All-Star Superman Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Korinthian said:
Well, okay, I have read some Superman comics, although I have no idea how recent they are, and how they compare with the main series.

Me neither.

Korinthian said:
I've read:
Birthright, Kingdom Come, and Secret Identity, (and Red Son :-b), all which I liked. These are the ones I compare All-star Superman to.

Yeah me too (cept Secret Identity). I have to say I prefer Kingdom Come and Red Son (but then, they're finished - we'll see how AS Superman finishes) - I also prefer Mark Millar's run on Adventures of Superman to All-Star Superman. Really. I very much enjoy All-Star Superman, but I prefer Mark Millar's run.

Korinthian said:
The art is fine, but I do not like the way it portrays Superman -- at all.

That's fair enough. He's really being portrayed a lot more like the 1950s "I can do anything" than the type we're more used to. I'm a bit "unsure" of it too. As much as I enjoy it, I'm not sure if I'll enjoy it 10 issues from now. But we'll see. So far, so good I think.
dr strange said:
But if you don't like it, drop it. You're clearly in the minority, and you seem to be determined to remind us that you disagree, without really throwing out any real argument other than unfamiliarity...

So hostile. Reminding me that I can in fact(!) drop it if I do not like it is, if you don't mind me saying so (which of course you do), childish. And what has me being in the minority to do with anything? Other than getting jumped on by everyone as soon as I don't rate it "OMG! 5/5!!!", it's better getting a discussion going than just all writing the same likes 20 times in a row. And then you go and talk down on my arguments, saying that its all unfamiliarity, which is wrong. (And all that work I put in, ignored. What a world!). The sheer silliness of the issue was my major point, and it is a very valid one :)

(...) )Keep that in mind and re-read the issue.

Seriously, I don't need your dr. Phil-ishness in my comic book reading, and no matter how many times you say "This author is pure Shakespear" he just isn't. Oh gee, there is love in the air throughout the issue. He loves Lois? Is that supposed to be new? And despite your best efforts to try an rationalize why the triple thing makes sense, it still does not. The author controls the universe, and what he writes is the 'truth', but the way he did it here is just too Cinderella for me. Supply a little more juice and S becomes three times as curious? What brain would work like that? The author would like us to believe a kryptonian brain would, but it is too far away from humanity for me to buy it.

Good that you liked it -- but it doesn't mean as much to me, as me not liking it does to you.
In all honesty, I doubt you've ever read any substantial amount of Shakespeare or any decent literature... because when you can't see meaning behind the language, you can't appreciate almost anything in art.

It's not perfect. But its better than a lot of what's out there.

You're being hostile here, not me.

Out of curiousity, How am I being like Doctor Phil? Is it by thinking? Because a lot of people think. It's not just professionals.
Dr.Strangefate said:
That's because you're comparing him to the wrong Superman...
Which apparently is the one he enjoys reading about more. Korinthian doesn't like the story because it is 'silly' which in effect it can be taken to be. If you like reading realistic (to an extent) comics, it makes sense why you wouldn't enjoy AS Superman as much.
dr strange said:
I doubt you've ever read any substantial amount of Shakespeare or any decent literature... because when you can't see meaning behind the language, you can't appreciate almost anything in art.

How very wrong you are. Education doesn't have to be a part of appreciation, in fact, it's probably very rare.

dr strange again said:
How am I being like Doctor Phil?

The way you are trying to analyze things in and find underlying meanings where the author probably just thought "Ooh, magical mirror like in Shrek, I'll take it!". Trust me, I wasn't trying to call you a "professional".
Korinthian said:
How very wrong you are. Education doesn't have to be a part of appreciation, in fact, it's probably very rare.

For a comic book, then you're probably right. There isn't that much deep thinking that needs to go into the average X-Men or Batman comic. But for Bill Shakespeare, since he's been brought up twice, it's absolutely necessary. The language that was used back then and the puns/play-on-words that may be lost to us today can only be learned through proper education. The same goes for pieces of art that are meant to represent something that we may not know of. We may think it's a purty picture, but how much can Picasso's Guernica be enjoyed if we didn't know that it was about his feelings towards the Spanish Civil War?

I just noticed that bit in the thread, since I don't read AS Superman, I don't have much to add on the material, so I'll take my leave.
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There are indeed exceptions, but even Shakespeare can be enjoyed by an idiot.

Steve said:
but how much can Picasso's Guernica be enjoyed if (...)

There is nothing wrong with "just" liking the "purtiness" of the picture, although it doesn't sound as good explaining it to others as that fancy "Civil War" line. I don't need a reason to like a song, and I wouldn't bother to learn the meaning behind the lyrics if it didn't catch my ear in the first place.
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The two of you were discussing it fine.

Then DSF gets a little pompous and hostile, so Korinthian is a little ruder back. The DSF, instead of apologising is condescending and a little argumentative. Then Korinthian is again, a little ruder and more condescending.

Whatever points you had are long gone.

Korinthian put a dissenting view in this thread. We all decided to explain why we disagree. He has said that he has taken this as getting 'jumped on' by everyone in the thread. It was only a matter of time before someone pissed him off to create an insult match. It happened to be you DSF.

Korinthian - I go into threads all the time and ***** about Bendis and somehow, manage to avoid getting into any insults fights. I don't know why, but there it is. Note - I'm not upset with your opinion. No one jumped on you. But I am pissed off with your rudeness.

Doctor Strangefate - I know Korinthian is escalating your little argument, but you're not helping by saying, "It's your fault we're arguing", considering that is the mindset he's arguing against.

Enough from both of you.
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lost a long term friend tonight in a big argument, and i'm not exactly all that emotionally stable.

i went too far. sorry.

*goes away until there's something topical to say*
Thanks for the summary, Bass. And since I'm such a nice guy (really!) I won't even retort on the "condescending" part (which you know you deserve).

Although our points may be long gone, the education and appreciation tangent we got to discussing is pretty interesting. For another time, perhaps.
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I found the second issue to be kind of plain. Superman seemed to much like a stalker. The art was much better this time. And the forbidden room. I'm not even going to go there.

Although Supes is one of my least favs I think I may have to give this one a try. I read the Wizard issue that featured All-star #1 and was impressed with the premise. One thing to gripe about is about that device that measues superstrength. In one panel the scientists basically states supes can lift XXX amount of wieght. Kinda felt like it was a easy way out for the writer without having him do something against an opponent. Oh well.

May's All Star Superman #4 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely was described by Morrison as the "Jimmy Olsen issue".

"Jimmy Olsen vs. Superman, because Superman has gone bad," said Morrison. How that happens becomes director of a covert agency called P.R.O.J.E.C.T. for a day as part of his reporting job, which happens to be the day Superman goes bad.

For fans of the days when Jimmy would turn into all sort of monsters, Jimmy will turn into Doomsday in the story. As to what Jimmy is holding on the cover, Morrison said it is an anti-Superman weapon, but Jimmy can't figure out how to use it.
Ha, Jimmy Olsen as Doomsday. Sounds like a fun death-filled time.
That is the coolest thing I've ever heard.

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