X-Men Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Revised & Original)

I rewatched The New Mutants last night. Some random things I picked up on this time:

- It's Summer due to the following exchange:

"What's the last thing you remember… before coming here?"

Then we jump a few lines later:

"What were you running from?"

"He said it was a tornado."

"We both know it wasn't a tornado, Dani. What were you running from?"

"It was snowing."

"In the summertime?"

"It brings the snow."

- A few references to the X-Men show that the team is still active, placing this film sometime before "Logan".

"Even the mutants we call heroes today… when they first got their powers… chances are they hurt someone. That's why new mutants are dangerous."

"Yeah, who is this superior she's always talking about?"

"Isn't it obvious? You know who the X-Men are, right?"

"Yeah. It's just, why would we wanna be X-Men?"

"Right. I ain't wearing no suit and fighting people. I'm rich."

"What, they pay you to be X-Men now?"

"I wouldn't mind being an X-Man."

"She wasn't prepping us to be X-Men. She was prepping us to be killers."
Last night I watched Logan for the first time since it came out. I noticed a calendar at around the 1:50:58 mark. It's too hard to make out the month though.
Watching that bit in 4K, it's a 31-day month that begins on a Saturday; in 2029.

The only one that matches that is December 2029. Very sunny for that time of year.

Well, it's blurry so the little mark I see as the "31st" might be just a smudge as a result of the blur.
If it's 30 days then, September 2029.
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Also in the early part of the film, I believe this calendar is July, 2026. Correct me if I'm wrong.

And Laura.mov may be set in August, 2026.1703213208349.png


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Also, in The New Mutants I spotted this calendar. Hard to make out.


Also, during Dani's "vision", she sees footage from 2026 that was a recording in "Logan". I just noticed this. So if she's not able to see the future, then this scene must be the past and therefore places this film at least after 2026 and before 2029.

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Also, in The New Mutants I spotted this calendar. Hard to make out.

View attachment 1536

Also, during Dani's "vision", she sees footage from 2026 that was a recording in "Logan". I just noticed this. So if she's not able to see the future, then this scene must be the past and therefore places this film at least after 2026 and before 2029.

View attachment 1538
View attachment 1539
That New Mutants calendar matches February 2023. Nothing between that and February 2029 at all matches.

My guess is that the footage the nurse took of Transigen was over the course of several years and the glimpses we see in New Mutants are in moments that are spliced from the earlier years of that.

EDIT: But it's summer time...it's not gonna work. Hmmm.
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is it possible with tigers going extinct in logan that climate change has made the seasons less discernible from each other by then?
As far as Cerebro, at the end of Apocalypse, Erik helps Charles rebuild Cerebro. I assume that something similar happened in the original timeline.
I still think that there are two timelines before Days of a Future Past. One where it lead to X-Men Origins, and the X-Men Trilogy, where we can place all those references like Charles and Magneto building Cerebro, or Mystique not having interactions with Charles or Beast like they would if the events of First Class happened. And the other one is the one with First Class. So in a watching order, the first film would be X-Men Origins, and First Class would be before Days of a Future Past.
I don't have an explanation of how there is two timelines in the past. Somebody messed up with the timeline creating the one in DoaFP, or maybe the time jumps altered the timeline, but something happened between The Wolverine and DoaFP that changed the timeline and created the one where First Class happens.
I still think that there are two timelines before Days of a Future Past. One where it lead to X-Men Origins, and the X-Men Trilogy, where we can place all those references like Charles and Magneto building Cerebro, or Mystique not having interactions with Charles or Beast like they would if the events of First Class happened. And the other one is the one with First Class. So in a watching order, the first film would be X-Men Origins, and First Class would be before Days of a Future Past.
I don't have an explanation of how there is two timelines in the past. Somebody messed up with the timeline creating the one in DoaFP, or maybe the time jumps altered the timeline, but something happened between The Wolverine and DoaFP that changed the timeline and created the one where First Class happens.
From Reddit:
Patrick Stewart's Charles does mention his history with Mystique in the darker 2023 from Days of Future Past, that which is the future of the original trilogy's timeline, he also points out the moment she killed Trask was truly the moment she left her past behind her. As he puts it, killing Trask and getting captured by Stryker "was the day she truly became Mystique", hence why she had no problem putting him in a coma in X-Men 1 and leaving him behind to possibly die in X2.

So basically, once she killed Trask in 1973, their "relationship" was over. Much like Anakin becoming Vader. Makes perfect sense to me.
From Reddit:
Patrick Stewart's Charles does mention his history with Mystique in the darker 2023 from Days of Future Past, that which is the future of the original trilogy's timeline, he also points out the moment she killed Trask was truly the moment she left her past behind her. As he puts it, killing Trask and getting captured by Stryker "was the day she truly became Mystique", hence why she had no problem putting him in a coma in X-Men 1 and leaving him behind to possibly die in X2.

So basically, once she killed Trask in 1973, their "relationship" was over. Much like Anakin becoming Vader. Makes perfect sense to me.
If the timeline had changed by 2023 then this doesn't explain anything, much less the ages of the characters or things like Charles and Magneto building Cerebro
The ages of the characters don't change, they just happen to look younger.

Yeah. I posted this back on page 4:

"So I finally saw X-Men: Dark Phoenix the other day. I liked it, but knowing it's the last of the Fox X-Men, it wasn't really a good ending to the series. I'm guessing New Mutants (and future Deadpool movies) will be in the MCU now.

