Weird Dreams

My dad is learning to play the harp. Right now there's a lot of single-note holds, many in the same key as the Lost "quiet, emotional crossroads" music they ended a bunch of episodes with(the ones where even the "LOST" was accompanied by a string note instead of the thump).

This bled through into the dream I was having last night where there was still two more episodes of Lost to go. It ended perfectly in synch with a bunch of random notes.
This morning I had both a dream that had me laughing hysterically, including while I physically I woke up, and another one that had me full-on crying , which I haven't done in waking life in about six months. The first was about getting this hilarious new teacher in a college class. The second was while I was hugging my grampa, who died in February, and telling him how much I missed and would continue to miss him. I've had a ton of dreams about him since he died, and he was consistently younger and healthier in each one until he was finally about 30 in them, but in this one he was as old as I usually knew him being.
I just had this crazy dream where I was at this giant party for one of my friend's birthdays. It was in this hotel or something, there were at least a hundred people in attendance, including ProjectX2 and Hyde from That '70s Show.

Part of the dream was a mass viewing of Aliens. We watched the whole thing, but when it ended I realized we "must not have watched the director's cut", because Newt and Bishop weren't in it at all, and the encounter with the Alien Queen was limited to her chasing the shuttle as it went down the runway and eventually took off with no fight or anything. Barely got a look at her, as we were all in the shuttle before she showed up, at the window.

At some point during or just after the film, one of my friends got a facehugger on him, and I had to explain to people that we couldn't just cut it off or it would strangle him, but they did anyway, really quickly, and he seemed to be okay. They dropped the mostly bisected facehugger into a clear plastic bowl of some drink we had tons of from the party, like vodka or something. It fizzed over completely and then when the fizz cleared, the liquid in the bowl was half orange and half blue, like, evenly somehow. I excitedly pointed out to my friends that a fairly significant looking chemical change must have occured, but they were just like yeah.... that's cool. They then took the facehugger out and put it in a bowl of water, which slowly turned bright green. They were like "let's add this to the bar, man!"(I don't know if they meant as a sideshow oddity-type attraction or as a source of drinks) but I strongly advised against it as it was probably a bowl of acid, or turning into one, so not safe to have around the bar either way. They were just like meh.

The party continued. So many people I know were there. There were multiple floors to this place as well as a roof balcony people were eager to get to later in the night. Everyone was getting drunker and drunker. This fat young guy tried to take my camera at one point, not like steal, but like he thought he was entitled or something. I mostly talked him out of it, and then some barmaid said he'd be kicked out if he took it.

They hoisted my friend Jamie whose birthday it supposedly was up on a chair and danced around with him and then two other friends, also on chairs. It was wild and I filmed it. Later I heard a bird call that sounded like my family's pet budgie who died a few years ago. I followed the call through the party, up to my room, which was somehow attached. I wondered if somebody's escaped budgie was nearby outside or something.

At the window, it was now a bright sunny day out(instead of the middle of the night like the main party), and I saw a black and white budgie in the tree branches right at the window then another, and another. It wasn't somebody's escaped budgie, it was a whole flock of wild ones! They were all making this call and loads of others, as well as speaking simple phrases with varying levels of success. There are a few random other party goers in my room at the windows, and we all start calling to them, and they call back, some imitating us. Some of them look just like Scarlet McCaws, but budgie-sized.

From one of the budgies, I catch a few bars of "Don't Stop Believing". I point this out to the other people and sing them back. The budgie sings them back, better this time, and we all start very clearly singing a surprisingly good rendition of "Don't Stop Believing". The budgies pick it up really quickly and begin not only singing along, but accompanying each other with different keys and vocalized instrumentals. I know this is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen and quickly get out my camera and start filming. After a few minutes the budgies all say goodbye and fly off together. So awesome.

