Wolverine - series discussion (spoilers)

A giant Loki trapped under the Baxter Building in Oregon was awesome.

I can't wait for the next issue to see what happened to Logan.
I actually really didn't like this issue too much. The art looked extremely rushed. Just not McNiven quality work. I don't know... I have been blown away by every issue but this one just didn't seem to have enough meat to make me more than amused.
#70 page preview thanks to Mark Millar:

An interesting bit from John Barber about this series (in an article about the new Wolverine book):

"I know some people might look at this and throw their hands up at the amount of Wolverine books…well, all I can say is, wait until you see what's going to happen in WOLVERINE after 'Old Man Logan' ends…"

Taken from here.
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It was Mysterio, not Mastermind.

But... HOLY ****!

Why would it be Mysterio?

anyway that Venosaurrus-Rex is pretty cool.

If you want more Symbiote Dinosaurs check out the last couple issue's of Cable & Deadpool

Why wouldn't it be Mysterio? I presume Wolverine is not as familiar with him as he is with Mastermind.
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I read this earlier and it was great! The best issue so far, I think. McNiven did a great job drawing the brutal killing scenes and the reveal of the dead X-Men. Awesome.

Why wouldn't it be Mysterio? I presume Wolverine is not as familiar with him as he is with Mastermind.
This makes sense. Someone Wolverine would not see coming is a better way to catch him off guard.
It really was a powerful issue. When Wolverine figures out what he has done...damn.

And I totally want to see Mysterio messing with more random heroes like he did with Daredevil and Wolverine here.
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Cover to #71:


After "Old Man Logan," well…we've got something REAL special planned for issue #75. Last time we had a Wolverine #75, Logan had just lost his adamantium and popped his bone claws for the first time. This time, it'll be bigger.

--Bill Roseman (My Cup O' Joe @ MySpace)
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After #75 it will probably be renamed and will focus on the future world instead of Logan, especially since he's got that new title coming up and it's what they've done in similar situations.
And now solicit/cover to #72:

Written by MARK MILLAR
Pencils & Cover by STEVE MCNIVEN

Logan and Hawkeye have finally reached their journey's end, made it to New Babylon, and delivered Hawkeye's secret cargo. But the completion of their mission has come with a great price…and Logan is out for revenge on the man responsible for the annihilation of the world's super heroes, the President of the United States! Don't miss the penultimate issue of the greatest Wolverine story ever told by modern masters MARK MILLAR and STEVE MCNIVEN! Part 7 of 8.

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And now solicit/cover to #72:

Written by MARK MILLAR
Pencils & Cover by STEVE MCNIVEN

Logan and Hawkeye have finally reached their journey's end, made it to New Babylon, and delivered Hawkeye's secret cargo. But the completion of their mission has come with a great price…and Logan is out for revenge on the man responsible for the annihilation of the world's super heroes, the President of the United States! Don't miss the penultimate issue of the greatest Wolverine story ever told by modern masters MARK MILLAR and STEVE MCNIVEN! Part 7 of 8.



If this entire run of the series wasn't bad-*** enough already, now we get THIS? Holy ****! This is so awesome, I'm considering naming my next child after Mark Millar. Or maybe I'll just name him/her "Old Man Logan" (even if it's a girl). As disapointed as I've been in other books recently, this is just incredible.
Yeah. And here's what Millar had to say on MW about McNiven sending him the pages to #71:

He just sent me the last page of the issue and I actually got a jolt. If you think part five was a shocker, wait until you see what awaits Logan in part six. That road-trip kicked into hyper-drive with this week's issue and the game just gets raised next issue and the final two issues. We are so, so happy with this storyline. It's just worked out really well.

But this last page with Wolvie.


You're going to lose your minds.

Yeah. And here's what Millar had to say on MW about McNiven sending him the pages to #71:

He just sent me the last page of the issue and I actually got a jolt. If you think part five was a shocker, wait until you see what awaits Logan in part six. That road-trip kicked into hyper-drive with this week's issue and the game just gets raised next issue and the final two issues. We are so, so happy with this storyline. It's just worked out really well.

But this last page with Wolvie.


You're going to lose your minds.


In terms of packing a punch when it comes to a story, I think Millar is on top of his game right now. Sure, a lot of names are being bandied about recently. Everyone's got Grant Morrison on the brain and perhaps Geoff Johns to a lesser extent, but considering there is no "big event" storyline tied to "Old Man Logan" or 1985 or any of his other current work, Millar is pretty hard to **** with right now.

All that plus the fact that a cover with Red Skull wearing the Captain America uniform is just killer.