52 Series Discussion (spoilers!)

This last issue was one of my favorites. There are so many plots going on that they can not address any of the issues I was excited about the week before, but it's cool, because they remind me of five OTHER plot threads that are equally as badass.

Clark's characterization, in particular, was fantastic. Mister Mind, who's a ****ing EVIL WORM is going to become a prominent character.

And Black Adam? hoo! Don't even get me started on Black Adam. The character was sick-awesome before, but Isis is going to provide him with the tact and subterfuge to be a more long-lasting character. Although, can anyone make sense of why he didn't change when he said "Shazam"?
(From the DC 52 panel)

New heroes from Japan will soon appear in the pages of 52, where, Morrison said, there is a subculture of kids who want to be superheroes. One of the heroes named? Most Excellent Super Bat. "It's super heroes as fashion," Morrison said.

I love you, Grant Morrison!
Zombipanda said:
(From the DC 52 panel)

New heroes from Japan will soon appear in the pages of 52, where, Morrison said, there is a subculture of kids who want to be superheroes. One of the heroes named? Most Excellent Super Bat. "It's super heroes as fashion," Morrison said.

I love you, Grant Morrison!
I may have to change my username....

Most Excellent Super Baxter has a nice ring to it.
Captain Marvel is ****ing insane.

The best part of #12... the back up by Adam Hughes... awesome. I can't wait to see him on All Star Wonder Woman now. :shock:
ProjectX2 said:
Captain Marvel is ****ing insane.

Hell yes he is. I couldn't stop laughing.

ProjextX2 said:
The best part of #12... the back up by Adam Hughes... awesome. I can't wait to see him on All Star Wonder Woman now. :shock:

While the back up was indeed purely awesome....the best thing about this issue was that it focused Black Adam for the most part and his ruling of Kahndaq.

This is a great storyline that should be given more time and further prominent development rather than werewolves vs. Lesbian Batwoman. And wasting several pages on the origins of the DC universe is just stupid.

The only way this could've been an even more awesome issue was if it had more Question.
I want to see Black Adam's Superhuman Coalition invade America Ultimates 2 style.
Marvel is losing his mind. That's awesome. And a new member to the family, huh? Hell, I'm interested.

I can't wait for the Question to meet Black Adam.

The whole thing with Ralph Dibny was bizarre. Him and his Justice League buddies shut down the cult only to find out that the cult may have actually brought Sue back from the dead. Was it a hallucination on Ralph's part, another scheme, or what? And I think it's clear that this cult is drawing Ralph in for a reason. Does anyone have a clue why him?

I really like the route that the Black Adam and Isis plot is going. Man.... Someone's totally trying to link Black Adam and Kandahq to Intergang when he clearly wants nothing to do with them. Someone's purposefully leading Montoya and the Question into the heart of Kandahq to ignite a war. Black Adam's going to be forced to turn back on his new humanism and resort to the use of the Coalition.... This is the war that Rip Hunter's already seen. I could totally see the new Checkmate being born to make sure this kind of conflict doesn't happen again.
Patriotic_Geek said:
I really like this book.

I am hopeful that with this books success that DC will do something like this on a regular basis.

**** no. I can't afford it.
hm.... After this week's issue, I'm REALLY starting to think that the Question's going to die, that he knows it, and that he's training Montoya to replace him.

I don't want that to happen... I'm worried...
Zombipanda said:
hm.... After this week's issue, I'm REALLY starting to think that the Question's going to die, that he knows it, and that he's training Montoya to replace him.

I don't want that to happen... I'm worried...
Or maybe he is going away for a year to train?
Random said:
Or maybe he is going away for a year to train?


Also, is this the same Question we know and love? The alias he's using now is Charlie. Is it a new fellow, or is it still Vic just being his paranoid self?
i just read the newsarama spoiler to issue 15 (as i dropped the book, and my home comic shop doesn't let people read comics). let's look at the video:


i'm surprised that happened so early...
Poor Booster..... Supernova seems like kind of a douchebag.

I think the relationship between Charlie and Renee is being developed incredibly well. They're two of my favorite characters in the DCU right now.

But just as important, why was there a nuclear submarine in the middle of Metropolis? Scaaaary stuuuuuuff.
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