Carlos Mencia is a thief and a hack

Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

I agree, but as i said earlier that shock comedy is NOT racial comedy, it's Shock comedy that takes advantage of a race for a cheap laugh, racial jokes can be done in taste, racial skits like Chapelle or Mencia are rarely done in taste.

Gemini's right about this whole concept.

On the subject of Chapelle though, the man is one of the most comedically talented people on the planet. Want proof? His skits that feature no racial humour at all(whether insightful or just shock value) are still absolutely hysterical. Exhibit A: Chapelle's "Everything Looks Better In Slow Motion" sketch.

Chappelle's in a completely different league, one comprised of actual comedians who also like to use race-themed humour, often insightfully, in addition to other great material(see: Chris Rock, Russell Peters, etc.).

Carlos Mencia's in it for pure shock value, not to mention volume, and the fact that he plagarizes is just the grand finale.

And Sarah Silverman is just embarassingly unfunny.

I didn't say it was ruining society, i said that it has lowered the bar for what can be considered ****ing acceptable behaviour, what did elvis cause? he got people dancing and/or singing in a way that was rarely seen that's it, what has rap caused? increased gang violence and it got idiot white rich thirteen year old's talking like total moron's

I burst out laughing at that last line, which sadly is completely true.

Which isn't to say trends other than hip-hop haven't had similar effects, but still.

no reason? shock comedy is considered "great" and it is regularily put on the air because the average american viewer has the I.Q. of a garden gnome, while real high quality shows routinely get cancelled a gleeming example is "Arrested Developement"


Stella too.:wink:

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Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Carlos Mencia's in it for pure shock value, not to mention volume, and the fact that he plagarizes is just the grand finale.

The thing is, IT'S NOT SHOCKING AT ALL. He's trying to be shocking but its just so tame
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

I skipped most of this thread because it's filled with bull****, but it's a bad title, E. You even posted about how we weren't allowed to post about death and people deserving to die or whatever, and now you've gone and done it. I'm not going to do delete it or close it because you're the admin and they're your rules, but I think it's pretty hypocritical and I disapprove.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

I skipped most of this thread because it's filled with bull****, but it's a bad title, E. You even posted about how we weren't allowed to post about death and people deserving to die or whatever, and now you've gone and done it. I'm not going to do delete it or close it because you're the admin and they're your rules, but I think it's pretty hypocritical and I disapprove.

Technically the rule is not to insult (comic) writers, and posts have been removed when people say how they want to injure/maim/kill them. This is a little different.

But you're right that it probably sends the wrong message.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Technically the rule is not to insult (comic) writers, and posts have been removed when people say how they want to injure/maim/kill them. This is a little different.

But you're right that it probably sends the wrong message.

the wrong message to right people. yes, the same people such as tog, moonmaster etc
Meh. Just because some jerks thought of something similar doesn't mean he even heard about it.

I'm not defending him overall, but that's some pretty flimsy evidence if you ask me.

Agreed, that was a while back too. And of course everyone is gonna come up with penis measuring and watermelon eating. I don't know, it has some credibility, but Joe Rogan seriously needs to get his own life.
On the subject of Chapelle though, the man is one of the most comedically talented people on the planet. Want proof? His skits that feature no racial humour at all

What about that Black bush thing

Or hey the racial draft

and that Real world parody

Dave is just as bad
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

And Mole, dont try to argue with E about Williams nothing you ever say can ever change his mind

I'm not. It's just I'm always surprised when someone says they hate him.

but I'm keeping out of this mostly keeping out of this topic. why? because I don't know who Carlos Mencia is :oops: :lol:
I have no problem with racist humor. I spend most of my time making fun of Muslims and calling them terrorists even though I was born and raised Muslim myself (I think I brought this up in another thread). I also do a good amount of Asian bashing and I'm 1/4 Chinese. I make fun of friends of mine who are black, gay, Latino, Jewish, Christian, Female...whatever. I have a very open mind when it comes to humor that involves race, ethnicity or really anything else that is considered taboo by many others.

Okay, honestly, that's just making fun of your friends. We all do it. And you make fun of them every way you can. Worlds diffrent from racial humor on a national front. Or even racial prodding at people you don't know.

And I like Robin Williams stand up. His Stand up. Not his movies, not his appearances on talk shows. His actual get up on stage and tell some god damned jokes. Its funny.

And Carlos? Crap. He's got horrible timing and plays into stereotypes in a way that has almost no humor. Chapelle, while sometimes crossing the line did racial jokes in a way that was actually funny, as well as having non-racially inspired humor in addition. And he had wonderful timing.
Okay, honestly, that's just making fun of your friends. We all do it. And you make fun of them every way you can. Worlds diffrent from racial humor on a national front. Or even racial prodding at people you don't know.

And I like Robin Williams stand up. His Stand up. Not his movies, not his appearances on talk shows. His actual get up on stage and tell some god damned jokes. Its funny.

And Carlos? Crap. He's got horrible timing and plays into stereotypes in a way that has almost no humor. Chapelle, while sometimes crossing the line did racial jokes in a way that was actually funny, as well as having non-racially inspired humor in addition. And he had wonderful timing.

Nah he was so bad he left in shame

C'mon the guy goes white/black thing he's no better

I can easily think alot who are better than both Carlos and Dave
Nah he was so bad he left in shame

Oh, jeez.:roll:

Chappelle tore up a $50million contract to leave because he didn't want to deal with the pressure of a show with that much hype and praise for another year.

It wasn't because he was bad, it was because he was incredibly good and wanted to quite while he was ahead. He didn't want to milk the audience with lesser quality work so he backed off, and I respect the hell out of him for it.

So can I. Bob Newheart's stand up is some of the funniest **** I've ever heard. Doesn't mean Chapelle doesn't get a laugh too.

So f-ing true. My English teacher played one of his routines for the class last year and we were all on the floor. It was his schtick with the phonecall to Sir Walter Rawley(for those who don't know, the guy who invented cigarettes).

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Nah he was so bad he left in shame

Yeah thats a really uniformed statement. He left because of the pressures of being a sudden celebrity and as Planet-man said the stress of maintaining the show, He was smart enough to leave before it got to big
It wasn't because he was bad, it was because he was incredibly good and wanted to quite while he was ahead. He didn't want to milk the audience with lesser quality work so he backed off, and I respect the hell out of him for it.

Sounds like excuses to me

heck Charlie Murphy did a better job of hosting the show than him
I heard that Dave Chapelle quit because of his Father telling him some shennanigans about "never taking more money than you're worth" or something. Apparently he also wanted to begin practicing Islam with greater regularity.