Weird Dreams

I've had a lot of recurring nightmares over the years...

One in particular happened after my parents took me to see E.T. when I was a bit too young to appreciate the movie as anything more as something horrific... As a four/five year old, it felt like I had fallen asleep, when all of a sudden I heard a humming noise coming from right behind me... I was on the top bunk of a bed, with nobody sleeping below me, the bed was right up against the wall and I felt the wall vibrating. I opened my eyes enough to see while still looking asleep, a spiraling orange and yellow vortex had opened, and a figure was in the center of it growing larger as it walked towards me. It was making E.T's typical inhuman grunts as it hobbled closer and closer, and I was petrified, shutting my eyes tight when it was close enough that I could have reached out and touched it. I felt it walk over me, and I stopped breathing so it wouldn't. I could FEEL it, and I had never before been all that conscious of pressure so real in a dream before, and I could . The dream was so vivid that it's still around in my sense memory. A certain amount of pressure to my chest and I remember the entire sequence.

I had a variation of this dream when I moved from Manhattan to Milwaukee. We had a temporary apartment and I had a bigger room, all to myself. It was the same thing all over again... The vortex appeared on a wall opposite my bed. E.T. came out and stared at me for what seemed like hours. Until I fell asleep into a more dreamless state, i suppose... It was following me, I was convinced, and I knew that he was watching me while I slept each night. It made it harder than ever to go to sleep... That might be where my insomnia originated, actually...

At least three years later I had what seemed like a nice, normal, dream. I was in the kitchen of our apartment with my mom and my friend, David. David and I were playing X-Men with my action figures and all of a sudden I remembered that I had gotten a Sentinel action figure (you know the one... 12-14 inches high, removeable chest plate that you could put an action figure in) the previous day (which, though I wanted to get one a lot, I didn't own, and I wouldn't until Christmas, almost six months later). I went up to my room to get it. Then, at the top of the stairs, E.T. stood at the end of the Hallway, staring at me. Directly into my eyes. For the first time in a dream it was a confrontation where I wasn't just pretending to be asleep, and I tried to scream but my voice had been muted by the alien. I ran down the stairs, trip, and fell... I remember laying on the ground, paralyzed with fear, unable to stop myself from crying as I could hear the beast moving closer and his breath growing heavier. I remember wanting to scream again, but I couldnt. It stood over me as mom and david remained blissfully unswares, and thats all I can remember.

The Cyclops Dream was significantly scarier, especially since it recurred almost once a week for over two years... This was when I was in my first few years of middle school... I was in a line, dressed in raggy clothes, with many people I didn't know. The line was patrolled in guards dressed like S.W.A.T. teams. They had Tasers. There were crunching noises and screams, then the line moved forward. As I got closer to the cyclops I would remember that there was a way to escape my gruesome death. i had to wake up. It was always the same method, I blinked twice and I would wake up covered in cold sweat. Sometimes I didn't remember in time, and the Cyclops would eat me, and THEN i'd wake up. Once I took control, and made myself capable of shooting blasts out of my hands. I blinded Cyclops, then started taking down all of the many men who were feeding us to the cyclops. Halfway theough a battle with the leader of the men, the man who was ordering our demise, when my powers vanished, the Cyclops lumbered for me, and tore my arms off before I woke up.

The only other nightmare that vivid i've ever had happened only once, thank god. A skeleton of a T-Rex was loose in my school, and it was eating my friends right in front of me, and you could see the blood running down the bones and the lumpy flesh of my friends hanging on its ribs... It was a LONG dream, but I can't remember where the Dinosaur came from, but I remember that when I woke up I couldn't move for a solid hour. This was when I was about 12.

I couldn't remember if I had posted these or not, but these old recurring nightmares still scare the crap out of me. I still can't properly enjoy E.T.
I couldn't remember if I had posted these or not, but these old recurring nightmares still scare the crap out of me. I still can't properly enjoy E.T.

I've had similar dreams and I agree. He is one creepy alien.
There's a set of nightmares I posted ages ago and can't be fussed to look up now involving "the Owls". I had these when I was like 3-4.

Last night I was listening to a Dan Deacon song Moonmaster sent me called "Woof Woof" and something about it reminded me enough of those dreams that I couldn't finish listening to it.
Last night I dreamed Optimus Prime and Blackarachnia were arguing about boyfriend/girlfriend things. (Transformers Animated is so crazy!)

I'm pretty sure it's connected to my recent aquirement of a girlfriend.
I had one of the coolest dreams last night where me and some of my cousins and a bunch of girls I know were in this big haunted house, and there was this place on an upper floor where an entire wall was one long window and if you looked out of it you could see down onto another part of the roof, where there was like this courtyard and greenhouse and a room, again with a big wall-window, that was filled with old clothes and tapestries and stuff, and that was supposed to be one of the main places where you could see a ghost, and it was late at night during a thunder storm and me and some family members looked down and in the roof-entrance to the clothes room, just as lightning flashed, I could see this ghost that looked like a little girl or boy covered in a thin white cobwebby sheet, but see-though and clearly a ghost. For some reason, I then remembered that I had been here and seen it years before, and that I'd always wanted to see it again.

