Star Wars Episode VII - The Force Awakens Discussion [SPOILERS]

How would you rate The Force Awakens?

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The part you listed When he said "Little bit more to it than that. You've got a lot to learn." look at what he does he clearly takes the safety off but I suppose that never happens right ;) you also argue nothing besides "OT and PT did it" which they didn't , or "Meh her past explained in a future movies" which does noyt justify it. I mentioned novel as it's canon and clearly both times she's not good then and crack shot. both prove her character suddenly learnt to shoot. I mean that same part you quoted "Little bit more to it than that. You've got a lot to learn." She is not an expert yet her shooting was perfect. Not one shot either multiple

She is maRey sue now and forever. It's ok for her to be a Mary Sue. I mean

No one in PT or OT were all that you keep saying it was the same name 1 in PT or who were all that in their 1st movie not luke , not anakin
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I'm starting to get to the point where I don't even want to enjoy Star Wars any more, I just want it out of my life because it's causing too much annoyance. Butthurt OT fan boys ruined it for me the first time a decade ago and it's happening again except this time I don't see a Clone Wars pulling me out of it.
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The part you listed When he said "Little bit more to it than that. You've got a lot to learn." look at what he does he clearly takes the safety off but I suppose that never happens right ;)

Because that doesn't happen. I literally just downloaded a damn cam version to verify, and all he does is grab her wrist and push it down (since she was aiming) when he says "little bit more to it than that".

No safety is unlocked/removed, etc. You're completely pulling that out of nowhere.

you also argue nothing besides "OT and PT did it" which they didn't , or "Meh her past explained in a future movies" which does noyt justify it.

Actually, I only compare to PT or OT to illustrate your constant habit of applying illogical double standards.

I mentioned novel as it's canon and clearly both times she's not good then and crack shot.

Tell you what. I'm going to now search for the novelization to verify, since you were completely wrong about the film itself. Also, the novelization are only partial canon (this comes from Jen Heddle herself, one of the Lucasfilm Story Group members):

"To clarify, movie novelizations are canon where they align with what is seen on screen in the 6 films and the Clone Wars animated movie."

Considering Chewie never set foot on Jakku in the film, Rey never pulled a gun on Plutt in the film, nor did Han remove or point out a safety in the film, I'm going to follow the official stance and go with "if it didn't happen in the film, it isn't canon". Since the novel and film differentiate on that point, at least those aspects of the novel aren't canon (in much the same way certain aspects of the previous six novelizations may not be canon due to differentiation from the finished film).

both prove her character suddenly learnt to shoot.

Nope. At least the film didn't. That's what this thread is about. But if your memory of the novelization is as murky and incorrect as your memory of the film is, I consider it extremely suspect and have to check for myself.

I mean that same part you quoted "Little bit more to it than that. You've got a lot to learn." She is not an expert yet her shooting was perfect. Not one shot either multiple

I never said she was an expert. Once again you're putting words in my mouth I never said. She shot one Stormtrooper onscreen. One. Your entire point has fallen completely apart. She's not the expert marksman you're trying to make her out to be.

She is maRey sue now and forever. It's ok for her to be a Mary Sue. I mean

And yet, I've already proven why she isn't, but you go ahead and keep telling yourself that of it makes you feel better.

No one in PT or OT were all that you keep saying it was the same name 1 in PT or who were all that in their 1st movie not luke , not anakin


Mechanic, pilot, fluent in multiple languages, force user, all as a 10 year old kid.

Luke is moisture farmer, mechanic, pilot, crack shot/expert marksman, fluent in at least Basic and Droid, Force user.

Rey is a professional scavenger, mechanic, inherently great pilot (as a Skywalker)... however, SHE ISN'T a perfect shot (she shot 1 Stormtrooper, Landis and you literally are pulling that out of nowhere), and she's as good a lightsaber dueler as Luke... cuz he trained her.

Also, the blatantly obvious point you continually and willfully disregard (because it destroys your Mary Sue argument) is Rey was trained by Luke.

If Mara Jade isn't a Mary Sue to you, how is Rey?

