Darth Series Discussion: Ultimatum

As we all know, Loeb loves caricatures and his characterizations suck. Maybe if he was making a parody of the Ultimates in MAD Magazine then I wouldn't find it bad.

This, I think, is really quite astute - as soon as you said MAD Magazine parody, I thought, that is EXACTLY how Loeb writes Ultimates (sometimes crossed with an 11-year old's impression of pornography)

Creating the awful is easy (see Ultimate line, in various proportions, last 2-3 years)
Carefully, economically describing the awful is a trickier, and important task - I appreciate your quote here. :)
No no no. See, you're thinking it through too much. Loeb doesn't do this. He's in the land of the dead because he's dead.

And my pudding is awesome.

OK. I see what you're saying a little clearer now, and it makes sense. My vision of the subject was previously clouded, but I understand where you're coming from now. Of course, Loeb doesn't think anything through, like why the hell a Methodist super-soldier from the 20th century would end up in Viking hell. Loeb, after watching today's episode of "OW! My Balls!" simply thought to himself "Well, Cap's dead and stuff so he goes to the land of the dead."

Still, I'm asking: Why isn't Dazzler in the land of the dead? Why just Cap. Now I think, not only does Loeb suck, but he's sexist, too.

So how about some of that pudding you've been bragging about?
OK. I see what you're saying a little clearer now, and it makes sense. My vision of the subject was previously clouded, but I understand where you're coming from now. Of course, Loeb doesn't think anything through, like why the hell a Methodist super-soldier from the 20th century would end up in Viking hell. Loeb, after watching today's episode of "OW! My Balls!" simply thought to himself "Well, Cap's dead and stuff so he goes to the land of the dead."

Still, I'm asking: Why isn't Dazzler in the land of the dead? Why just Cap. Now I think, not only does Loeb suck, but he's sexist, too.

So how about some of that pudding you've been bragging about?

Actually, I'm thinking this is frighteningly planned. He's going to have all the dead heros show up to help Thor, then Hela will make Thor choose between them and Valkyrie.
Actually, I'm thinking this is frighteningly planned. He's going to have all the dead heros show up to help Thor, then Hela will make Thor choose between them and Valkyrie.

Oh god yes! let the ***** remain dead!!!

Bro's before ho's, Thor!!!!
We can all attest to that.

And surprisingly, I'm going to second your motion good sir. As much as I loved her concept in Ultimate Defenders, what Loeb turned her into needs to stay the **** dead.
Oh god yes! let the ***** remain dead!!!

Bro's before ho's, Thor!!!!

This is awful that it's even being discussed! If that's the big plan Loeb has for this part of the story, then it's just a big bag of WTF that is going to get torn apart by stray dogs and strewn all over the street on WTFTrash pickup day. Thor is not Peter Parker, he is not motivated by love. What a bunch of crap.

If he's going to make Ultimate Thor into a straight-up clone of 616 Thor, the least he could do is have him drinking mead and chopping the heads off of frost giants. Not playing house with Valkyrie.

Has Loeb acknowledged or responded to all of the negative response to his comics?
Has Loeb acknowledged or responded to all of the negative response to his comics?

He has responded QUITE loudly - he proves that any given comic about which we are complaining is not so bad - by putting out a worse comic the following month.

In all honesty, he has responded - I heard someone laughing all the way to the bank (granted, it was a child-like laugh, muffled by a gurgly, drooly sound)

OK...that's all I got :(
Has Loeb acknowledged or responded to all of the negative response to his comics?

This is an interesting question. I'm not aware of any online presence he maintains, and I don't read Newsarama or any other comic site frequently enough to know if it has been brought up in any interviews (although I'd expect that it would be linked to from here if there was).
Has Loeb acknowledged or responded to all of the negative response to his comics?

This is an interesting question. I'm not aware of any online presence he maintains, and I don't read Newsarama or any other comic site frequently enough to know if it has been brought up in any interviews (although I'd expect that it would be linked to from here if there was).
Oh I'm pretty sure that writers, editors, etc. are aware of most comments about the work. The thing is that they'll never outright say anything about it, 99%. Even if you ask them outright, they'll squirm their way around them most of the time.