There was supposedly another part of the roof where there was an old frieght elevator where people had seen the ghosts of an entire family, but I didn't get to see this and only knew because there was this crazy gardener/janitor guy who was leading people around the house who told everyone about it.

I went down a floor to where my cousins and the girls were standing in this old-fashioned hotel-type elevator and they started asking about the ghosts but as I told each of them it was so scary that they kept starting to cry, even the guys. But they wanted to see for themselves, and one of the girls had me carry her all the way back up there to the windowed hall to see, but this time I wondered if the ghost was just a reflection somehow created by the old clothes on a pole or something, but figured if this was true, a ghost might have set it up.

The dream went on for hours and hours and during some of the rest of this time, I was Peter Parker hanging out with Gwen Stacy and Eddie Brock, all of us the versions from the Spectacular Spider-Man animated series, and I'm pretty sure they knew I was Spider-Man but were cool about it, and we just hung around my neighbourhood. And life was good.
A few weeks ago I had one of the longest and most detailed dreams I've ever had. At one point I woke up and was devastated, but then fell asleep and went right back into it. It ended with one of the most incredible and magical moments of my recent life. I might post it all some time but it's pages and pages long.

I had a kind of "sequel"/continuation to this dream last night, and it was just as incredible if not even more so. I wrote the whole thing out in my Dream Journal over the course of today and in 12-point font single spaced it's six pages long. It took place over the course of years. It's so complex and personal that I'm not sure it's really for people to read it, but there were parts with sci-fi and technical aspects that I'm am still just floored by. Amazing.
At one point in the dream I had last night I wondered if having my entire body save for face and hands dyed light blue as a reference to Dr. Manhattan might have been a mistake. I liked the way it looked and was quite used to it, but girls might find it weird if they saw me naked.
I had a dream last night where I was being trained for a Christian-themed theatrical staging of The Lord of the Rings by Rick Warren, which is almost as funny as the one from a few weeks ago where I raced Sarah Palin to the top of Mount Everest. (And beat her ***.)
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At one point in the dream I had last night I wondered if having my entire body save for face and hands dyed light blue as a reference to Dr. Manhattan might have been a mistake. I liked the way it looked and was quite used to it, but girls might find it weird if they saw me naked.

I felt the same way when I saw him in watchmen. I mean could you stop staring? I couldn't.
I hate that the good dreams I have are forgotten quickly, but anything that's too weird or I'd rather not remember anymore still stays stuck in my head.
Last night I dreamed that I opened a closet.

And then Ganondorf jumped out, laughing maniacally while his body was on fire, and he started strangling me.

Also, there were a bunch of security cameras in the shape of human faces.
I've had two odd dreams in a row the past two nights.

The first one had my high school drama teacher trying to break into my house to recruit me into his new theater project. "It's the perfect role for you," he says. "You get to play a dragon that gets ninety-eight percent of the dialouge. Oh, and the performance is 5/2/09." I spent the rest of the dream trying to keep him out of my house and singing "LALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU."

In the second one, he managed to get me to sign up by taking a package of cookies hostage. For some reason, the play was changed to a theater version of Resident Evil 4. I had to play that spaniard scientist that hits on the President's Daughter. The dream ended with me in a drag race to get the cookies back, but I'm not sure how.

First time I've had a dream continuation. Weird.
I've had two odd dreams in a row the past two nights.

The first one had my high school drama teacher trying to break into my house to recruit me into his new theater project. "It's the perfect role for you," he says. "You get to play a dragon that gets ninety-eight percent of the dialouge. Oh, and the performance is 5/2/09." I spent the rest of the dream trying to keep him out of my house and singing "LALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU."

In the second one, he managed to get me to sign up by taking a package of cookies hostage. For some reason, the play was changed to a theater version of Resident Evil 4. I had to play that spaniard scientist that hits on the President's Daughter. The dream ended with me in a drag race to get the cookies back, but I'm not sure how.

First time I've had a dream continuation. Weird.

You know the messed up part is that if you ever told him, you'd have to stay at least 300 yards away from him.
Last night I met Hulk Hogan and Stan Lee in my dreams.

They were bummbed that their careers were pretty much over, so they decided to restart their careers by killing me.

You know the messed up part is that if you ever told him, you'd have to stay at least 300 yards away from him.

I actually told him about it to his face. He thought it was hilarious.
I've had some really cool dreams recently. There was one where I was with my class on a subway platform and met Steve Buschemi and hung out with him during the rest of the dream. He was really cool, but I kept forgetting to ask him about that rumoured Walt Disney biopic thing.

Yesterday morning I had this one where I was watching There Will Be Blood, but it was completely different and much more disturbing. I was only mildly disturbed by it while watching it, but when I woke up and realized my head had come up with all of it I was kind of sickened.
I've had at least three unsettling and stressful dreams since last year about being forced to return to high school. That place clearly gave me PTSD.
I had a dream last night where I was Captain America, Silver Surfer, AND Iceman (at different parts of the dream).

Weird. Cool. And weird. :p
I had a dream last night where I was Captain America, Silver Surfer, AND Iceman (at different parts of the dream).

Weird. Cool. And weird. :p

I love dreams with super powers, they're always so fun. I remember one where my entire high school senior class got marvel super powers, me being spider-man. And just having a huge brawl, awesome.

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