24- The Bauer Power Hour series discussion (spoilers)

Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS

I don't know if anyone knows about this yet (I'm sure someone has), but there's a "24" video game coming out soon (it may even already be out). I saw it in the most recent issue of a gaming magazine (can't remember which one) and I'm not positive which system it'll be out for (can't remember that either), but I think it'll be out for Xbox 360. It not that then Xbox and PS2. It takes place between the second and third seasons. The screenshots look really good, the programmers did a great job on capturing Keifer Sutherland's image, and the rest of the graphics looks great as well. We'll see how the gameplay is, as thats the real judge of a videogame. Just in case anyone's interested.
Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS

Yeap, I know about it. If I remember right, it was supposed to come out Fall 2005, or something like that. But I haven't seen it anywhere, so maybe it's not out yet.
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Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS

icemastertron said:
Yeap, I know about it. If I remember right, it was supposed to come out Fall 2005, or something like that. But I haven't seen it anywhere, so maybe it's not out yet.

I don't think its out yet, but it should be soon based on the advertisement. I'm just trying to remember the system(s) it'll be on.
Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS

The video is supposed to cover what happened between season 2 and 3. The gameplay is ok.....there's a few kinks to be worked out. But other than that---it's pretty good.

There is a playable demo in Official Playstation Magazine this month (the one with Hideo Kojima on the cover).

Definately worth checking out......
Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS

Dude is it out? I thought it was coming out in Feb. There are mini game where Jack has to introgate a suspest, thats badass
Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS

Oh **** Yeah!

First off Curtis Manning deiscovers the nerve gas (By the way we need more Curtis on the show such a cool character if Kiefer ever leaves Curtis should take over) The First Lady escapes, Tony is alive but unconscience and assasin tries to take out Jack awesome fight scene, Spencer is outed as a mole, he believes he was with internal affairs for the white house, and they find out the mole in the white house (good cause that pisses me off).

Next episode: Jack meets with Mike about the mole and ngets arrested by the secret service.
Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS

Awesome episode. I can't wait for more.

But if Keifer leaves, I'm not sure if it will be the same. He is the driving force in all of this, IMO.
Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS

I never want him to leave But I think Curtis would be able to carry the show as long as it is still well written. He's the only one I think could take over thats all
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Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS

icemastertron said:
Curtis is a great character and all, but he's no Jack Bauer. :(
Of course but I want more Curtis, I see him as Jack's partner, the only one who could keep up with him, he's alway had great trust in him
Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS

Random said:
Of course but I want more Curtis, I see him as Jack's partner, the only one who could keep up with him, he's alway had great trust in him
I'd love to see him as Jack'S partner. They work great together.
Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS

icemastertron said:
But if Keifer leaves, I'm not sure if it will be the same. He is the driving force in all of this, IMO.

If Kiefer leaves and the show continues it will fail. Maybe not instantly....but it will fail. Kinda like "That 70s Show" without Eric or Kelso......it's just a bunch of secondary characters that you could really do without.

Kiefer is the driving force. The first season was all about him and his family. It all centers around him.

Random said:
I never want him to leave But I think Curtis would be able to carry the show as long as it is still well written. He's the only one I think could take over thats all

Curtis cannot carry the show. I dig him....he's great. But the audience doesn't have an invested interest in him. He came on last season as head field agent.....and a season later he's still in the same position. There was no back story for him. There's nothing there for the audience to connect with him.

The only reason Tony Almeida has lated so long was the fact that he's been there since season 1. They explained how he was involved in all this. So the audience has reason to watch and care about Tony.

Just FYI---Season 1 was meant to be a one-shot thing. It was developed to be self-contained yet open ended.....just like Ultimate Annual. When they made season 1 they made it under the assumption that it wouldn't be picked up for a second season. But when the show was picked up for another season...they tied the basis of season 2 and 3 with the continuing plotlines/characters from season 1.

icemastertron said:
Curtis is a great character and all, but he's no Jack Bauer. :(

Jack Bauer ain't even Jack Bauer. Jack Bauer could never live up to sheer badassness reputation of Jack Bauer. You could be talking to Jack Bauer one day and be like "I heard Jack Bauer once killed 27 armed terrorists by himself with a bullet lodged in his stomach!" To which Jack Bauer would emabarassingly reply "No....it was nothing like that. It was actually 14 armed guards. And I only had a bullet in my shoulder. Nothing fatal."