I've seen this first hand in one of the panels...I think at one of the Philly cons I attended.Quesada said that they don't base much of anything on [negative] reviews. Because there can be a lot of them, but if the books sells, they'll go with that over the reviews that may "tarnish" series.
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Oh I'm pretty sure that writers, editors, etc. are aware of most comments about the work. The thing is that they'll never outright say anything about it, 99%. Even if you ask them outright, they'll squirm their way around them most of the time.

I've seen this first hand in one of the panels...I think at one of the Philly cons I attended.Quesada said that they don't base much of anything on [negative] reviews. Because there can be a lot of them, but if the books sells, they'll go with that over the reviews that may "tarnish" series.

On one hand I understand that. The negative reviews are always going to louder than the positive or non-negative.

But at the same time, a large number of negative reviews can DEFINITELY foreshadow a decrease in sales. Too many times readers will stick with something until it gets better. When it doesn't get better and they get used to hearing people rant about it, they drop it.

Completely ignoring negativity is suicide.
On one hand I understand that. The negative reviews are always going to louder than the positive or non-negative.

But at the same time, a large number of negative reviews can DEFINITELY foreshadow a decrease in sales. Too many times readers will stick with something until it gets better. When it doesn't get better and they get used to hearing people rant about it, they drop it.

Completely ignoring negativity is suicide.

Yeah but....Loebs sales don't go down. His books are some of Marvels best sellers. So the problem really isn't Loeb. If his sales numbers went in the toilet Marvel would drop him like a bad habit.
I wish I could hate Loeb in such a strong and pure way that he couldn't write another comic.
Just by hating him.
That's what I felt reading Ultimates 3 and then Ultimatum.
I felt like crying, killing someone, eventually this blind hate made me lose my mind temporarily.
I'm back but I still hate it.

PS: Can someone change my name to just Quicksilver? I mean since Ultimate Quicksilver got Loeb'd...
I wish I could hate Loeb in such a strong and pure way that he couldn't write another comic.
Just by hating him.
That's what I felt reading Ultimates 3 and then Ultimatum.
I felt like crying, killing someone, eventually this blind hate made me lose my mind temporarily.
I'm back but I still hate it.

PS: Can someone change my name to just Quicksilver? I mean since Ultimate Quicksilver got Loeb'd...

I don't know dude... regular quicksilver is getting slotted
My little brother just read Ultimates 1 and 2. Which got me into rereading them, and then Ultimate X-Men.

...I got thinking about these characters again. Reading this thread hurt my soul.

The Ultimate Universe is like being in an abusive relationship. You remember the best parts and get hit with Blob eating Wasp all the while thinking it'll eventually get better again.

In the words of a random Maury viewer, "You leave that ******* and you don't look back!"

This thread keeps me from buying another issue.
My little brother just read Ultimates 1 and 2. Which got me into rereading them, and then Ultimate X-Men.

...I got thinking about these characters again. Reading this thread hurt my soul.

The Ultimate Universe is like being in an abusive relationship. You remember the best parts and get hit with Blob eating Wasp all the while thinking it'll eventually get better again.

In the words of a random Maury viewer, "You leave that ******* and you don't look back!"

This thread keeps me from buying another issue.

I think you are looking at it the wrong way. I've taken to doing all of my buying by creators. You should treat Loeb comics this way. Here, lets fix it for you:

Reading a Jeph Loeb comic is like being in an abusive relationship. You remember the best parts like his old Batman stories and some of his stuff with Tim Sale and get hit with Blob eating Wasp or the red hulk all the while thinking it'll eventually get better again but knowing deep down in the pit of your stomach it won't. Oh well, at least there is good Ultimate stuff written by Millar coming this summer.
Oh well, at least there is good Ultimate stuff written by Millar coming this summer.

You hope!!!

I don't know tho. While I do have faith in Millar, the UU has ben bastardized to such a degree over the last couple years that I think it will be difficult, if not impossible to get the cool back.

Every tool in Millars tool box has been broken or lost all together. I am sure it won't be as bad as what Loeb has done, but the UU won't ever go back to being what it was.