Anyway, so I was going through the ages of the main characters (Wolverine, Rouge, Iceman and all of the other younger characters don't really matter as they are always played by the same actors) and I came up with this. I came up with the character ages using a combination of birthdates from https://xmenmovies.fandom.com/wiki/X-Men_Movies_Wiki , the actor's age, movie dialouge and the actor's ages. Some I just guessed at/ made up, like the 3 actresses that played Kitty Pryde. I'd also like to think that the different versions of Trask, Psylocke, Angel, Emma, Toad, Jubilee and Yukio are different characters, with the ones with the most prominent screentime as the "real" versions. And the time travel schnanigans changed only Deadpool's birthdate (maybe). Colossus and Juggernaut could still work, they just "bulked up". Anyway, here's what I came up with. Man, the "prequels" really needed to "age up" Beast, Havok, Magneto and Prof X. Not Moira and Raven, because why not. Weird having a different actor for Stryker right in the middle there, but Origins is better ignored anyway.

Character age (actor age, if different):

William Stryker
1973: Age 28
1979: Age 34 (47)
1983: Age 38 (30)
2003: Age 58 (57)

Erik Lensherr (Magneto)
1944: Age 14 (16)
1962: Age 32
1973: Age 43 (37)
1983: Age 53 (39)
1986: Age 56 (67)
1992: Age 62 (42)
2003: Age 73 (61, 64)
2006: Age 76 (67)
2015: Age 85 (74)
2023: Age 93 (75)

Raven Darkholme (Mystique)
1944: Age 10 (11)
1962: Age 28 (21)
1973: Age 39 (24)
1983: Age 49 (26)
1992: Age 58 (29)
2003: Age 69 (28, 31)
2006: Age 72 (34)

Professor Charles Xavier
1944: Age 12 (16)
1962: Age 30 (32)
1973: Age 41 (35)
1979: Age 47 (69)
1983: Age 51 (37)
1986: Age 54 (66)
1992: Age 60 (40)
2003: Age 71 (60, 63)
2006: Age 74 (66)
2015: Age 83 (73)
2023: Age 91 (74)
2029: Age 97 (77)

Moira MacTaggert
1962: Age 32
1983: Age 53 (37)
2006: Age 64 (38)

Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver)
1973: Age 18 (27)
1983: Age 28 (29)
1992: Age 37 (32)

Hank McCoy (Beast)
1962: Age 22
1973: Age 33 (25)
1983: Age 43 (27)
1992: Age 52 (30)
2003: Age 63 (38)
2006: Age 66 (51)
2023: Age 83 (59)

Alex Summers (Havoc)
1962: Age 21
1973: Age 32 (24)
1983: Age 42 (26)

Scott Summers (Cyclops)
1979: Age 16 (24)
1983: Age 20
1992: Age 29 (23)
2003: Age 40 (27, 30)
2006: Age 43 (33)
2023: Age 60 (41)

Jean Grey (Phoenix)
1975: Age 8 (11)
1983: Age 16 (20)
1986: Age 19 (14) (from X-Men 3, maybe this can move to '83 as well. No way a 14 year old can pass for 19.)
1992: Age 25 (23)
2003: Age 36 (36, 39)
2006: Age 39 (42)
2013: Age 46 (49)
2023: Age 56 (50)

Ororo Monroe (Storm)
1983: Age 19 (25)
1992: Age 28
2003: Age 39 (34, 37)
2006: Age 42 (40)
2023: Age 59 (48)

Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
1983: Age 20
1992: Age 29 (23)
2003: Age 40 (38)

Kitty Pryde
2003: Age 16 (14/18)
2006: Age 19
2023: Age 36 (27)

1983: Age 39
2029: Age 85 (43)

Also, the new timeline now has each decade from 60's to 90s covered, with about 10 year intervals.


2023 edit:
Would be cool to make an all-in one fanedit of X1-3 into one movie to take care of the 2000s era, following Dark Phoenix. It would connect to the ending of DoFP and The Marvels. Somehow have Jean come back, she could just choose to be Phoenix now whenever she wants, with no side effects. The film can open with Beast doing a senate hearing instead of Jean. Logan and Rouge's scenes happen maybe about the same way, but the X-Men now go to the Jean Grey school. Mystique would have to be removed entirely (she's dead), the statue of liberty scene would be largely the same. Anyway, might be fun to try.
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Also in the early part of the film, I believe this calendar is July, 2026. Correct me if I'm wrong.

And Laura.mov may be set in August, 2026.View attachment 1537
Just looking how many letters are on the calendar in Logan it looks exactly like July on the left and the year 20XX on the right, both on the top panel (so July 2029?) although looking at the shooting schedule on Wiki they were shooting the scenes at the toppled water tower facility during July 2016 so perhaps it's a red herring prop?
hello guys, I'm new here and I'm trying to understand the timelines and earths designations of the X-Men universe (it's a headache for me) What do you think of this interpretation
correct? incorrect? why? are there points to counterargue it? :)
I think the way the timelines branch out from Earth-10005 is kinda confusing in that graph.

Also, "Earth-TRN414" (the Revised Timeline) can't be Earth-66250. Potential futures are their own branch when they're undone.
They literally break off from the point of divergence and the new timeline is the present.

"TRN414" --------------------------> Earth-14633 (2018 - 2054)
(Cable notices his daughter's teddy bear change after Wade sacrifices himself to redeem Firefirst)
"TRN414" -----> Earth-14633 / -----------------> Earth-66250 (previous 2018 - 2054)
(Deadpool saves Vanessa)
"TRN414"/ ----> Earth-14633 / -----------------> Earth-66250 (previous 2018 - 2054)

* / = branch created
X-Men is different than MCU. In X-Men, making a change in the past doesn't branch anything, it just changes, just like Back to the Future.