52 Series Discussion (spoilers!)

Egg Fu. That. Egg Fu. Kooky. Egg Fu. Grant Morrison. Egg Fu.
Not a bad issue. Mostly action and fighting. Steel Vs Nat.......Animal Man and Friends Vs Galactus Jr..........and The Question picking up Renee in a lesbian bar. Yeah....you read it right.

And Renee and Question being trailed by Batwoman.

No real revelations......

I liked the art.
Victor Von Doom said:
Not a bad issue. Mostly action and fighting. Steel Vs Nat.......Animal Man and Friends Vs Galactus Jr..........and The Question picking up Renee in a lesbian bar. Yeah....you read it right.

And Renee and Question being trailed by Batwoman.

No real revelations......

I liked the art.

A couple of tiny revelations. It looks like Luthor has a personal superhero security team, and Nat seems to be leading it.

Animal Man, Starfire, and Strange now have an intergalactic bounty on their heads because Devilance thinks they saw something they shouldn't have.

And the Question revealed his identity to Rene. Is it just me, or does Vic not look anything like he used to?
Newsarama said:
9) Is Supernova a character that has appeared before in the DCU?

SW: Not exactly. Unless you count World's Finest #178.



Other questions answered here: http://www.newsarama.com/dcnew/WAcker/Week9/52Wacker09.html

Most interesting (to me)

39) Is there an "El" left besides Kara and Kal?

SW: Somewhere.
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Also: Here's the updated...

52 Cover Gallery

WEEK ONE - The Core Cast of 52

WEEK TWO - Booster Gold bathing in the glory

WEEK THREE - Lex Luthor, Supervillain/Lex Luthor, Businessman

WEEK FOUR - Renee Montoya and some gorey punctuation

WEEK FIVE - Giant Hawkgirl and Medics

WEEK SIX - Hal Jordan and the Magnificent Ten (China's new Superteam)

WEEK SEVEN - Booster Black and White

WEEK EIGHT - John Henry Irons, STEEL

WEEK NINE - Starfire, Animal Man, and Adam Strange IN SPACE

WEEK TEN - Supernova saves Clark Kent

WEEK ELEVEN - Batwoman and a Werewolf?

WEEK TWELVE - Black Adam and Wife?

WEEK THIRTEEN - Shady figures under the Crest of Ressurection


WEEK FIFTEEN - Booster's Bloody visor

WEEK SIXTEEN - Renee and the Question in Khandaq

WEEK SEVENTEEN- Lobo. 'Nuff Said.

WEEK EIGHTEEN - Detective Chimp, Renee Montoya, Ralph Dibney, and the Helmet of Doctor Fate




Also... for the post History of the DC Universe issues:

Secret Origins

From Week 12 to 52, the back-up feature will be Secret Origins. The origins are scheduled to be:

WEEK TWELVE - Wonder Woman by Mark Waid and Adam Hughes.

WEEK THIRTEEN - Elongated Man by Mark Waid and Kevin Nowlan.

WEEK FOURTEEN - Steel by Mark Waid and Jon Bogdanove.

WEEK FIFTEEN - Metamorpho by Mark Waid and Eric Powell.

WEEK SIXTEEN - Black Adam by Mark Waid and J.G. Jones.

WEEK SEVENTEEN - Lobo by Mark Waid and Keith Giffen.

WEEK EIGHTEEN - The Question by Mark Waid and Joe Bennett.

WEEK NINETEEN - Animal Man by Mark Waid and Brian Bolland.

WEEK TWENTY - Adam Strange by Mark Waid and Kevin Nowlan.
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Dr.Strangefate said:
Most interesting (to me)
39) Is there an "El" left besides Kara and Kal?

SW: Somewhere.
I have been thinking about that. Didn't Superboy (Connor) and Wondergirl have sex right before his last mission where he died?
By my experience a thing like that in a movie or comic only means one thing: Baby on its way!

..... Connor did get a El name didn't he? :? Or am I completely wrong?
They have said that Wonder Girl won't get pregnant.

And the name Conner was derived from Kon-El, Superboy's Kryptonian name.
Dr.Strangefate said:
They have said that Wonder Girl won't get pregnant.
Oh, right. THAT'S why I forgot about it the first time I came up with it. Then that scen was just a waste of space wasn't it................ :wink:
Dr.Strangefate said:
And the name Conner was derived from Kon-El, Superboy's Kryptonian name.
Right. That's what I thought.
Dr.Strangefate said:
They have said that Wonder Girl won't get pregnant.

And the name Conner was derived from Kon-El, Superboy's Kryptonian name.

She won't get pregnant because she already IS pregnant.

*coffcoff* nevermind...

Flipping through 52, I just realized an interesting plot element that I completely missed the first time around, and I'm wondering if it's showed up at all later and somehow I've missed it.

In either issue one or two Master Mind, a crafty worm who's a Captain Marvel villain, showed up in Dr. Sivana's laboratory before they dragged Sivana away. Then in the very last panel of issue three, we get a shot of him weaving himself into a cocoon. I don't know how I missed it the first time, but it's a really weird thing to end the issue with. Any speculation or thoughts on what might be happening there?

For that matter, we haven't really gotten much at all on the missing mad scientists in a while. Does it somehow tie in to Luthor's current project?
It's being run by Egg Fu, and therefore probably is under the supervision of Darkseid...

I don't know what its up to.
Dr.Strangefate said:
It's being run by Egg Fu, and therefore probably is under the supervision of Darkseid...

I don't know what its up to.

I daresay Mister Mind is even greater than Egg Fu.

Anyway, wouldn't it be fantastic if the two of them teamed up?
Also, Clark Kent is a gutsy guy... And It would seem that Supernova is neither Superman or Booster Gold... Booster seems to want to put a stop to Supernova...


I want more Rip Hunter.
52: WEEKS 22-25

Written by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid
Breakdowns by Keith Giffen
Art by various
Backup features by Waid and various
Covers by J.G. Jones

The story of the year continues in four more chapters of America's only weekly super-hero adventure!

WEEK 22: "Good news, sir. Your son Kon-El didn't die in the Crisis after all."
Plus, the Origin of Green Lantern by Waid and Ivan Reis & Marc Campos.

WEEK 23: "Look what these monsters did to your brother, Isis!
They deserve a slow death! Plucked apart like the insects they are!"
Plus, the Origin of Wildcat by Waid and Jerry Ordway.

WEEK 24: "You don't really know me, but I'm a big fan and ...well...
I wanted to invite you to ...to ...to join the new Justice League."
Plus, the Origin of Booster Gold by Waid and Dan Jurgens.

WEEK 25: "That's — the Black Marvel Family?"
Plus, the Origin of Nightwing by Waid and George Pérez!

52: A year without Superman; a year without Batman; a year without Wonder Woman…but not a year without heroes.

Week 22 on sale October 4 • Week 23 on sale October 11
Week 24 on sale October 18 • Week 25 on sale October 25 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US