Wolverine - series discussion (spoilers)

I've gotta admit, I'm kind of in love with Jason Aaron's writing on Wolverine.

His new team of adversaries has the greatest names ever. Shadow S., Gunhawk, Fire Knives, Saw Fist, Cannon Foot.

That's... I just can't get over how great that is. Gunhawk has guns... Fire knives has fire knives... Saw Fist has a saw for a fist! I can only assume Cannon Foot's foot shoots cannon balls. I can't wait to see.
Both Ghost Riders and Daimon Hellstrom have joined Mystique and Logan's girlfriend in order to get him back! **** and yes! I love this book!
Old man logan

In the comic book old man logan the hulks sons are in control and demand Logan (wolverine) to pay rent..Logan doesn't have the rent money so he goes with hawkeye on a mission for money..when he comes back with the rent money,hulks sons have killed logans family..Logan gets mad and that comicbook ends there..has anyone read the continue to it? What happens?? Please explain!!! Thanks

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Bleeding Cool is making a big deal out of this:

Today's issue (not sure what number it is) reveals that
Weapon X was conceived/created by Wolverine

And there we go folks. Weapon X? The experiment that took Wolverine, implanted him with adamantium, and turned him into the immortal, unstoppable killing machine he is today? It was all his own idea…
huh... that's kind of... huh...

i have no idea how to feel about this.

That was my EXACT reaction.

It seems like I should feel...something....about this, but I can't tell what and I can't muster it up.

It seems like a really, really dumb idea.
I think i feel like since they've been revealing his past that he's lost a lot of the mystery that made him cool and as a result he's descended into the realm of using cheap gimmicks and secret revelations that "change everything."

He already has the most convoluted back story of any character ever, they don't need to make it worse.
I read Old Man Logan for the first time and it was one of the silliest, dumbest, and just down right unnecessary comics I've ever read. This is the general consensus on this right?
I read Old Man Logan for the first time and it was one of the silliest, dumbest, and just down right unnecessary comics I've ever read. This is the general consensus on this right?

Not in the least.