** here he comes he`s wearing his gandalf costume and strap-on NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

And here I thought Miller was putting it in us...

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