I'm starting to get to the point where I don't even want to enjoy Star Wars any more, I just want it out of my life because it's causing too much annoyance. Butthurt OT fan boys ruined it for me the first time a decade ago and it's happening again except this time I don't see a Clone Wars pulling me out of it.

To be fair, I think it's inherently naive to not expect debate over nerd culture, let alone Star Wars.

More importantly, why do you let others influence you to that degree?
And yet, I've already proven why she isn't, but you go ahead and keep telling yourself that of it makes you feel better.

Except I and others as shown read it from those scenes. And IF the safety was not on the blaster then it's just reading or implying based on evidence of her seeming really in experienced with han. If that's not allowed then tell me exactly where in the film it says "she was trained by luke" NOT implied or something you read into as no where flat out says it. Her not been able to shoot is implied the same way you feel her all explaining all correcting training is

Anakin: Mechanic, pilot, fluent in multiple languages, force user, all as a 10 year old kid.

Not ALL like I said as not combat stuff

Luke is moisture farmer, mechanic, pilot, crack shot/expert marksman, fluent in at least Basic and Droid, Force user.

No Lightsaber dualist and the multiple languages = multiple that's not hers HOWEVER i'll allow it based on what was said (even if luke was never fluent as c3po kept translating). So still no as I said "who were all that in their 1st movie" They weren't she is more god-modded in movie 1 than either yet you won't admit that.

Also, the blatantly obvious point you continually and willfully disregard (because it destroys your Mary Sue argument) is Rey was trained by Luke.

Disregarded as that doesn't get said ever. Will it be in the sequel? Maybe. BUT that doesn't even mean it was planned as things change hell JJ recently said Han's death was added last second and it's not unheard of for writers to just go with a fan theory (see starscream shooting Megatron at the end of TF one) But if you can imply her training to disregard her force powers out her ass why can't we read it as bad with guns to expert fast? same amount of evidence. However show me the line that says "she was trained by luke" even those "memories" as you call them are called "visions" everywhere

If Mara Jade isn't a Mary Sue to you, how is Rey?

Because AGAIN she does too much , is far too liked , is far too perfect and far too good at the stuff she does. Not everyone in her first story liked Mara , she didn't best everyone at everything. To me and others Rey did.

I explained not the sexist thing which you agreed.

I said not the Disney thing as I complimented Finn , said it's not worst SW film , I even used rebels as better written than rey. Not likeing rewy or finding her to be a Mary sue would be disney IF i hadn't said they wrote better characters and complimented others.

I have even said hopefully in VIII I like her more as I also admit some of the complaints stem from bad pacing BUT that bad pacing makes her character progress way to fast to me and others.
Not taking any sides, but when the First Order invaded Maz's, didn't Rey take out three troopers? One just outside the forest then two within the forest? My memory is a little fuzzy on that abs I'm just wondering.
Except I and others as shown read it from those scenes. And IF the safety was not on the blaster then it's just reading or implying based on evidence of her seeming really in experienced with han. If that's not allowed then tell me exactly where in the film it says "she was trained by luke" NOT implied or something you read into as no where flat out says it. Her not been able to shoot is implied the same way you feel her all explaining all correcting training is

Here's the thing. When you watch the film and scene again, you'll see that isn't the case. I literally watched it and transcribed it word for word, there is no mention of a safety, Han never touches, presses, flicks, or anything to acknowledge, point out, or turn off the safety. All he does is push her wrist (he very clearly grabs her wrist, not the gun) and pushes it down. That's it. You literally completely made up the safety thing, or Landis did, but it didn't happen! The only time she turned off the safety was when she was by herself, before firing on Stormtroopers.

As for her training, you and I both know it was heavily implied. Multiple times, from her abilities to her flashbacks of witnessing Ren's betrayal/slaughter at Luke's school.

The info is all there in the film, you just refuse to accept it because it wasn't explicitly laid out and would refute your Mary Sue label.

