Ultimate Marvel Timeline / Chronology (v. 3.0)

Wow seems Ultimate continuity is getting a bit screwed up lately…

Anyhow seeing how your always looking for input on your timeline do you think Ultimate Nightmare might work a bit better between the story arcs of "The Tempest" (X-Men) and Carnage (Spider-Man) seeing how it mentions in Ultimate Secret #3 the events of Ultimate Nightmare happening a few months ago with them finding out about Gah Lak Tus.

Well there's my one post a year, back to my cave...
Wow seems Ultimate continuity is getting a bit screwed up lately…

Anyhow seeing how your always looking for input on your timeline do you think Ultimate Nightmare might work a bit better between the story arcs of "The Tempest" (X-Men) and Carnage (Spider-Man) seeing how it mentions in Ultimate Secret #3 the events of Ultimate Nightmare happening a few months ago with them finding out about Gah Lak Tus.

Well there's my one post a year, back to my cave...
KAL?! NOOO! Don't leave!
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Wow seems Ultimate continuity is getting a bit screwed up lately…

Anyhow seeing how your always looking for input on your timeline do you think Ultimate Nightmare might work a bit better between the story arcs of "The Tempest" (X-Men) and Carnage (Spider-Man) seeing how it mentions in Ultimate Secret #3 the events of Ultimate Nightmare happening a few months ago with them finding out about Gah Lak Tus.

Well there's my one post a year, back to my cave...

Actually, yeah...

I used to have it in exactly that order too, but I think I changed it merely to group the Gah Lak Tus trilogy together. However, I'd forgotten about that specific time reference, so I've changed it back. Thanks for the reminder.

Anyway, I adjusted to reflect that.

Indeed. As far as I can remember, every continuity glitch in the Ultimate-verse can be attributed or blamed on Bendis. The Fantastic Four screw-ups (from early on), all the various impossible time references in USM (3 months between Learning Curve and Double Trouble, 3 months passing during the videogame, 4 months passing during the Hollywood arc, and another 2 months during the Carnage arc equals 11 months...yet in Hobgoblin only 9 months had passed...I know I'm forgetting at least one or two other significant time jumps in the comics themselves, so it can't be blamed on the videogame alone mucking things up).
Indeed. As far as I can remember, every continuity glitch in the Ultimate-verse can be attributed or blamed on Bendis. The Fantastic Four screw-ups (from early on), all the various impossible time references in USM (3 months between Learning Curve and Double Trouble, 3 months passing during the videogame, 4 months passing during the Hollywood arc, and another 2 months during the Carnage arc equals 11 months...yet in Hobgoblin only 9 months had passed...I know I'm forgetting at least one or two other significant time jumps in the comics themselves, so it can't be blamed on the videogame alone mucking things up).

I think the Hollywood and Carnage errors can be explained thusly:

1. First most of the Hollywood arc occurs, where Peter fights and defeats Ock and runs home and confronts Gwen.
2. Then the beginning of the Carnage arc occurs, ending where Pete gives his DNA to Connors.
3. Then comes the "three months later" or whatever scene at the end of Hollywood, where Peter is eating in the cafeteria. While he is doing this, experiments are being conducted with his DNA by Connors and Reilly.
4. Then the Carnage entity escapes.
5. Bendis is a hack.
I think the Hollywood and Carnage errors can be explained thusly:

1. First most of the Hollywood arc occurs, where Peter fights and defeats Ock and runs home and confronts Gwen.
2. Then the beginning of the Carnage arc occurs, ending where Pete gives his DNA to Connors.
3. Then comes the "three months later" or whatever scene at the end of Hollywood, where Peter is eating in the cafeteria. While he is doing this, experiments are being conducted with his DNA by Connors and Reilly.
4. Then the Carnage entity escapes.
5. Bendis is a hack.

That's pretty much how I figured it. Just because they skip ahead three months or whatever for one scene doesn't mean that the book continues from that point forward. It just means that one scene takes places in the future then the book goes back to its regular time.

However, I do believe they reference the movie having already come out in Carnage, though I might be mistaken about that. However, if it's after the time jump than your theory still works.

I wish Bendis would explain himself instead of just cracking jokes about how much he sucks.
I think the Hollywood and Carnage errors can be explained thusly:

5. Bendis is a hack.

I completely agree with only that statement.

That's pretty much how I figured it. Just because they skip ahead three months or whatever for one scene doesn't mean that the book continues from that point forward. It just means that one scene takes places in the future then the book goes back to its regular time.

However, I do believe they reference the movie having already come out in Carnage, though I might be mistaken about that. However, if it's after the time jump than your theory still works.

You're correct, they do mention it. I'll have to go back to get the specifics (been awhile since I read it, but I know I'd placed it as I did for a reason.

I wish Bendis would explain himself instead of just cracking jokes about how much he sucks.

That is him explaining himself. He sucks. It works for me. ;)
Alright. Thats it. With UXM #79 just reinforcing the issue, I'm really left with no choice but to assume (at least at this point) both Fury somehow regrows his arm and the Triskelion is rebuilt after Ultimates 2 #13. I've rearranged some stuff, and by making such assumptions I have to say it has improved or eradicated a lot of the more recent supposed continuity errors.
Alright. Thats it. With UXM #79 just reinforcing the issue, I'm really left with no choice but to assume (at least at this point) both Fury somehow regrows his arm and the Triskelion is rebuilt after Ultimates 2 #13. I've rearranged some stuff, and by making such assumptions I have to say it has improved or eradicated a lot of the more recent supposed continuity errors.

They did show the Triskelion in this issue... They were in the White House Situation Room. As for the arm, it could be a Prosthesis.
hey im not sure if this was asked already, but how come Spider-man: Battle for NY was not included in the timelime?
hey im not sure if this was asked already, but how come Spider-man: Battle for NY was not included in the timelime?

I think Battle for NY is not part of the timeline like the first game was but instead just a game with ultimate characters. Like the old amazing spider-man games on genesis did not fit amazing timeline but were just made for fun.
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I also recall hearing the creators of the game were not looking to make it in continuity. They just thought the style of the UU worked better
hey im not sure if this was asked already, but how come Spider-man: Battle for NY was not included in the timelime?

Mainly because it contradicted too many things from the comic, including Norman's transformation into the Goblin, Peter's involvement with SHIELD at the time, Ultimate Six, etc.

I don't think it was intended as an actual in-continuity sequel as opposed to a psuedo-sequel using the Ultimate designs and story ideas, then setting it in its own continuity.

There are surely things drawn quite faithfully from USM, but overall it isn't a true sequel to the USM game for the home consoles.

I think Battle for NY is not part of the timeline like the first game was but instead just a game with ultimate characters. Like the old amazing spider-man games on genesis did not fit amazing timeline but were just made for fun.

I also recall hearing the creators of the game were not looking to make it in continuity. They just thought the style of the UU worked better

I've played Battle for NY.

It is in no way part of the timeline.

As have I. Agreed.

I think the above responses pretty much sum it up.

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