Ultimate Marvel Timeline / Chronology (v. 3.0)

Hey, I just wanted to let you know that Dynamite's Army of Darkness no.13 ends with the main character entering the Marvel Zombie-verse.

I know, but I actually consider that bit non-canon. For one, that ending is different than the actual opening to Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness. In Army of Darkness #13, we see Ash die and then end up in the Zombie-verse, surrounded by zombie Avengers. In MZ vs. AoD #1, we see Ash fall out of the sky, land in a dumpster, encounter Daredevil and Thunderball, then go meet the Avengers, etc. No characters even become zombies until near the end of the issue. So, therefore I have to choose between the two, and I chose the MZ vs. AoD opening because its more detailed and the more "official" version of the events in my opinion.

Also, if I were to include the actual ending of Army of Darkness #13, I'd have to include all of the AoD comic series, and in turn the Evil Dead and Army of Darkness movies. While I have no problem including alternate universes (Marvel Zombie-verse, Squadron Supreme-verse, N-Zone, etc), I don't want to have to start including universes pertaining to completely separate properties. So, as far as this timeline is concerned, Ash's story in the Zombie-verse starts with him falling out of the sky in MZ vs. AoD #1 (and the flashbacks of him in at the gates of Heaven).

I know that there are a couple of mentions even of the events in the AoD comic series, but I'm going to ignore those in regards to the Ultimate timeline.
I know, but I actually consider that bit non-canon. For one, that ending is different than the actual opening to Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness. In Army of Darkness #13, we see Ash die and then end up in the Zombie-verse, surrounded by zombie Avengers. In MZ vs. AoD #1, we see Ash fall out of the sky, land in a dumpster, encounter Daredevil and Thunderball, then go meet the Avengers, etc. No characters even become zombies until near the end of the issue. So, therefore I have to choose between the two, and I chose the MZ vs. AoD opening because its more detailed and the more "official" version of the events in my opinion.

Also, if I were to include the actual ending of Army of Darkness #13, I'd have to include all of the AoD comic series, and in turn the Evil Dead and Army of Darkness movies. While I have no problem including alternate universes (Marvel Zombie-verse, Squadron Supreme-verse, N-Zone, etc), I don't want to have to start including universes pertaining to completely separate properties. So, as far as this timeline is concerned, Ash's story in the Zombie-verse starts with him falling out of the sky in MZ vs. AoD #1 (and the flashbacks of him in at the gates of Heaven).

I know that there are a couple of mentions even of the events in the AoD comic series, but I'm going to ignore those in regards to the Ultimate timeline.
well you have until May before Black Panther ****s it all up for ya'
well you have until May before Black Panther ****s it all up for ya'


Yeah...but whatever. I think it'll work on the basis of just assuming the Black Panther in the crossover with MZ isn't anyone really important...just a tertiary, alternate version of the MZ Black Panther. Whether the story is very dependant on current events in 616, we'll be able to ignore them in regards to Ultimate continuity (especially since this takes place in the Zombie-verse) and just assume they're important events going on in those characters' realities, but for our story point of view, they're non-required reading, basically.
Hey, DIrishB, did you post your timeline on this Mutant Liberation Front board, or were you just totally ripped off?

They eventually just link to this thread.

It was posted a coupla years ago...there are a few differences like he put the iron man mini in gold...there's no supreme power..it's nice to think it got linked to here tho..shows this one here is better than any other timeline on the internet.
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Hey, DIrishB, did you post your timeline on this Mutant Liberation Front board, or were you just totally ripped off?

They eventually just link to this thread.

No, that was me. I usually just use the handle DIrishB (or slight variations thereof) on pretty much everything having to do with computers (makes remembering much easier). I think on that board, however, the DIrishB handle was actually taken. It was something like that, I can't remember. So I just used my email address, which is a combination of my pothead cat's name "Alby" and my old nickname from my buddies "Batman".

Not that you care, but I figure somebody out there might be writing the Biography of DIrishB (aka AlbyBat), and could find that info useful.

Ninja4Peace said:
It was posted a coupla years ago...there are a few differences like he put the iron man mini in gold...there's no supreme power..it's nice to think it got linked to here tho..shows this one here is better than any other timeline on the internet.

