Carlos Mencia is a thief and a hack

Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

I'm sorry, was your point to come off as a butthurt little kid thinking it's okay that them there minorities get away with murder and good white folk aren't allowed?

I explained why your assumptions were false, I didn't miss the point that you were getting across.
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Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

I can understand both the points that Skotti and Gemini bring up, but don't really agree with either of them. God, it's just skin color. Get over yourselves, people. This is why Mencia isn't funny (in an attempt to stay on topic).
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

The next time chappelle is compared to mencia I'm burning all of E's comics and shutting down the site.

Chappelle is a comedic genius his timing is perfect his jokes are completely original and just the way he says **** is hilarious

Mencia is a hack(jus youtube his name to see how much **** he's stolen) who makes the jokes he steals corny and screams the punch line like a moron

No kidding. They aren't even close. Chapelle is brilliant and hilarious, Mencia rips off one of Bill Cosby's most famous jokes - does he think no one would notice?! Idiot.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

I'm sorry, was your point to come off as a butthurt little kid thinking it's okay that them there minorities get away with murder and good white folk aren't allowed?
i'm saying it shouldn't be allowed in anycase regardless of the ethnicity of the "comedian"
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Mencia is okay. Chappelle was funny but was too silly. I think the problem was that he didn't take himself too seriously or that he felt he wasn't being taken serious enough. I understand Mencia may have taken some material but all comedians get their ideas and inspirations from their predecessors. if anything, i would consider it a compliment to that comedian. Say what you will, but that's what it comes down to and when it really boils down to the bone point, these guys just wanna make people laugh. Political commentary seems to be the way comedy has been going for a while now.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Mencia is okay. Chappelle was funny but was too silly. I think the problem was that he didn't take himself too seriously or that he felt he wasn't being taken serious enough. I understand Mencia may have taken some material but all comedians get their ideas and inspirations from their predecessors. if anything, i would consider it a compliment to that comedian. Say what you will, but that's what it comes down to and when it really boils down to the bone point, these guys just wanna make people laugh. Political commentary seems to be the way comedy has been going for a while now.


He copied the joke almost word-for-word. That's plagiarism, not a compliment.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

This is the first time I've ever heard of Mencia, but this sounds exactly like what a close friend of mine would say.

And he's a jerk.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

This is the first time I've ever heard of Mencia

I've never seen his show, but I've heard him a few times on Sirius on the comedy channel. Listen to him then listen to Chris Rock, Bernie Mac, Dave Chapelle, or Mitch Hedberg. Mencia isn't a comedian. Comedians are funny.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

I've never seen his show, but I've heard him a few times on Sirius on the comedy channel. Listen to him then listen to Chris Rock, Bernie Mac, Dave Chapelle, or Mitch Hedberg. Mencia isn't a comedian. Comedians are funny.

AWE!!!!! RIP Mitch Hedburg. rice is good when ou're hungry and want 2000 of something. Escalator temporarily stairs, sorry for the convenience. :lol: :cry:
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

AWE!!!!! RIP Mitch Hedburg. rice is good when ou're hungry and want 2000 of something. Escalator temporarily stairs, sorry for the convenience. :lol: :cry:
poor guy HE shoulda had a show

John Pinnette too, maybe Emo Phillips
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

AWE!!!!! RIP Mitch Hedburg. rice is good when ou're hungry and want 2000 of something. Escalator temporarily stairs, sorry for the convenience. :lol: :cry:

It's one thing to be funny - it's another to be funny AND original. Hedberg was both.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

It's one thing to be funny - it's another to be funny AND original. Hedberg was both.


plus he did it all with his eyes closed (seriously! look at his eyes while he's talking)

That reminds me of a comedian(the guy from king of queens with the pug?) and he was talking about some drunk guy that went on for standup. He sd the guy would talk about a subject, drift off and sleep on stage, then snap out of it and he would be at the end of each routine so you had this big gap i nthe story. but it would have been even better if the guy intentionally did it. I disagree, watching drunk standup is awesome. :lol:

EDIT: also for the longest time I thought it was hedgeberg.
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Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die


That reminds me of a comedian(the guy from king of queens with the pug?) and he was talking about some drunk guy that went on for standup. He sd the guy would talk about a subject, drift off and sleep on stage, then snap out of it and he would be at the end of each routine so you had this big gap i nthe story. but it would have been even better if the guy intentionally did it. I disagree, watching drunk standup is awesome. :lol:

EDIT: also for the longest time I thought it was hedgeberg.

sir i beleive you have one of my bedroom's

i don't care if there black or white or purple or green! now wait a minute Purple or Green? to hell with Purple people! unless there suffocating then HELP EM'!
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

i'm saying it shouldn't be allowed in anycase regardless of the ethnicity of the "comedian"

Okay, then it did go over my head, sorry. -.-

But I still stand by my defense of Mr Pryor, because for him and his parents and grandparents, they lived in a time where color did matter.