Not ALL like I said as not combat stuff

No Lightsaber dualist and the multiple languages = multiple that's not hers HOWEVER i'll allow it based on what was said (even if luke was never fluent as c3po kept translating). So still no as I said "who were all that in their 1st movie" They weren't she is more god-modded in movie 1 than either yet you won't admit that.

But that's the thing. Anakin nor Luke were trained in the ways of the Jedi in their first films. Rey was.

So Rey isn't an overpowered Mary Sue, she's just trained at the appropriate age to begin Jedi training (as a young kid) whereas Anakin was a bit too old, and Luke way too old.

There were two reasons for the vision Rey had: to establish why there were no Jedi (Ren killed them all except Luke and Rey, and Rey was only a Padawan), and to establish Rey witnessed that slaughter and was there... because she was being trained as a Jedi.

Disregarded as that doesn't get said ever. Will it be in the sequel? Maybe.

It wasn't said, no, because they want to reveal it in the sequel. You know this. It was heavily implied and laid out by her visions.

BUT that doesn't even mean it was planned as things change

Of course they do. But again I doubt the safety scene you're talking about is even in the novelization. I think you're m misinterpreting something you read online about the novelization.

hell JJ recently said Han's death was added last second

That isn't true, though. Harrison Ford wouldn't even sign on to come back unless Han died (that was one of his contract stipulations). So, no, they didn't decide last minute to kill off Han. Maybe the manner in which it happened, but Han was always meant to die as soon as Harrison was going to come back. And that was at least 6 months before filming even began. I'm not sure where you're getting your info, but that is absolutely incorrect.

and it's not unheard of for writers to just go with a fan theory (see starscream shooting Megatron at the end of TF one)

But if you can imply her training to disregard her force powers out her ass why can't we read it as bad with guns to expert fast? same amount of evidence. However show me the line that says "she was trained by luke" even those "memories" as you call them are called "visions" everywhere

Lol, so now it has to be dialogue only? Wow. Keeps on moving the goalposts. And yes, they're called visions even though they explicitly show Rey as a kid being left on Jakku with Plutt. So all the rest are visions except that one memory? No. That's unlikely and the exact opposite of Occam's Razor approach.

Her Force training is implied specifically through what you deem as Mary Sue stuff. I deem it as proof of her previous Jedi training, which her visions/memories back up.

And when Episode VIII comes out, my theory will be vindicated. It already is simply by objectively watching TFA instead of looking for reasons to hate it. Her abilities, her visions, it's obvious, man!

Besides, the scriptwriters (especially Arndt) aren't going to add that visions scene in for no reason. The whole point of it being there was to give a non-committal hint/explanation of her past/abilities.

But that's the thing, unlike Anakin or Luke, Rey's past before Jakku is a mystery. It's intended to be (not knowing her parents), specifically to set up the reveal in the next film. But this film gave us plenty of evidence already without outright spelling it out.

I swear, they even could've revealed her past and you'd then complain they should have waited, that they revealed it "too soon", etc.

Because AGAIN she does too much ,

So does Mara. Why is it ok for Mara?

is far too liked ,

So was Luke. Double standards again.

is far too perfect

Despite her blatant character flaws displayed that I have covered multiple times, but you go ahead and keep ignoring them because they don't support your assertions.

and far too good at the stuff she does. Not everyone in her first story liked Mara , she didn't best everyone at everything. To me and others Rey did.

Even though it takes dismissing large amounts of evidence and apparently completely pull stuff out of nowhere (like the completely made up "safety" scene that you claimed happen but didn't) to come to that conclusion.

I explained not the sexist thing which you agreed.

I said not the Disney thing as I complimented Finn , said it's not worst SW film , I even used rebels as better written than rey. Not likeing rewy or finding her to be a Mary sue would be disney IF i hadn't said they wrote better characters and complimented others.

I have even said hopefully in VIII I like her more as I also admit some of the complaints stem from bad pacing BUT that bad pacing makes her character progress way to fast to me and others.

And that's fine. That's fair. As I've repeatedly said, your opinion of the film doesn't matter to me. I'm not trying to get you to like it.