And it's back to the party. Everyone is even drunker now. At the bottom of this fancy staircase outside the main party room, a friend of mine is sitting on a bench, totally wasted. Me, ProjectX2, and a semi-attractive barmaid go down there because she's got to tell some other people where they can't go or something. My friend then vehemently hits on her. She says, REALLY stiffly and awkwardly "Sorry, I dont..... feel like..... being..... TOUCHED!" and forcefully walks off. My friend scowls(in contrast, I don't think he's ever been turned down by a girl in real life).

I go back upstairs just in time for the party to turn into literally a giant pile of people, thoroughly drunk and intwined, writhing around the carpeted floor and dance floor area together in a giant pile/ball. Dozens of people. I jump on top of the pile and ride it around. This is awesome, I think. Then all these doors open and a giant tidal wave of whiskey pours in from all of them, a la The Shining, but less scary and more hilarious. The wave washes everybody out different exits, most people down the stairs and out into the street. Everybody lies there laughing.

About then I wake up.
I had a dream I watched Transformers 3.

It was horrific.

Basically, Optimus spent some time hanging out with the President's children. The military decided to declare all-out war on the Autobots as a result.
I dreamt last night that I was watching/in a Batman movie where the mobsters of Gotham had, in collaboration with Heath Ledger Joker, built a 2000-foot-tall skyscraper with a small temple-like structure at the top in an attempt to reach God. As the Joker, I volunteered to climb it, using ladder-like protrusions that ran up the sides of the building. It took a while to climb the whole thing and several times I collected these special new quarters with designs on them of stuff like skyscrapers and mob meeting tables.

When I got to the top, some people on the ground were throwing up because of how high it was. I remarked that they had not reached God, and felt really bad for them, because Gotham City was still on a medieval science model and wouldn't even know how far up the sky went or what was outside it for hundreds of years. I knew they were going to try and build it even higher and that somebody was probably going to try and jump up in the air once they reached the top. I said the tower was theirs and slid down the whole thing, which was now only about as thick as a tree trunk. Every rung hurt slightly on the way down.
Last night I dreamt I was in the movie WHAT ABOUT BOB?, but not as an actor or as a character, but more of an invisible presence. I just got to go around and explore the world of the movie. It was cool, I got to follow Bill Murray around.
For whatever reason, we owed a casino 100 grand. As luck would have it, we found a $1 million US note on the floor of our apartment. Upon arriving at the casino though, we kind of figured it might be best if we break the note first (because the gangsters that owned the casino would probably just steal it and kill us), so we ordered drinks for ourselves and all of the hot girls at the bar.

Also, my faceless, nameless, plain-looking dream-girlfriend is pregnant and needs $450, which I had to tell her I didn't have, which sent her into an anxiety attack, cured by us just having lots of sex. Even in the dream though, I was a bit suspicious as to whether she was actually pregnant and not just trying to con me.
I had a dream the other night that retired actors had opened up comic shops. I was in a pretty cool shop that Danny Glover owned, and he was trying to sell me a HC of Hulk which had Wolverine's first appearance for $10. There was another actor who's shop I visited, but I can't remember who he was.
Awesome dream last night.

It started off like any normal dream would, it had a character selection screen. Set up like an RPG, there was around 100 or so selections to choose from, but at the time, it was only mine highlighted. So I choose myself, obviously, it is my dream.

A screen appeared showing a date and time (neither which I remember) and a location, my friend's house in Maine, only now it was massive. I drive up the driveway, where there are lots of cars, and it says Prologue. Getting out, I proceed around the party, talking to people, spying in conversations, and hiding various items places so kids won't get them. I remember two things clearly, two Russian people talking about how they needed to get away from the house quick as they could, and me hiding a pair of scissors from an Autistic kid who was clearly going to stab another kid with them. I hide them under a bed mattress, the only place at the time. I leave to go get more beer, as my car drives away, various people step out from the bushes.

Now it goes to the character selection screen again, and I'm greyed out, but several other people are lit up. These are all people at the party, so I select one of the kids (my friends kid who is 18 months right now, but in the game she is 10 years old). The gameplay switches to a sneaking around version. The party gets attacked by these people, who are acting in unison like they are some part of a hive mind. As the girl, I sneaked around various fights, I find items (ones that I was hiding as myself to stop kids from getting them) and using the scissors to free some people. One of them being her father.

