ULTIMATES 2 #1 {spoilers!!!}

Goodwill said:
Well, I just got the issue and, let me tell you, I don't see what the hype was all about. I'm not sure I'm going to continue reading this. For one thing, Millar doesn't know how to right relationships and another thing is is that the action opened the issue but it had a very stale ending. This isn't to great a way to open a comic, don't you think?

Cap busts in to a room full of armed Iraqis, scares them into dropping their weapons, frees the hostages, and it's stale? You're a tough customer. I thought it was a great opening - it's timely with what is really going on in the world, and it provides a great opportunity for more controversy (whether or not the team should have even been over there).

Not sure what you mean by "right relationships."
XTFLyons said:
I think he meant the ending was stale...

That would be just as surprising to me. Bruce is in the middle of watching TV and they break in with your worst secret? I thought it was not only a great ending to the issue but a great cliffhanger as well.
Man, I haven't been here for a long time. Last I was here the site was going crappy and LSJL was a member with about 20 posts. Back on topic, I am going to have to go through hell to wait for this trade.
No offense, but it wasn't loading and stuff. It's all better now and I congratulate you on the new site.
ProjectX2 said:
No offense, but it wasn't loading and stuff. It's all better now and I congratulate you on the new site.

I was just kidding. :D

Anytime anyone is having problems with the site, let me know. Even if the site is down and you can't PM me, I'm on MSN, AIM, and Yahoo messenger just about every day, so you can get ahold of me that way.
UltimateE said:
I was just kidding. :D

Anytime anyone is having problems with the site, let me know. Even if the site is down and you can't PM me, I'm on MSN, AIM, and Yahoo messenger just about every day, so you can get ahold of me that way.

I think there is something wrong with your site UltimateE, I keep calling up various threads where people are saying Beast is dead. Any chance you could fix this obvious bug in your system?
It's a bug in the post submission process; it seems that when the post is going into the database there is some sort of filter that rejects the slightest notion that Beast might possibly be alive. I'm looking into it.
So what did the whole Ultimate Universe acording to Bryan Hitch look like? What was it about?
ProjectX2 said:
So what did the whole Ultimate Universe acording to Bryan Hitch look like? What was it about?

What was what about? Not sure what you mean...
I know what he means.

The whole Ultimate Universe drawn by Bryan Hitch is not just in the first issue, dude. The characters are going to appear throughout the story arc. Such as Matt Murdock (maybe DD) in issue 3, and (Not telling here) in issue 4.

(The person is on the cover for it- Everyone should check out the "Merry Christmas" thread if you haven't already).
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OK, if that's what he meant, the answer is "we don't know yet." The rest of the UU didn't appear in the first issue.
I remember reading a solict of the first issue saying that you would see the whole Ultimate Universe according to Bryan Hitch. I presumed this was the X-Men, FF, Spider-Man and the Ultimates.

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