I just wish you wouldn't blatantly lie about things that didn't happen (Han showing Rey the safety when that never happened, Rey easily beating Ren when she didn't, Finn holding his own against a Sith Lord when in reality even the severely wounded Sith Lord was playing with him and sliced him open after 30 seconds, Rey being an expert marksman when she shot a few Stormtroopers, writing off Rey's memories--which they clearly are given her memory of being left on Jakku, there's no debate there--when they clearly indicate her Jedi training, etc).

You literally are having to lie or twist things to make your failed point. Landis does the same with his lie about the blaster safety Han had to show her that you believed without actually researching it. It didn't happen. She turned off safety herself without anyone there or showing her how. Seems to indicate she knew how to turn it off, just forgot the safety was on.

This has been my point all along. If you don't like the movie, fine. But why lie about it? Why exaggerate things to the point they are no longer true or applicable? THAT has been what I'm saying: just stop lying/exaggerating/relying on hyperbole and objectively view/discuss the issues we've been discussing.

Whatever. Episode VIII will firmly prove you wrong. And Max Landis is the epitome of the description applied in that article I posted. That does fit him perfectly: someone desperate for attention who uses negativity to get it through social media.

Not taking any sides, but when the First Order invaded Maz's, didn't Rey take out three troopers? One just outside the forest then two within the forest? My memory is a little fuzzy on that abs I'm just wondering.

You're right. Just checked.

She sees the first Stormtrooper and tries to fire, and THAT'S when SHE notices the safety is on. Han isn't even there. She's completely alone with BB-8. ST sees her and fires first at her and misses. She immediately turns off safety, and fires, missing the trooper with first shot. She fires again and then hits him with second shot.

Then there is a quick shot of her looking at her blaster with incredulity, like she couldn't believe she hit him. Seems to indicate the whole Jedi power/training resurfacing thing.

She then turns and shoots one more Stormtrooper coming out of Maz's palace, another shoots at her and she runs to take cover (so she was indeed taking cover despite Mole's claims she didn't). Stormtrooper keeps firing as she runs, missing her (because all Stormtroopers are crappy shots apparently). She then shoots third Stormtrooper who'd been chasing her and sends BB-8 away to prevent him from being captured.

Then Ren shows up. She fires at him multiple times, missing numerous times, having a few shots deflected by his lightsaber.

So, in reality, no better shot than anyone in the previous SW films. Using the ability to shoot Stormtroopers as evidence of being overpowered when literally every non-Imperial character in the SW mythos has done so is ridiculous.
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Why exaggerate things to the point they are no longer true or applicable? THAT has been what I'm saying: just stop lying/exaggerating/relying on hyperbole and objectively view/discuss the issues we've been discussing.

Oh You mean like you claiming it was one trooper she shot :wink: right? Which Drunken Pickle even said was three

Whatever. Episode VIII will firmly prove you wrong. And Max Landis is the epitome of the description applied in that article I posted. That does fit him perfectly: someone desperate for attention who uses negativity to get it through social media.

Not really he was already through with "wrestling isn't wrestling" this was just his opinion which he can't have or gets labelled as "desperate for attention" Why because it's not YOUR view?

So, in reality, no better shot than anyone in the previous SW films. Using the ability to shoot Stormtroopers as evidence of being overpowered when literally every non-Imperial character in the SW mythos has done so is ridiculous.

again ignoring these are different troopers who actually hit stuff. Plus You keep miissing the point of you can NOT bec good at everything or loved by all and no Luke wasn't as Han had to grow to like him over the course of the movie he grew to like Rey in like 5 minutes of screen time together. Luke also stumbled trying to saber the first time. I also get you believe in the miracle training, I don't. And even if it's true using that as an exuse to allow her to be great at everything is pretty much this :

Only not played for laughs. She is Rey she has the power to have all skills! ...... and that's good to you?
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Oh You mean like you claiming it was one trooper she shot :wink: right? Which Drunken Pickle even said was three

This is what I mean. I forgot and literally explicitly laid out exactly what happened once I'd double checked. I haven't lied or exaggerated about a thing in this debate, nor in any I have, as it weakens the stance you're trying to defend. If you have to lie or exaggerate, it's a sure bet the point you're arguing doesn't stand well on its own two legs. And when your opponent has to rely on twisting words to paint you as hating the military or some other ridiculous approach, instead of relying on the relevant and actual facts available, as you did to me, that speaks loudly about how unsure you are in your own convictions about the film.