The screen pops up again, and I select her father to play.

Side scrolling beat em up time. He goes around the house, and kicks major ass. He is not a small person, and always radiates that gentle giant that big people who tiptoe around the world do, and to see him like this was great. His power move was a massive body slam. Eventually he fights his way past a bunch of guys, and several people escape the party.

Character selection screen, and my picture is back up, so I choose me.

I get attacked while driving. Evidently, I know how to fight/shoot guns/car-fu. I take people on in a driving game simulation which ends up on the bottom floor of a garage. There, I get out of the car, and go to an elevator. Before I could people jump me, so it's back to the action. Now I know samurai sword action, and fight my way to a place where explosives are conveniently setup. I blow up the wall, and jump out of the garage, running down the street. The camera pans back to show the city in chaos (no city I recognize), and there is a hooded figure on top of a nearby parking garage leaning next to a sick looking Hummer.

His picture is on the character selection screen as the Weapons Master, so I choose him.

His opening cinematic is him talking to the Hummer, and the Hummer talking back. It's an AI. The two of them decide to destroy this nest. They proceed to drive into the hole I created to get out. Even though he is called the Weapons Master, I didn't see him use one weapon. He merely shot little iron dart things that he created with magic, or turned concrete into quicksand with magic. Eventually (maybe I screwed up a combo?) he is captured and dragged into the subbasement of the garage. There a person walks in, his attendees faint as he throws some sort of spell at the Weapons Master, and the screen went black.

Then my alarm went off.
Cool. At any point did it feel like you were holding a controller and watching a screen?

Last night I dreamt that I was watching some sort of Born On The Fourth Of July-esque movie made in the 60s, still starring Tom Cruise somehow and Sidney Poitier as his character's radical black publicist "Machiavelli".

It overlapped with Frasier somehow, and took place in Frasier Crane's apartment, and I was really glad to see the place first-hand and see how the layout worked, including a couple of large rooms I'd never seen before. Niles, Maris, Martin and Daphne were there too. While Cruise/Frasier and his wife argued in another room, I smoked a cigarette, which I've never done before, and put the stub in an ashtray. Frasier and that lady then walked into the room and she said she wanted a divorce. She was older, fat and weird-looking. Frasier, now Cruise again, was upset, but mainly because he'd married her in the first place. She was listed in a newspaper article as #0 on his list of women he had the desire to marry. I put the still-burning cigarette out onto a paper towel, which instantly smoldered into ash in my hand. Then I saw a clip of them as children in a church, and the girl looked really similar, like an old lady as a little girl, but it wasn't creepy, it was a cute and sad scene. Then I woke up.
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So I just had one of the weirdest dreams I've had in a long time and had to post it before I forget anything.

I'm back at Houde's and we're going to some party. He tells me, "It's going to rain really hard so let me know when you want to go home so you don't have to walk back." He quickly disappeared after that and I didn't see him again until way later. I had to walk home in hurricane storm rain to the point where I was crawling over broken glass on the road (though I never bled) and a homeless man passed me on a bike.

Houde's a dick.

I make it to his house and suddenly I get the feeling of an intruder. I call out for Houde and a woman answers out he's not home. I go up the stairs to see this woman folding clothes into a dresser and Houde sitting up on the bed behind her, but she looks worried like someone has her at gun point. Then the thought pops into my head that this is all a dream. I start saying things to the woman to try to make her see its all fake and Houde just turns into a giant Sheriff Woody, looking around confused. And then the bed turns into a tub, Sheriff Woody into a girl, and the woman joins in and both have sex in the tub.

I then "wake up" but I'm still actually dreaming, and the room is still the same with the tub, minus the girls. I try to make myself see them again, but then I actually wake up. The hell was I smoking?
That's what happened to me when I was in Houde's sex dungeon too.
Seriously, the drugs weren't suppose to leave any side effects this bad. Maybe some premature baldness, and liver discomfort, but not wacky ****ed up sex dreams about me.

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