Carlos Mencia is a thief and a hack

Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Some comedians say things in a way that makes you laugh, even if it's not especially funny.

It's true.

I mean I find Dennis Miller absolutely hilarious. But even then...I only get about 90% of his jokes. But I laugh at all of them.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

I dont kno if this was posted before his name aint carlos and he's not mexican!!!!! His name is NED ****ING NED and he's half german and honduran

How you going to create a mexican sounding name pretend to be mexican to make fun of mexicans???

And with all that aside he's a horrible comedian who stealls material
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Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

I dont kno if this was posted this before his name aint carlos and he's not mexican!!!!! His name is NED ****ING NED and he's half german

How you going to create a mexican sounding name pretend to be mexican to make fun of mexicans???

And with all that aside he's a horrible comedian who stealls material
Where did you get this? Info I've seen says hes half mexican and half honduran...
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Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

That video had a lot of accusations but no real proof, maybe there's more on his site but I was expecting a side by side proof of the jokes he stole and where he stole them from

I dont kno if this was posted before his name aint carlos and he's not mexican!!!!! His name is NED ****ING NED and he's half german and honduran

How you going to create a mexican sounding name pretend to be mexican to make fun of mexicans???

And with all that aside he's a horrible comedian who stealls material
Yeah I'm pretty sure he's mexican and Honduran, according to wikipedia
At the time of his birth his mother, Mexican Magdelena Mencia, was engaged in a domestic dispute with his father, Honduran Roberto Holness, and declined to give her son his biological father's last name.[1] The name appearing on his birth certificate is "Ned Arnel Mencía", although Mencia has said that out of respect for his biological father he went by the Holness name anyway, and was known as "Ned Holness" until he was eighteen years old.[2]
So Mencia is just his mother's name that He took. And stage names are not anything new in the performance business, Martin Sheen's real name is Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez. Many performers do it, so him just going by Carlos is not a big thing.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

from what i've seen of his show, it's just The Latino Chapelle show, since i can't stand Chapelle for more than 3 seconds you can imagine that i don't like Mencia either

if either "Chapelle's Show" or "The Mind of Mencia" were originally pitched with white host's it would have never been picked up and if it were it would have been cancelled within 3 episode's, but since these host's aren't white it's been deemed "okay" to have such blatant racist smut put out one television.

and i can see why, there is Black History Club's and Latino History Club's in Highschool's but when someone wants to start a White History Club there deemed as Racist or even Fascist (some members might remember the thread that talked about the girl in Michigan who wanted to do that).

Cramer (for the life of my i can't remember his real name) says the N-word and he become's National enemy #1, while Richard Pryor pretty much made his career off of the word "Honkey" and he's picked as the number one comedian of all time, I don't get it.

i blame the Gangster "Culture" (how can that be considered Culture?) that has taken place in North America for the last few decade's, if you wanna be a "Gangster" don't act like 50 cent, go act like the Italian Mobster's Atleast THEY have some ****ing Dignity.

plus there's the fact that neither Chapelle or Mencia are funny at all.

This Crap is the Social equivalent of affirmative action.

*meaningless rant over now i'm going to go play God of War 2 to calm down*
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Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

The next time chappelle is compared to mencia I'm burning all of E's comics and shutting down the site.

Chappelle is a comedic genius his timing is perfect his jokes are completely original and just the way he says **** is hilarious

Mencia is a hack(jus youtube his name to see how much **** he's stolen) who makes the jokes he steals corny and screams the punch line like a moron
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

The next time chappelle is compared to mencia I'm burning all of E's comics and shutting down the site.

Chappelle is a comedic genius his timing is perfect his jokes are completely original and just the way he says **** is hilarious

Mencia is a hack(jus youtube his name to see how much **** he's stolen) who makes the jokes he steals corny and screams the punch line like a moron


how do you like them apples
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

That's a little better, even if you don't like Chapelle he is MUCH MUCH better than anything Mencia has or will ever do

there inter-changable in my eyes but that's just IMO, i'll respect that atleast Chappelle is original
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

from what i've seen of his show, it's just The Latino Chapelle show, since i can't stand Chapelle for more than 3 seconds you can imagine that i don't like Mencia either

if either "Chapelle's Show" or "The Mind of Mencia" were originally pitched with white host's it would have never been picked up and if it were it would have been cancelled within 3 episode's, but since these host's aren't white it's been deemed "okay" to have such blatant racist smut put out one television.

and i can see why, there is Black History Club's and Latino History Club's in Highschool's but when someone wants to start a White History Club there deemed as Racist or even Fascist (some members might remember the thread that talked about the girl in Michigan who wanted to do that).

Cramer (for the life of my i can't remember his real name) says the N-word and he become's National enemy #1, while Richard Pryor pretty much made his career off of the word "Honkey" and he's picked as the number one comedian of all time, I don't get it.

i blame the Gangster "Culture" (how can that be considered Culture?) that has taken place in North America for the last few decade's, if you wanna be a "Gangster" don't act like 50 cent, go act like the Italian Mobster's Atleast THEY have some ****ing Dignity.

plus there's the fact that neither Chapelle or Mencia are funny at all.