Yeah, its amazing in how only a couple years how much has changed or altered or been corrected in the timeline to alter it so drastically from that one. Well, not drastically, just extremely expanded and more streamlined, methinks (but thats mainly due to the use of the "size" feature, hehehe).
Oh yeah...this get's it's own Chapter


Put that one right after the chapter where I sleep with Bridget the Midget and Christina Ricci in some sordid three-way, and right before I swoop out of the sky and save the life of Smallville actress Kristin Kreuk by plucking her out of the path of a speeding truck. Watcher can fill you in on the details.
Hey guys, little suggestion. I think some of the Supremeverse stuff should be set earlier, since the entire Squadron Supreme appears in Ultimate Power.
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Hey guys, little question. I think some of the Supremeverse stuff should be set earlier, since the entire Squadron Supreme appears in Ultimate Power.

So DIrishB's head doesn't explode, I'll tell you he's got the SS stuff much later in the timeline, and the SS universe part of Ultimate Power appears correctly (or as correctly as possible) in his timeline.

If we had more SS books he could place it more precisely. But who knows when that will happen?
Hey guys, little suggestion. I think some of the Supremeverse stuff should be set earlier, since the entire Squadron Supreme appears in Ultimate Power.

The problem with that is, at the end of Hyperion #5 there's a newspaper clipping showing a date in 2008 and Emil mentions that as being 2 years in the future. Hence, why the later half of Supreme Power, the Hyperion mini, and Squadron Supreme are set in 2006.

Best way to look at it, I think, is that the Supremeverse and Ultimate Universe flow through time differently or when Ultimate Power happens, there's time travel involved with the universe hopping.
Hey guys, little suggestion. I think some of the Supremeverse stuff should be set earlier, since the entire Squadron Supreme appears in Ultimate Power.

It can't. Read Supreme Power - Hyperion, and you'll see why:

That is firmly set in early 2006. This means its likely the last portion of Supreme Power takes place in 2005, and Squadron Supreme ongoing picking up also in 2006, not long after Hyperion.

The Ultimate Universe is probably towards the end of 2004, maybe even 2005 at this point. Ultimates 3 will officially signal the Ultimate timeline of being in 2005, and Ultimates 4 in 2006. According to Loeb's interviews where he said 3 would pick up a year after 2, and 4 would do the same and pick up a year after 3.

Trust me, if I could make any more sense of it, I would. But due to the spotty editing and writing concerning continuity (and quality in a lot of the Ultimate books), we get messes like these. We just have to assume that the probe Reed sent out in the first issue somehow traveled ahead in time a year or two and crossed into the Supreme-verse. And then, when the Supreme characters tracked the probe to its source (Ultimate-verse, 2004), they also time-traveled along with their dimension-hopping to its point of origin, to take out whoever sent it...which was Reed.

Ultimate Power isn't in continuity.

Shocking but true.

Stop that! I know it sucks and makes a mess of continuity, but its still considered a part of it.

So DIrishB's head doesn't explode, I'll tell you he's got the SS stuff much later in the timeline, and the SS universe part of Ultimate Power appears correctly (or as correctly as possible) in his timeline.

If we had more SS books he could place it more precisely. But who knows when that will happen?

I appreciate you understanding my motivations regarding the timeline, O Brother of Timeline Obsessiveness! (I've seen your Fables Timeline...nice!)

The problem with that is, at the end of Hyperion #5 there's a newspaper clipping showing a date in 2008 and Emil mentions that as being 2 years in the future. Hence, why the later half of Supreme Power, the Hyperion mini, and Squadron Supreme are set in 2006.

Actually, there's even a shot of a calender reflecting that its March, 2006 (I think its March).

Best way to look at it, I think, is that the Supremeverse and Ultimate Universe flow through time differently or when Ultimate Power happens, there's time travel involved with the universe hopping.

Exactly. Thats the only way of making it work, hence a portion of Ultimate Power #3 placed where it is, in 2006, after the other Squadron Supreme entries in that year. As far as we know, Ultimate Power must occur after everything we've seen so far in the Supreme universe.
Didn't get a chance to get to the comic shop today, and probably won't until Friday, so was unable to update for Ultimate Power #4. If anyone wants to lend me a hand and fill me in on what pages take place where (mainly just the different realities) so I can update it, let me know. Otherwise, look for an update Friday.