Wolverine - series discussion (spoilers)

"Mark Millar has some certain notions about what he wants to do [with the Old Man Logan universe], and we don't want to dilute that," Barber said about a possible return to this universe. He suggested Millar may be interested in telling more stories set there later.

According to the Dark Reign panel at comic con today Wolverine #75 sees the title becoming "Dark Wolverine" and probably follows Daken.
According to the Dark Reign panel at comic con today Wolverine #75 sees the title becoming "Dark Wolverine" and probably follows Daken.

It will follow Daken.


This makes the Second Dark Avenger to take a heroes title. The other taking over Moonstone's book.
I just read the Get Mystique arc. It was okay, a lot better than Aaron's Wolverine: Manifest Destiny mini. He seems to be pretty consistent with the character so I'll try his Weapon X series.

Apparently Mystique has already returned and kicked Iceman out of a plane or something. With no explanation as to how she survived a severe wound or got out of the middle of the desert.

I just read the Get Mystique arc. It was okay, a lot better than Aaron's Wolverine: Manifest Destiny mini. He seems to be pretty consistent with the character so I'll try his Weapon X series.

Apparently Mystique has already returned and kicked Iceman out of a plane or something. With no explanation as to how she survived a severe wound or got out of the middle of the desert.


There's something i didn't get about the "Get Mystique" arc....... Why did she fight wolverine Naked?
There's something i didn't get about the "Get Mystique" arc....... Why did she fight wolverine Naked?

Yeah, that was pretty random. I think she actually had another layer on because she pulls that hidden gun out at the end from her skin... I guess it was just to trick him.

I'm thinking that Pym's Cross isn't really a city at all, but maybe a giant Hank Pym corpse, the size of a city or something. Maybe he's just lying there, rotting.

You called it. :D
You called it. :D

Sweet. Though this does mean I think like Mark Millar... :shock:

This comic is insane and I love it. Hawkeye and Logan get rescued from the symbiote dinosaur by Black Bolt, who teleports them to a secure location. Then Emma Frost meets them. Seems like she married someone to ensure her survival and that they're the last of the mutants as none have been born in 40 years. She tells Hawkeye she also knows what he's carrying and he calls her a skank!

Emma's people fix the car for the duo and they continue on their journey... while Doom watches! They come across the giant corpse of Hank Pym. They reach New Babylon. They go to the deal... Hawkeye has been carrying a case filled with super soldier serum. The people he's selling it to are going to be create new superheroes to save the world. Hawkeye wants to be on the team. They agree. Then Logan is shot dozens of times! And the buyer shoots Hawkeye in the chest! They're actually SHIELD undercover agents working for The President, RED SKULL!

The issue ends with Old Man Hawkeye being shot in the head and killed. :(

This story is fantastic.
Sweet. Though this does mean I think like Mark Millar... :shock:

This comic is insane and I love it. Hawkeye and Logan get rescued from the symbiote dinosaur by Black Bolt, who teleports them to a secure location. Then Emma Frost meets them. Seems like she married someone to ensure her survival and that they're the last of the mutants as none have been born in 40 years. She tells Hawkeye she also knows what he's carrying and he calls her a skank!

Emma's people fix the car for the duo and they continue on their journey... while Doom watches! They come across the giant corpse of Hank Pym. They reach New Babylon. They go to the deal... Hawkeye has been carrying a case filled with super soldier serum. The people he's selling it to are going to be create new superheroes to save the world. Hawkeye wants to be on the team. They agree. Then Logan is shot dozens of times! And the buyer shoots Hawkeye in the chest! They're actually SHIELD undercover agents working for The President, RED SKULL!

The issue ends with Old Man Hawkeye being shot in the head and killed. :(

This story is fantastic.


What a phenomenal comic this has become.

Yessir, I'm a total Millar rube but when he continues to put out quality work it's hard not to be. If the cover to issue #75 alone doesn't make you a fan of this comic, I don't know what would. Honestly, in that case, I wouldn't consider you a comic book fan, just an "indie" fan who can only get pleasure out of knowing you like comics that absolutely nobody else knows about .This whole "Old Man Logan" thing has been so much fun to read that if you don't have fun reading it, you need to lighten the hell up.

It's fun but it's gritty and it absolutely kicks the crap out of almost anything any company is putting out currently. I'm still big on All-Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder, though. Once that's over, this will still be the thing (until Millar's done with it and Jason Aaron takes over).

Jason Aaron's Weapon X will be pure gold, too, just watch. And speaking of Mr. Aaron, if you haven't read Scalped by now, just kill yourself because you've missed out.

But yeah, Old Man Logan, it's the bee's knees! Everyone needs to know about it.
You are a big Mark Millar fan and you are pretty extreme. I like you, Willverine. We need to form a badass alliance.

I want to be Old Man Hawkeye.
You are a big Mark Millar fan and you are pretty extreme. I like you, Willverine. We need to form a badass alliance.

I want to be Old Man Hawkeye.

Well he just got shot in the damned head, X2. You sure you want to deal with that? It's a bad way to go out... not how I expected Hawkeye to exit.

I'm all for the badass alliance though!
That Logan/Red Skull fight was insane. McNiven is amazing.

I wanted to see more of Red Skull's place but I guess Millar had to get Logan back to his home quickly to wrap up the story... maybe this should have been 12 issues instead of 8?

Snikt. Wolverine is back.

I presume the special is going to be Wolverine going on a rampage. I guess we'll see that Doom guy again too.
this was really cool

I find the trophy case of hero artifacts in possible future stories to be a bit of a cliche, but they really pulled it off
Written by MARK MILLAR
Pencils & Cover by STEVE MCNIVEN

This is it! The moment you've been waiting for! Prepare yourselves for the most brutal battle in the history of comics as Wolverine returns— and unleashes a tidal wave of bloody revenge!

It's Wolverine versus the Hulk Gang to the death! Don't miss the flesh-rending final chapter to the greatest Wolverine story ever told by the peerless Mark Millar and Steve McNiven!

Plus—you won't be able to tear yourself away from the gallery of covers, background material, behind-the-scenes extras, and all-new pinups that fill out this GIANT-SIZE SPECTACUL

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Just finished the Giant-Size Wolverine: Old Man Logan and... Damn!! it was good. Makes me wish the story would countinue on.