X-Men Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Revised & Original)

I don't care about multiverse connections. Within the Days of Future Past movie itself, it's CLEARLY stated that you can CHANGE the past. Just that movie, as well as the Deadpool 2 movie (not counting anything after any part of the credits) itself, if you don't connect them to any other movies/ universes, it's clearly shown that changing the past changes the future, exactly like Back to the Future.
I don't care about multiverse connections. Within the Days of Future Past movie itself, it's CLEARLY stated that you can CHANGE the past. Just that movie, as well as the Deadpool 2 movie (not counting anything after any part of the credits) itself, if you don't connect them to any other movies/ universes, it's clearly shown that changing the past changes the future, exactly like Back to the Future.
You're ignoring outside elements that add clarity to focus on what certain characters claim they think they know about time travel in one film.

From narrative standpoint, yes, that's the goal for the X-Men in DoFP. Fact of the matter is, it branched from 1973 onwards. How Wolverine's mind ended up in his new self's body works as, not to make a pun involving Hugh Jackman's homeland, a boomerang effect.

His Earth-10005 self's mind woke up in the new timeline body because that was the inevitable path forward. So yes, they changed it for their past selves but their future selves in this now branched timeline died to ensure that.
Time Travel is complicated. The logistics and the morals of it.

The Sentinels basically went onto kill the last of the X-Men, mutants and the human race eventually in Earth-10005's 2023-onwards, after the timeline divergence. The point was to undo their past self's mistakes and create a world not as hellish as DoFP for future generations of mutants.

In other words, there's a bigger picture to all this than just "I wanna undo this so I myself can live a happier life" - which was the plot of Back to the Future. Marty wanted to ensure his life remained the same.
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Logan (the film) suggests that saving mutant kind might be all for nothing - until now, that we have Deadpool 3; which might even split off from Earth-17315 into an entirely new reality number.

That's something we can look forward to but for this universe, plus I guess The Gifted show's niche timeline branch, it's all about finding a good future for mutants as a species. That's the narrative of the X-Men universe.
Logan (the film) suggests that saving mutant kind might be all for nothing - until now, that we have Deadpool 3; which might even split off from Earth-17315 into an entirely new reality number.

That's something we can look forward to but for this universe, plus I guess The Gifted show's niche timeline branch, it's all about finding a good future for mutants as a species. That's the narrative of the X-Men universe.
Also there Is the theme of diversity and disability.

I guess Hydra had a different evolution from their Hive cult to WW2 in this timeline branch.

Would this mean Hive predated En Sabah Nur or around the same time (c. 4000 - 3700 BC) on Earth-10005? That could be the divergence point from MCU to the X-Men universe...
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Just read on Marvel Database that they think The Marvels Post-Credit Scene is it's own universe, not the FoX-Men. But they also think Logan is not the Revised Timeline, soooooooooo

where Monica ended up definitely isn't either the original timeline or revised timeline of the Fox X-Men universe. (Feels like they took bits from the fox universe and bits from the 90s cartoon, tbh its closer to the earth 838 from multiverse of madness but since Xavier died and Maria is binary and not captain marvel in this universe, it feels like this is a completely new universe which is an amalgamation of all of the previous x-men worlds we have seen on screen.

Also, Logan has to be in the revised timeline because of the clear reference to Essex corp. which has been a running sub plot/easter egg in multiple revised timeline films such as X-Men Apocalypse, Deadpool 2 and the New Mutants. so, they are wrong until we see Deadpool 3 and see if that changes anything.
Why would or wouldn't Helstrom be a part of MCU? It's been a few months since I've watched it but as far as I remember it could go either way.

"We are not tied to the MCU. We are our own separate thing," Zbyszewski told FanBoyFactor. "There are Easter eggs in the show for sure, but they're more towards that Helstrom universe, and that Ghost Rider universe."

people have taken that to mean its not set within the mcu because of the wording used by a creator in an interview; i i dont personally put much stock into that as he clearly references the planned ghost rider series in the same quote which was tied directly to the mcu with agents of shield; funnily enough the same thing is happening over in sonys venomverse with madame web right now
I doubt they would create a new X-Men universe if Deadpool 3 is continuing where it left off.

Unless Wade causes something to occur decades and decades in the past (pre-First Class) to explain why the X-Men look different in The Marvels....Maybe that's how it becomes MCU, who freakin' knows.
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since the marvels ive personally been treating the x-men universe monica winds up in as a mirror to the x-men, similar but not quite exact, like how stewart was still xavier on 838 but that obviously wasnt connected to the previous fox x-men; im expecting deadpool 3 to start within the fox universe from where he left off before we get some kind of closure with that and explore the idea of alternate x-men (the rumored
variants of wolverine
) etc
I don't care about multiverse connections. Within the Days of Future Past movie itself, it's CLEARLY stated that you can CHANGE the past. Just that movie, as well as the Deadpool 2 movie (not counting anything after any part of the credits) itself, if you don't connect them to any other movies/ universes, it's clearly shown that changing the past changes the future, exactly like Back to the Future.
It is clear that, from the point of view of the writers of the movies, the intention of the time travel in DoFP and Deadpool 2 is supposed to work like in Back to the Future. But when taking into account the greater Marvel Multiverse, in theory, the universes work on the same multiversal time travel rules. We are here obviously discussing things from a multiverse standpoint, since, after all the names "Earth-10005" and "Earth-18315" are also never spoken in the movies themselves, we know of them because of the Marvel Multiverse connections.
It is clear that, from the point of view of the writers of the movies, the intention of the time travel in DoFP and Deadpool 2 is supposed to work like in Back to the Future. But when taking into account the greater Marvel Multiverse, in theory, the universes work on the same multiversal time travel rules. We are here obviously discussing things from a multiverse standpoint, since, after all the names "Earth-10005" and "Earth-18315" are also never spoken in the movies themselves, we know of them because of the Marvel Multiverse connections.
In the X-Men cinematic universe, time travel works as in the Terminator, Cos the guy Who wrote DoFP asked James Cameron how Time travel works.
I also wanna point out:
Beast in 2018 (I guess you could ignore the young actors' ages by 2018 since it's blurry and kinda out-of-view)

Beast in 2023

Beast in 2026(???)

The fact he looks different I don't think matters. As long as it's pre-Xavier seizure which doesn't happen until 2028.
since the marvels ive personally been treating the x-men universe monica winds up in as a mirror to the x-men, similar but not quite exact, like how stewart was still xavier on 838 but that obviously wasnt connected to the previous fox x-men; im expecting deadpool 3 to start within the fox universe from where he left off before we get some kind of closure with that and explore the idea of alternate x-men (the rumored
variants of wolverine
) etc
I didn't read the spoiler, but the non spoiler part is exactly what I think they'll do as well. The reason Beast looks different (really all we've seen so far) is just because it's a few years later than the good ending of DoFP and he just decided to change his look a bit. We don't really know what universe the pics we've seen of DP3 are from, or if there's something in the movie, "Hey Wolverine put this yellow suit on".