He Sees You When You're Sleeping. He Knows When Yo
I've had a lot of recurring nightmares over the years...
One in particular happened after my parents took me to see E.T. when I was a bit too young to appreciate the movie as anything more as something horrific... As a four/five year old, it felt like I had fallen asleep, when all of a sudden I heard a humming noise coming from right behind me... I was on the top bunk of a bed, with nobody sleeping below me, the bed was right up against the wall and I felt the wall vibrating. I opened my eyes enough to see while still looking asleep, a spiraling orange and yellow vortex had opened, and a figure was in the center of it growing larger as it walked towards me. It was making E.T's typical inhuman grunts as it hobbled closer and closer, and I was petrified, shutting my eyes tight when it was close enough that I could have reached out and touched it. I felt it walk over me, and I stopped breathing so it wouldn't. I could FEEL it, and I had never before been all that conscious of pressure so real in a dream before, and I could . The dream was so vivid that it's still around in my sense memory. A certain amount of pressure to my chest and I remember the entire sequence.
I had a variation of this dream when I moved from Manhattan to Milwaukee. We had a temporary apartment and I had a bigger room, all to myself. It was the same thing all over again... The vortex appeared on a wall opposite my bed. E.T. came out and stared at me for what seemed like hours. Until I fell asleep into a more dreamless state, i suppose... It was following me, I was convinced, and I knew that he was watching me while I slept each night. It made it harder than ever to go to sleep... That might be where my insomnia originated, actually...
At least three years later I had what seemed like a nice, normal, dream. I was in the kitchen of our apartment with my mom and my friend, David. David and I were playing X-Men with my action figures and all of a sudden I remembered that I had gotten a Sentinel action figure (you know the one... 12-14 inches high, removeable chest plate that you could put an action figure in) the previous day (which, though I wanted to get one a lot, I didn't own, and I wouldn't until Christmas, almost six months later). I went up to my room to get it. Then, at the top of the stairs, E.T. stood at the end of the Hallway, staring at me. Directly into my eyes. For the first time in a dream it was a confrontation where I wasn't just pretending to be asleep, and I tried to scream but my voice had been muted by the alien. I ran down the stairs, trip, and fell... I remember laying on the ground, paralyzed with fear, unable to stop myself from crying as I could hear the beast moving closer and his breath growing heavier. I remember wanting to scream again, but I couldnt. It stood over me as mom and david remained blissfully unswares, and thats all I can remember.
The Cyclops Dream was significantly scarier, especially since it recurred almost once a week for over two years... This was when I was in my first few years of middle school... I was in a line, dressed in raggy clothes, with many people I didn't know. The line was patrolled in guards dressed like S.W.A.T. teams. They had Tasers. There were crunching noises and screams, then the line moved forward. As I got closer to the cyclops I would remember that there was a way to escape my gruesome death. i had to wake up. It was always the same method, I blinked twice and I would wake up covered in cold sweat. Sometimes I didn't remember in time, and the Cyclops would eat me, and THEN i'd wake up. Once I took control, and made myself capable of shooting blasts out of my hands. I blinded Cyclops, then started taking down all of the many men who were feeding us to the cyclops. Halfway theough a battle with the leader of the men, the man who was ordering our demise, when my powers vanished, the Cyclops lumbered for me, and tore my arms off before I woke up.
The only other nightmare that vivid i've ever had happened only once, thank god. A skeleton of a T-Rex was loose in my school, and it was eating my friends right in front of me, and you could see the blood running down the bones and the lumpy flesh of my friends hanging on its ribs... It was a LONG dream, but I can't remember where the Dinosaur came from, but I remember that when I woke up I couldn't move for a solid hour. This was when I was about 12.
I couldn't remember if I had posted these or not, but these old recurring nightmares still scare the crap out of me. I still can't properly enjoy E.T.