I also still stand by my opinion that Carlos Mencia is one of the most overrated comics out there, because his comedy is all about color/religion/sexuality.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Okay, then it did go over my head, sorry. -.-

But I still stand by my defense of Mr Pryor, because for him and his parents and grandparents, they lived in a time where color did matter.

I also still stand by my opinion that Carlos Mencia is one of the most overrated comics out there, because his comedy is all about color/religion/sexuality.

yeah i think pryor was a bad example, i actually like pryor
I hate this guy almost as much as I hate Robin Williams and Jimmy Fallon.

You should to. Here's why.
Yes Carlos Mencia sucks ***, and this is just more proof of it.
how can you hate Robin Willams?
How can you not???
I liked Carlos's stand up he did on comedy central a few years back, he has good material but on his show he is so ****ing annoying. I can't stand him. The thing I hate the most on his show is how he always acts like his comedy is so edgy and offensive when really its one of the lightest things on comedy central. I remember when his show first premiere and he was going on about that I just kept thinking of the last show that had his time spot, Drawn Together, probably the most offensive, disgusting, and vile cartoon I have ever seen on tv. Think about it, this is on the same channel as South Park and Chapelle (I'm pretty sure I spelt that wrong) Show, but his show gets the advertisement that say "you can't believe what he's gonna say next" What, so tame joke about imigration?

His entire act consists of something like this:

"...So then I said, Asian people can't drive!!!"

*15 minutes of Mencia telling you how shocked and offended you are at what he just said*

Dumbly pointing out stereotypes is idiotic and nothing close to shocking or edgy. If you're going to racial humor, make it something original and interesting or don't even bother.
from what i've seen of his show, it's just The Latino Chapelle show, since i can't stand Chapelle for more than 3 seconds you can imagine that i don't like Mencia either

if either "Chapelle's Show" or "The Mind of Mencia" were originally pitched with white host's it would have never been picked up and if it were it would have been cancelled within 3 episode's, but since these host's aren't white it's been deemed "okay" to have such blatant racist smut put out one television.

and i can see why, there is Black History Club's and Latino History Club's in Highschool's but when someone wants to start a White History Club there deemed as Racist or even Fascist (some members might remember the thread that talked about the girl in Michigan who wanted to do that).

Cramer (for the life of my i can't remember his real name) says the N-word and he become's National enemy #1, while Richard Pryor pretty much made his career off of the word "Honkey" and he's picked as the number one comedian of all time, I don't get it.

i blame the Gangster "Culture" (how can that be considered Culture?) that has taken place in North America for the last few decade's, if you wanna be a "Gangster" don't act like 50 cent, go act like the Italian Mobster's Atleast THEY have some ****ing Dignity.

plus there's the fact that neither Chapelle or Mencia are funny at all.

This Crap is the Social equivalent of affirmative action.

*meaningless rant over now i'm going to go play God of War 2 to calm down*
Wow. Where to begin...

Okay, first of all, racial humor is not "racist smut". Just because you're white doesn't mean that you need to feel burdened by history and need to react with rage and indignation every time someone mentions a stereotype. The crusade against racial prejudice does not rest squarely on your guilty shoulders.

Secondly, comedy does not have some sort of racial double standard. White comedians can make racial jokes, as long as it's in good taste. Have you ever seen Sarah Silverman's act? A pretty white girl who says the most offensive things you've ever heard. And it's great.

Racial humor is so important, it always has been. Richard Pryor used his comedy to break down walls, to knock people out of their polite little shells and make them face what was going on. Racial humor opens up frank dialog so that we don't have to sit around and pretend like everything's fine and that our society is some blissful model of perfect equality.

