Carlos Mencia is a thief and a hack

Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Ugh...I hate Carlos Mencia with a passion.

Seriously, he's not a intelligent or witty as people seem to think he is.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

how can you hate Robin Willams?

Aside from the fact that he's a one trick pony?

Here, lemme do my Robin Williams impression; "randomrandomrandom funny black preacher voice dickjoke randomrandomrandom"
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Aside from the fact that he's a one trick pony?

Here, lemme do my Robin Williams impression; "randomrandomrandom funny black preacher voice dickjoke randomrandomrandom"

but if that's the case then his character in films like "One Hour Photo" would of done that too right?

he has IMO a lot of range as actor from funny to serious to as twisted and psychotic as Anthony Hopkins playing Hannibal Lecter.

sure his stand up might be all the same stuff but every comedian has a routine e,g roy chubby brown has to add swearing to every single joke or toilet humour
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

but if that's the case then his character in films like "One Hour Photo" would of done that too right?

But the problem with his serious films is that they pretty much suck. Just because you can do a serious role don't mean that its good.

But this is about Mencia....not Robin.
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Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

but if that's the case then his character in films like "One Hour Photo" would of done that too right?

Okay, we're talking about, and I use this term loosely, Comedians. My personal taste is that of deeper comedians, not one note characters like; Mencia, Robin Williams, Larry the Cable Guy, etc.

Gimme real comedians like Lenny Bruce.
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Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Mencia used to be funny. He got stale really quick, though.

I like Robin Williams, though. :?
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Titus should get Mencias show

Christopher Titus>Mencia
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

I liked Carlos's stand up he did on comedy central a few years back, he has good material but on his show he is so ****ing annoying. I can't stand him. The thing I hate the most on his show is how he always acts like his comedy is so edgy and offensive when really its one of the lightest things on comedy central. I remember when his show first premiere and he was going on about that I just kept thinking of the last show that had his time spot, Drawn Together, probably the most offensive, disgusting, and vile cartoon I have ever seen on tv. Think about it, this is on the same channel as South Park and Chapelle (I'm pretty sure I spelt that wrong) Show, but his show gets the advertisement that say "you can't believe what he's gonna say next" What, so tame joke about imigration?

And Mole, dont try to argue with E about Williams nothing you ever say can ever change his mind
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

I was never a big fan of Carlos Mencia, but I can watch him on Comedy Central on occassion. I'm just not a big fan of his deliveries. Some comedians say things in a way that makes you laugh, even if it's not especially funny. The only times I laugh at him are when he says something really funny.
Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Mencia's show had a few really funny skits, like "The Serranos" and "Wetback Mountain", but Random's totally right about his artificial edgy/offensiveness.

Stuff like this, though, is enough to put him on my permanent s***-list. Oh, and to top it all off, his show occupies Stella's former timeslot.:x

In other news:

Re: Carlos Mencia deserves to die

Hated him since day one.


God, what a dick. He's not funny and not intelligent.