I didn't lie or knowingly mislead, so cut that crap out.

Not really he was already through with "wrestling isn't wrestling" this was just his opinion which he can't have or gets labelled as "desperate for attention" Why because it's not YOUR view?

No, because he claimed she was an expert marksman like she'd been sniping Stormtroopers from miles away. Shooting 3 Stormtroopers in the film doesn't qualify as overpowered or an expert with a blaster or evidence of it. How many did Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie each individually shoot on the Death Star alone in ANH? This is yet another example of your continuous reliance on double standards in this debate.

It's also inherently a weak argument, due to the very blatant reasons I just listed, and you know it. Landis should too, as he's a smart guy. I would hope maybe he forgot details like I did, except one would think before making such a post he'd actually know what he's talking about. Guess not in that case, though.

again ignoring these are different troopers who actually hit stuff.

Troopers shot people in OT too (Echo Base on Hoth, Leia and other Rebel commandos on Endor in RotJ). We've already covered this ground, and I laid out exactly how these troopers are no different to the ones on the OT. You keep claiming that when it isn't the case. That's what I mean about exaggerating and lying to make a falsified point.

To recap: same exact troopers. No difference whatsoever.

So, let's stop with that claim. Same troopers. I see no distinction between the Stormtroopers used on Hoth and Endor than the ones used in TFA. How you do is what I'm asking. How are you able to intentionally ignore the vast amount killed on Hoth (by Stormtroopers) or Endor (by Stormtoopers)? This is what I mean by illogical points, man.

There is nothing in the film, or the new EU stuff (novels, comics, video games) that illustrates ANY difference between Stormtroopers in TFA era and OT era. Absolutely none, other than a slight costume redesign.

Same recruitment process, same training, etc. In fact the Before the Awakening prequel book that focuses on what Rey, Finn, and Poe are up to not long before the film focuses on Finn's training. No mention made of it being any different than those of the OT Stormtroopers. Absolutely nothing.

So, again, completely invalid point that you're pulling out of nowhere.

Plus You keep miissing the point of you can NOT bec good at everything or loved by all

But she's not good at everything. She's just good at Jedi related stuff and combat because she had training, and good with tech because she spent her entire childhood salvaging it. I mean, the entire point of the flashbacks was to establish Rey's past (however minimally to keep the audience guessing) and the fact she witnessed Ren's betrayal at Luke's academy.

and no Luke wasn't as Han had to grow to like him over the course of the movie he grew to like Rey in like 5 minutes of screen time together.

Probably because Rey is his niece, dude. He didn't know Luke from a rock in ANH, but he knows Rey is his niece, hence him offering her a job and the pained look on Han's face when Rey explains she can't accept because she has to go back to Jakku to wait for her parents (which Han knows isn't going to happen since Luke is in exile).

Luke also stumbled trying to saber the first time.

Right, but Luke also had never been trained with a saber before like Rey obviously was (those flashbacks are there for a reason).

I also get you believe in the miracle training, I don't.

Of course you don't, because then your entire debate goes out the window. So you'll keep your mind made up despite the evidence in TFA (namely the flashbacks and Rey's abilities), right up until Episode VIII is released and then you'll have to admit you're wrong, but do so begrudgingly and criticize Episode VIII for whatever reason...

And even if it's true using that as an exuse to allow her to be great at everything is pretty much this :

Nevermind, you're already starting with the Episode VIII criticism.

Only not played for laughs. She is Rey she has the power to have all skills! ...... and that's good to you?

Nope. She just has the skills most trained Jedi do, because she's been trained as a Jedi.

So unless you're applying that to every Jedi, it's a double standard.

And with that, I'm done. We're just going back and forth saying the same stuff over and over.