Modern comedians carry on this trend (Good ones at least, not *******s like Mencia). They not only force people to think about race, but they neutralize it. When you're angry about something, and someone's mocking you for it, doesn't it just make you look like an idiot? When someone like Chappelle makes fun of white supremacists and racial stereotypes, he's turning their entire existance into farce. That's whats great about racial humor today. Comedy exposes how stupid racism is and makes it something that we can mock and belittle. It's neutralizing racism.

Oh, and the little spiel about how "Gangster 'Culture'" is ruining society, :roll: . At least be somewhat original in your arguments. Good job drawing a connection between two completely unrelated points and making yourself look like some out of touch geriatric in a rascal scooter with your "blame that damn hip hop" argument. Yes, rap is going to destroy society, just like that Elvis fella did all those years ago with his "rock and roll".

And when all else fails, bust out affirmitive action (for absolutely no reason).
"Quite ****ing True"?

If so, then I'm totally going to start using that.
AWE!!!!! RIP Mitch Hedburg. rice is good when ou're hungry and want 2000 of something. Escalator temporarily stairs, sorry for the convenience. :lol: :cry:
Mitch Hedberg was great. Died way before his time.


That reminds me of a comedian(the guy from king of queens with the pug?) and he was talking about some drunk guy that went on for standup. He sd the guy would talk about a subject, drift off and sleep on stage, then snap out of it and he would be at the end of each routine so you had this big gap i nthe story. but it would have been even better if the guy intentionally did it. I disagree, watching drunk standup is awesome. :lol:
Yeah, you're thinking of Patton Oswalt, and that story is great.
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Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Okay, first of all, racial humor is not "racist smut". Just because you're white doesn't mean that you need to feel burdened by history and need to react with rage and indignation every time someone mentions a stereotype. The crusade against racial prejudice does not rest squarely on your guilty shoulders.

my guilty shoulders? wtf did i do? i'm ****ing CANADIAN we're to damn polite for our own good, and i don't care usually when it comes to racist comedy but Chappelle and his copycats take things a little too far.

Secondly, comedy does not have some sort of racial double standard. White comedians can make racial jokes, as long as it's in good taste. Have you ever seen Sarah Silverman's act? A pretty white girl who says the most offensive things you've ever heard. And it's great.

Show's like Chappelle and Mencia, or even the Silverman act are not "great" there barely even funny it's the ****ing lowest form of comedy it's not political or even racial really it's just shock comedy, it's nothing but cheap laughs (maybe not i'm pretty sure it's above mime's).

And yes there is a double standard in comedy of COURSE there is, even comedian's talk about it hell some work it into there act, they play to it for example, notice how comedian's are always saying that women are smarter than men? they get applaus, and they appear to be more likeable. But if they said men are smarter than women? they'd get boo'd off the stage and probably catch a good beating later that night (NOTE! i am not saying that men are better than women).

Racial humor is so important, it always has been. Richard Pryor used his comedy to break down walls, to knock people out of their polite little shells and make them face what was going on. Racial humor opens up frank dialog so that we don't have to sit around and pretend like everything's fine and that our society is some blissful model of perfect equality.
I agree, but as i said earlier that shock comedy is NOT racial comedy, it's Shock comedy that takes advantage of a race for a cheap laugh, racial jokes can be done in taste, racial skits like Chapelle or Mencia are rarely done in taste.

there is a Huuuuuuuuuuuge difference between Pryor and Chapelle.

Oh, and the little spiel about how "Gangster 'Culture'" is ruining society, :roll: . At least be somewhat original in your arguments. Good job drawing a connection between two completely unrelated points and making yourself look like some out of touch geriatric in a rascal scooter with your "blame that damn hip hop" argument. Yes, rap is going to destroy society, just like that Elvis fella did all those years ago with his "rock and roll".

I didn't say it was ruining society, i said that it has lowered the bar for what can be considered ****ing acceptable behaviour, what did elvis cause? he got people dancing and/or singing in a way that was rarely seen that's it, what has rap caused? increased gang violence and it got idiot white rich thirteen year old's talking like total moron's

And when all else fails, bust out affirmitive action (for absolutely no reason).
no reason? shock comedy is considered "great" and it is regularily put on the air because the average american viewer has the I.Q. of a garden gnome, while real high quality shows routinely get cancelled a gleeming example is "Arrested Developement"
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

There is no such thing as a cheap laugh. All laughter is food for the soul.

The words of TOG!
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