52 Series Discussion (spoilers!)

I feel bad for Booster. He is quickly becoming one of my favorite DCU characters to look fort. And Ralph going all after him like he did because of his wife? I totally understand him, but I think he went a tad too far.
I'm just loving this book.

I could really care less about Montoya. I'm more interested in Booster Gold and this underlying plot of the space crew going insane by fruit.
Read Gotham Central (the best pre-2006 ongoing in a long while), and then you will definitely care about what's happening with Renee Montoya.
Dr.Strangefate said:
Read Gotham Central (the best pre-2006 ongoing in a long while), and then you will definitely care about what's happening with Renee Montoya.

Bah! The Question being involved should be enough of a hook for anyone to be interested!

And I dig Booster too, but c'mon, Ralph was right on with everything he said. Booster is hiring actors to exploit super-heroism. This is weeks after Infinite Crisis. Countless heroes died just over a month ago, Superman is MIA, and he's exploiting it to make a buck. It would be bad in any situation, but it also insults all the heroes out there who really risked their asses to save the world. Booster's great, but he deserves what he got.

Is anyone else somewhat underwhelmed with the subplot about the three heroes stranded on the lost planet? I'm sure it'll lead to something but so far, eh....

The whole issue was pretty good, but I guess it's hard to live up to the pure greatness that was Week Six.
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It seems as if they're leading into it being Booster that doesn't survive the series. I can see him sacrificing himself to save Metropolis properly.
ProjectX2 said:
It seems as if they're leading into it being Booster that doesn't survive the series. I can see him sacrificing himself to save Metropolis properly.

Yeah....he might be an ***....but he's a fan fave. They won't let him go down in flames like that.
Ted (the former BB) was a fan fave, and they killed him

Booster's story seems alittle straightforward...too straight forward. I'm guessing he becomes Supernova.

This is rediculous, and pretty much a spoiler, so only check the links if you're wanting to be spoiled....

Okay, on the fifty-two website they release Keith Giffen's breakdowns for the comics... They recently released this page here: http://www.dccomics.com/sites/52/?action=sketchbook&w=6&p=10 .

Now, if you look at the label of the villain watching Dr. Magnus, and Dr. T.O. Morrow, you'll see the label "Egg-Fu". Now... Egg Fu is a very old pre-CoIE Wonder Woman villain... Here's a bio: "Egg Fu is a giant Communist egg. He was created by Chinese sleeper agents for Darkseid. He was secretly transporting people to Apokolips. In his first public appearance, he attempted to kill Wonder Woman but was foiled. He later tried to reprogram the Metal Men to say 'Down With America' at a Pro-American Rally, but was stopped." See an image of him Here

...Frankly I just hope that he still speaks so stereotypically... and that he still has the moustache.

This better not be a lead-on, but I'm pretty sure its valid.

And it would get Darkseid involved, if that side of the story hasn't been retconned.
Ralph didn't go too far. Booster stepped over a line when he hired the actor. I think now though he'll actually hero up for a while. I don't think he dies, because he is shown in the Justice League of America (F*ck Yeah!) #1 cover. I think it will be the Question. Because, as cool as he is, he is expendable.
Ultimate Quicksilver said:
Question is in the cover too

well, nevermind then.

so ?, Booster, Black Adam will all almost definitely will live.

I'm pretty sure I saw Elastic Man on those covers. If not, he is the safe bet.

Though this might be Montoya's last shabang. And Batgirl will be all like "I CAN BARELY CONTROL MY BESERKER FURY!"

or... "I have to be Batgirl (i refuse to call her woman) to avenge sh*t!"
umm is the guy with no face a reguler in the dc universe ? i get a feeling he is batman lol

i could be wrong i did not read infinite crisis
Gadzookie said:
umm is the guy with no face a reguler in the dc universe ? i get a feeling he is batman lol

i could be wrong i did not read infinite crisis

No. The guy with no face is The Question. And he's probably like #5 in the Top 10 Coolest DC Characters.

Iceman called him Elastic Man.
No one's mentioned Steel. He could die to let his niece step forward as a hero. From previews of ish 8, it looks like Steel may have made him a test subject for Lex's new metahuman project... He could be the first victim of unforseen consequences.
Dr.Strangefate said:

This is rediculous, and pretty much a spoiler, so only check the links if you're wanting to be spoiled....

Okay, on the fifty-two website they release Keith Giffen's breakdowns for the comics... They recently released this page here: http://www.dccomics.com/sites/52/?action=sketchbook&w=6&p=10 .

Now, if you look at the label of the villain watching Dr. Magnus, and Dr. T.O. Morrow, you'll see the label "Egg-Fu". Now... Egg Fu is a very old pre-CoIE Wonder Woman villain... Here's a bio: "Egg Fu is a giant Communist egg. He was created by Chinese sleeper agents for Darkseid. He was secretly transporting people to Apokolips. In his first public appearance, he attempted to kill Wonder Woman but was foiled. He later tried to reprogram the Metal Men to say 'Down With America' at a Pro-American Rally, but was stopped." See an image of him Here

...Frankly I just hope that he still speaks so stereotypically... and that he still has the moustache.

This better not be a lead-on, but I'm pretty sure its valid.

And it would get Darkseid involved, if that side of the story hasn't been retconned.


He is the silliest villain ever. And he's back!