Gah. Am I annoyed at Millar for teasing us with the traitors identity yet again? Yes.
Will I be annoyed at Millar if it isn't revealed even in the next issue? No. I thouroughly believe it is not Millar's intention to reveal the identity of the traitor before issue 10 at the earliest.
What irks me now is, it looks more and more like the traitor doesn't even exist, that Loki and/or Red Skull is just screwing with everyone, which I can easily accept, but it's a blatant red herring.
Anyway, all that said, it was a short but very exciting issue. I was very interested to see Fury's reactions to last issues massacre, it's a side of him we haven't seen before, and for me, it really hits it home that Fury isn't, and doesn't know who, the traitor is. This issue made me realise that I actually really like Fury. The revelation of Starks little hobby can be seen in a number of ways, both suspicious and perfectly innocent.
There really is too much to comment on this issue, it's all been said earlier in the thread, so I'll close by saying that it offered up a whole load of plot points and side stories, which I'm grateful for being able to follow, and served to further this delicious little 'traitor' mystery. However, I'm a bit concerned with where Millar's going with this, and I'm beginning to suspect we are all going to be sorely dissapointed at the revelation, or lack of. Millar is Loki.