This Crap is the Social equivalent of affirmative action.

*meaningless rant over now i'm going to go play God of War 2 to calm down*

Okay, let's start with the Richard Pryor attack...

When he was in his prime, it was still an oppressive age, where it was okay for elected officials to call black citizens "niggers". Richard used honky to turn the tables and to prove just how ludicrous racism really was. He was a comic genius (if you need proof, watch Blazing Saddles). Comparing Michael Richards calling hecklers "niggers" because he was butthurt to Pryor's social commentary is like comparing apples to cars.

Secondly, are you serious?? Complaining you can't have a white history club?? Seriously, the entirety of nearly ALL American History classes are White friggen History.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Okay, let's start with the Richard Pryor attack...

When he was in his prime, it was still an oppressive age, where it was okay for elected officials to call black citizens "niggers". Richard used honky to turn the tables and to prove just how ludicrous racism really was. He was a comic genius (if you need proof, watch Blazing Saddles). Comparing Michael Richards calling hecklers "niggers" because he was butthurt to Pryor's social commentary is like comparing apples to cars.

Secondly, are you serious?? Complaining you can't have a white history club?? Seriously, the entirety of nearly ALL American History classes are White friggen History.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Okay, let's start with the Richard Pryor attack...

When he was in his prime, it was still an oppressive age, where it was okay for elected officials to call black citizens "niggers". Richard used honky to turn the tables and to prove just how ludicrous racism really was. He was a comic genius (if you need proof, watch Blazing Saddles). Comparing Michael Richards calling hecklers "niggers" because he was butthurt to Pryor's social commentary is like comparing apples to cars.

Secondly, are you serious?? Complaining you can't have a white history club?? Seriously, the entirety of nearly ALL American History classes are White friggen History.

Didn't he also at one point was against saying "nigger"?
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Didn't he also at one point was against saying "nigger"?

Yeah, it was after he blew himself up. He stopped using racial epitaphs in his act after that.

Fun bit of trivia, Pryor's widow is white.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

as much as I don't like Pryor, I have to agree with Skotti. The commentary was necessary in those times as were the black panthers and such and to go one calling people by a racial slur just because you were frustrated doesn't make it okay. There's no way to justify it either and at the same time, there's no reason for Jesse jackson to run in and demand an apology and when said apology is received, it isn't accepted. What can you really gain by ruining a washed up actor/comedian who just ruined himself?

EDIT: What are the videos of? Im having technical difficulties.
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Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Okay, let's start with the Richard Pryor attack...

When he was in his prime, it was still an oppressive age, where it was okay for elected officials to call black citizens "niggers". Richard used honky to turn the tables and to prove just how ludicrous racism really was. He was a comic genius (if you need proof, watch Blazing Saddles). Comparing Michael Richards calling hecklers "niggers" because he was butthurt to Pryor's social commentary is like comparing apples to cars.

Secondly, are you serious?? Complaining you can't have a white history club?? Seriously, the entirety of nearly ALL American History classes are White friggen History.

this is my point : *

this is your head : ()

This is my point going over your head:
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

I have no problem with racist humor. I spend most of my time making fun of Muslims and calling them terrorists even though I was born and raised Muslim myself (I think I brought this up in another thread). I also do a good amount of Asian bashing and I'm 1/4 Chinese. I make fun of friends of mine who are black, gay, Latino, Jewish, Christian, Female...whatever. I have a very open mind when it comes to humor that involves race, ethnicity or really anything else that is considered taboo by many others.

However, I just can't find Carlos Mencia funny. He just finds the broadest, dumbest and most unfunny stereotypes that he can and shouts them at the top of his lungs. Don't get me wrong; a comic doesn't have to be intelligent to be funny, but Mencia's material is tired and boring. The worst part is that everyone seems to be in love with him at my school.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

I have no problem with racist humor. I spend most of my time making fun of Muslims and calling them terrorists even though I was born and raised Muslim myself (I think I brought this up in another thread). I also do a good amount of Asian bashing and I'm 1/4 Chinese. I make fun of friends of mine who are black, gay, Latino, Jewish, Christian, Female...whatever. I have a very open mind when it comes to humor that involves race, ethnicity or really anything else that is considered taboo by many others.

However, I just can't find Carlos Mencia funny. He just finds the broadest, dumbest and most unfunny stereotypes that he can and shouts them at the top of his lungs. Don't get me wrong; a comic doesn't have to be intelligent to be funny, but Mencia's material is tired and boring. The worst part is that everyone seems to be in love with him at my school.

Yeah, my brotherinlaws' best friend from cali is visiting and he's asian. He hates asian girls because he professes they all look the same. he says he looks just like all his family and says all asians look the same. he's a funny kid but i think he truely believes this.