Re: X-Men Origins: Wolverine News.
And the military technology excuse doesn't cut it as we saw them in X-men II and X-men last stand and besides "plastic guns" which created in X-men last stand, it still looks a couple of years older than it did in those films.
Most of the technology in the trailer is the stuff they used to create Wolverine. The plastic guns in X3 were used by regular military, weren't they? Weapon X was created by Department K, a faction of the Canadian government. That's different. And the flashback scene in X3 took place in a suburban neighborhood. And obviously, as was previously mentioned, this is a comics property and takes place in "the not too distant future." And X3 sucks. And it's sort of implied that Cerebro was developed years ago, obviously using technology that was not common in American, same thing with Weapon X technology. I mean, it says in the trailer that they put half a billion dollars into Wolverine's transformation. And really, the technology in the trailer didn't seem too sophisticated - the Weapon X facility is really just a warehouse-looking place with a bunch of computers, bathtubs, switches, cords and needles....all of which were commonplace in in the '80s.

And if you watch the trailer again, and go to 1:20, you can see Wolvie and Sabes in a garage-like place where there's antique-looking scraps and an old red car on Wolvie's right (granted, it may be a vintage car that's being restored or something but....gah, I'm thinking too deeply about this).
Plus, Iron Man claims to take place today, and most of the tech featured there doesn't even exist, specifically the arc reactor, which is mentioned as being invented over thirty years ago (even though such an invention does not exist). I'm not saying that Iron Man is in the same continuity/universe as the X-Men series, I'm saying, why don't you complain about Iron Man? Also, Captain America is going to be adapted for film soon; what about the technology surrounding the Super-Soldier serum? That certainly would not be plausible in the '40s! In Incredible Hulk it mentions Project: Rebirth, AKA Weapon I, part of the Weapon Plus Program. It's possible they'll have some loose continuity between the X-Men films and Marvel Studios films that feature Weapon Plus, that is if they establish Weapon X as part of Weapon Plus in X-Men films canon. This would also be similar to the loose continuity that the X-Men, the Avengers, and Spider-Man have with each other in the comics.
And yeah, Deadpool looks pretty crappy.