52 Series Discussion (spoilers!)

Dr.Strangefate said:
I Have No Reasons!!!!

Then be prepared for this...


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Victor Von Doom said:
Then be prepared for this...



Alright, I was going to say something absolutely hilarious, but that tops anything I could possibly do.

That's it. I'm out of the game.

I retire.
ok issue six


egg fu ????????

i hope they keep his super villian luagh

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ho !

hmm also it seems they took out the label eggfu from the dc website ?
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Well, that was definitely the panel in which he was noted as being.


Its totally a Giant Egg Bastard.


Anyone curious about what all happened in the Dennis O'Neil ongoing starring "The Question" should check out the wikipedia entry, which I just updated with a summary of the series.
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issue 8 was cool.

the only thing that i thought was off was how Ralph hadn't considered all the people that have been resurrected.

"psh, they're so dumb, they believe in resurrection -- ZOMG GREEN ARROW! and now that I think of it... Superman, Donna Troy, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Hourman, Atom Smasher, Jason Todd, Bucky, and like everyone else!"

another thing that I just thought of is how stupid Nat is for trusting Luthor. Anyone related to any Superman affliate would know that Luthor is awful.
iceman said:
issue 8 was cool.

the only thing that i thought was off was how Ralph hadn't considered all the people that have been resurrected.

"psh, they're so dumb, they believe in resurrection -- ZOMG GREEN ARROW! and now that I think of it... Superman, Donna Troy, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Hourman, Atom Smasher, Jason Todd, Bucky, and like everyone else!"

another thing that I just thought of is how stupid Nat is for trusting Luthor. Anyone related to any Superman affliate would know that Luthor is awful.

Lots about the mechanics and what not of 52 at Newsarama

For the lazy asses amongst you, here are some highlights:

"In speaking of the larger approach to 52, Rucka said that from early on, the writers realized that the project would have to be approached like a novel, rather than a traditional comic book in terms of structure, and as such, theme would have to be maintained through the characters, which made the casting decisions for the lead characters very important. The lead characters, Rucka explained, needed to have different perspectives to show the changes in the DC Universe from various angles.

The perspectives for the characters were ticked off as:

Renee Montoya: street level view of the DCU.
Adam Strange: space/cosmic view
Ralph Dibny: magical/spiritual
Black Adam: political/international
Steel: industrial/race (although, on the latter, Rucka noted that the race elements of the John Henry Irons story have been overshadowed a bit)
Booster Gold: popular culture and what it means to be a hero in the DCU.

Other goodies:

- Trials of Shazam! is a test to see how to make the Marvel Family work in the contemporary DC Universe

- No Gotham Central post 52, but a series with similar themes might show up

- Black Adam's death toll in 52 will be Massive, but fans "will cry for him" before the 52 weeks are over.

- General Zod will be revamped more like the clear-cut movie version, and this will be happening soon.

- Didio views Batman using Oracle as having stripped him of his Detective upbringing... so for the forseeable future, it would seem like they will not be on good terms.

Read it. Its good.


- Finally, though he gave a overly tease-y answer when asked about New Gods, after the panel, Didio said that a New God will be appearing in one of this week's books, "But you won't recognize him, her, or it."


****. Yes.
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They've changed The Question to Adam Strange for the main character list. I'm guessing it's because he's too closely connected to Montoya now, and he's basically what her story revolves around.
ProjectX2 said:
They've changed The Question to Adam Strange for the main character list. I'm guessing it's because he's too closely connected to Montoya now, and he's basically what her story revolves around.

****ing hell, i just caught that.

That's stupid.
Dr.Strangefate said:
****ing hell, i just caught that.

That's stupid.

You're stupid!


You're also right, damn you.

Question is undeniably excellent... On the 52 web page, there's still room for three main characters. Maybe the Question has been kicked back to becoming a later central character...... unlikely, but possible...
The story of the year continues in four more action-packed chapters of comics' only weekly superhero adventure! This month, get ready for the debut of three new characters that will create a powerful impact in the DCU...and change the face of 52 completely.

Supernova and Batwoman.... but who's the third?

Edit: It's Isis. Right....
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hopefually the third character will be the greastest super villian ever in the comic universe !!!!!!!!!!

EGG FU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Gadzookie said:
hopefually the third character will be the greastest super villian ever in the comic universe !!!!!!!!!!

EGG FU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Nope. It's Isis.