I already know you'll hate Episode VIII, too. I might too, but at least I'll do so objectively and not have my decision colored by the old EU being made non-canon. ;)
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and I admitted
IF the safety was not on the blaster then it's just reading or implying based on evidence of her seeming really in experienced with han
Like I said when he touched I gun I thought of. So I admit i was wrong and I even said the language thing makes sense when as TOG and the guide says she learnt it to trade. YOU said it's cause she knows chewie. BUT I get something wrong and it's "lie or exaggerate" You get something wrong and it's "I didn't lie or knowingly mislead" stop the hypocritical BS

I never "knowingly" lied ect... either of course that doesn't suit your case of everyone who has an issue with Rey is lying or double standard (something you have been also as I pointed out then)

I never Insulted Episode VIII I only insulted what she did as you literally quoted "all skills!" I'm not insulting VIII I'm Insulting her doing EVERYTHING in one mobie. You say "every Jedi, it's a double standard." But as i mentioned not Luke , not anakin , Not Obi , Not Qui Jinn or any others did as much as her in their first movie. You pass it off as "ohhhh but she was trained" so was Qui-Gon and Obi they didnt do as much. "Well shes a skywalker" So is Luke and Anakin they didnt do as much in one one film. THERE CAN BE NO DOUBLE STANDARD IF THEY WERE NOT THE SAME. No one is complaining Rey is a dumb kid like they did Anakin. Is that double standard? NO as shes not a kid and they didnt do as much"

The problem is people feel she was OP and did too much. There is no set amount someone can do or a set amount of power some one can have so you cant say someone is wrong for feeling she's a Mary Sue i.e Overpowered , Overly good at things and overly liked. In this film she is. Also talk about twisting words? This double standards "for wittle rey " and "Now your hating VIII" is doing just that as again the words under pictures explained "Only not played for laughs. She is Rey she has the power to have all skills! " That's clearly this film unless you have seen VIII and know how everything is treated, I don't and i'm not going to judge it till it came out. I am just judging MaRey Sue.
I said I presumed it was from her knowing Chewie, due to her past training under Luke (presumably she'd know her uncle Han's co-pilot). But again, thanks for once again putting words in my mouth.

And it is a lie or exaggeration when it's repeatedly claimed by you (like Rey easily beating Ren) when it's not the case, and I repeatedly pointed that out, yet you kept claiming Rey beat Ren no problem. So, yeah, that qualifies as a lie or exaggeration. Also, the claim she did "everything in one movie" is another example of the lie/exaggeration/hyperbole I'm speaking of. You also claim she did more than everyone, except Luke blew up a Death Star in his first film, Anakin (as a 10 year old kid) blew up a Trade Federation command ship, etc. Again, THAT claim you keep making isn't true. At best it's a grossly inaccurate blanket statement, or a simple lie since you know better.

But seriously,, I don't care anymore. Told you I'm done with this debate. It's going nowhere.
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No if anything yours are lies as I pointed out when boiled down I feel she did more things. Also " Anakin (as a 10 year old kid) blew up a Trade Federation command ship," Is included yes the same way Rey beating Kylo is included. Jylo was weaker yes. BUT Anakin also only blew up ship because autopilot took him to a place where one shot would kill it. I count both as that's fair and not turning a blind eye to one or the other because of favouritism :)
Stormtrooper one was great but bonus (when mouse is over it) is right. Can chewie get his ****ing medal now? lol
I just saw it again. It's definitely better the second time. I felt better as soon as the opening crawl finished. It explained more than I remembered it explaining. That was my main complaint last time.

I do still think Rey was a bit overpowered, or at least Kylo wasn't powerful enough. She made him look like a chump. And Finn lasted way too long in his lightsaber duel. And the scene with the reptars (or whatever those aliens Han had were called) felt like filler. And I wish the ploy hadn't been mostly a rehash.

But overall, the story was better than I thought the first time through. And it IS a fun, entertaining movie with great characters.
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Kylo was the best part of this movie and anyone who disagrees can go suck a kyber crystal.
I do agree. I just think he at least should have beaten Finn more quickly.

But I'm not interested in starting up this debate again.
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