Random said:
Of course but I want more Curtis, I see him as Jack's partner, the only one who could keep up with him, he's alway had great trust in him

You're forgetting Chase from Season 3. He was Jack's parter....just as skilled....but he couldn't keep up. You know what being Jack Bauer's partner gets you??? Your hand chopped off. It ain't safe to be around Bauer.

Curtis is good as an accomplice and back-up. But he'll never be Jack's partner.

icemastertron said:
I'd love to see him as Jack'S partner. They work great together.

They do.....but like I said....it'll never happen. Jack stands alone.

Ok...now my thoughts on last night's episode. It was ok. Nothing to exciting. And that's to be expected. They've had 4 episodes of action. It's time they slowed it down a bit and do some character growth. And that's what they did.

Great plot twists and revelations.....but nothing to get excited about. Except the Jack Bauer Throwdown Extreme Extravangaza!!!!!! "Hi...I'm Jack Bauer.......I'll be handing you your *** today." :rockon:
Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS

Well maybe they should start giving Curtis backstories. I'm just saying out of the whole cast we've seen Curtis has the best shot, I never liked Chase. But my main point we need to see more of this cool character
Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS

Once again another great episode. Walt admits his treachury to the President and convinces him to stay quite. He says they were going to let the gas go to terrorist HQ and set it off, which also would show proof of WMD's in the area. Jack goes to meet Mike and is arrested by the secret service, he convinces one agent who apeared in earlier seasons to help him get to the president, Jack interogates Walt (a beast scene) he tells them where the gas is, President finally gets some balls and they go after it to find that its empty. The terrorists found out their plans and are going to set them off.

Interogation scene was ****ing awesome Jack holds a knife an inche from Walt's face "First I cut your right eye, then I'll cut your left one, and I'll cut you all up until you tell me what I want" **** YEAH!!

Next episode seems to have another surprise with somebody who Jack and SWAT corners in a room, any speculations who that is?
Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS



I LOVE watching Jack in action.
I can't wait for next week. Freaking sweet. And was that a freaking kid at the end of the preview?! :shock:

Also, in Fox 5 news, they're having two things on 24. One, if there's a 24 movie, what would you want? This isn't new news, but it's a follow-up, at least. Second, the plot in 24 is so freaking tight and secret, not even the start themselves know. They havent talked about it yet, so we'll see soon on both.
Re: 24: Season 5- SPOILERS

icemastertron said:


I LOVE watching Jack in action.
I can't wait for next week. Freaking sweet. And was that a freaking kid at the end of the preview?! :shock:

Also, in Fox 5 news, they're having two things on 24. One, if there's a 24 movie, what would you want? This isn't new news, but it's a follow-up, at least. Second, the plot in 24 is so freaking tight and secret, not even the start themselves know. They havent talked about it yet, so we'll see soon on both.
I dont know if that was a kid, I have a feeling he's a reoccuring charater, by the way the edit it. And 24 movie I would want done as an ordinary movie, just have the clock runing to show what time it is, Like in Gone in 60 Seconds and maybe last ten minutes be real time, but I don't care, as long as we see Jack on the big screen. Also if they make a Nick Fury movie, **** ultimate Fury, get 616 in and basicly have as Jack Baurer with an eye patch.

ultimatedjf said:
Senator John McCain will have a non-speaking cameo on February 6 when he hands Audrey a file of papers..... :?

Kickass John McCain is pretty much the only Republican that I like.

Also in my public speaking class we had to do a speech introducing oursleves, my opening line was "The show 24 kisckass, that has nothing to do with my speech, its just a fact." and I closed with "So if you learned one thing from this speech, its that 24 kicks ***, thank you"
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