Okay. Now hold on. I think Peter's gonna be okay.
Yes, Bendis has been cryptically hinting that the new series would set up a new status quo and everything, even implying that Peter might not be Spidey at that point. But this is from the company that knows how to spin a news cycle bait-and-switch. The whole ad campaign for Secret Invasion toward the end seemed to blatantly suggest the Skrulls would win, so I'm dubious of anything that anyone says or implies in the press about anything big.
Plus, there's no way Marvel would allow something that huge to be spoiled in a preview like that. Let's not forget that Cap and Thor also "died" in Ultimatum, and they are going to wind up just fine. Hell, even Daredevil might come back. I wouldn't put it past Loeb to have some stupid reset button for the end of the series.
Anyway, like I said, I'll believe it when I see it. And if I see it, then I'll build a time machine and go back and kick Loeb's dad in the nards so he will never be born and nothing he's done will ever exist. I will retcon his a**.