ULTIMATES 2 #1 {spoilers!!!}

haven't picked up any new comics in a while.... :cry: I get all my comics at the end of the month now. But i heard that in the sketch version, Millar is talking about some upcoming issues with some new characters.....Any insight on this Ult. E???
Scene in the resturant with Thor, Volstagg's lines (talking about Loki):

"But this time it's different. This time he's allied himself with something even you can't match and, if our wise men are correct, he'll assemble the super people against you too."

Well I think that it IS Loki thats behind the leakage of the Banner information but not directly. Probably someone/something that is working with him is the one responsible for that. I just can't see Loki as a guy that hacks into The Ultimates database and sending files to the news. But then again, I haven't seen Ultimate Loki yet. :wink:
eroz said:
haven't picked up any new comics in a while.... :cry: I get all my comics at the end of the month now. But i heard that in the sketch version, Millar is talking about some upcoming issues with some new characters.....Any insight on this Ult. E???

No, not besides what he already said a while ago (Ultimates from other countries - I think I specifically remember Tigra without going back to look it up). But that's later on in the series...I don't know of anything coming up immediately.
Hey what did you guys think of Cap's new costume? I'm still a little iffy about it. I can understand needing a helmet, but the chinstrap and collar are kind of distracting.

I guess now that I think about it it's more practical, and that is my biggest pet peeves about costumes (namely Ultimate X-Men). It'll take some getting used to...
I think Cap's new costume works fine for me, probably because, while reading the issue, I didn't even notice the difference until you mentioned it. But I do like the helmet and chinstrap. It gives Cap a more retro look, which is something that defines him very well.

And like I've stated before in the Thor origin thread, I hope that Millar never reveals the truth about Thor, just to keep the mystery, arguements, and accusations going. I thought that Thor quitting the team for his beliefs was a nice touch.

Oh, and while I didn't get my hands on the variant, the owner of my store showed me his copy. The sketches in there were awesome, and I love the old-format cover.

Have any of you guys read Millar's script from the sketch variant? When he was explaining how antman's costume should look like he wrote that it should be red and black to mach the new team Pym was going to join, around issue 6.
mutantfreak said:
Have any of you guys read Millar's script from the sketch variant? When he was explaining how antman's costume should look like he wrote that it should be red and black to mach the new team Pym was going to join, around issue 6.

I haven't read through the script yet - that's interesting. Team colors? Hmmm....
"The thing is that Pym is asking Fury is he can bring him back into the team as Ant-Man, with a whole new profile, background, the works."

Yeah, that's interesting. If this follows through, do you think that this new identity will be Scott Lang, with a background similar to the history of the 616 version? And will he be trying to keep his identity secret from the rest of the team, or just the public? I'm thinking a dude with an ant-helmet and the ability to change size will be a little too obvious for the team - Jan especially - not to know it's Hank.
Bludd_Rush said:
If this follows through, do you think that this new identity will be Scott Lang

I was just thinking the same thing - Scott Lang as an alias for Pym.

Either that, or SHIELD an take the idea, dismiss Pym, and use the "formula" on a guy really named Scott Lang...

Or maybe "Scott Lang" has nothing to do with anything. :wink:
I hope Scott Lang isn't an alias for Pym. {I} think that it would suck a lot if it was like that. I want Scott to be his own person.

I couldn't resist I usually get things in TPB only but I had too as I was picking up my Daredevil comics... I saw it on the shelf and threw it in there... It was so good but now I have to wait wait and wait for more... I knew I shouldn't have teased myself like that... I need a comic fix of some sort

and as for Pym he's gonna be more the Giant-Man role right I mean I'm just pickin' that up from the cover... I hope they use someone else an Ultimized Lang as Ultimate Ant-Man...

I don't like the whole Captain/Wasp thing goin' on... seems out of character for Captain America I mean if I came from the 40's I probably wouldn't go near anyone who didn't look American... I mean the guy had a problem with Fury as soon as he woke up....

What's different about Cap. America's costume besides the helmet? I don't mind it I thought I'd hate it.... looks retro... maybe it's just cos of those leather straps I don't know I'm neutral on it....

If Banner and Pym are working on Ultron where does Vision pop up? I don't know the history on him I was just assuming that was the A.I. they were talkin about previously....

Very hard to wait to see what happens next....

Didn't Ultron create Vision, to like destroy the Avengers in the 616 version, and then re done his programming to become good and then join the Avengers.
I wouldn't mind seeing Ultron, coming into the Ultimates pages, but there aren't any villians in the first arc is there, its just the trial of the Hulk????
I remeber reading that somewhere?
If someone wants to correct me i would be glad to know whats going to happen with the rest of the arc
XTFLyons said:
I couldn't resist I usually get things in TPB only but I had too as I was picking up my Daredevil comics... I saw it on the shelf and threw it in there... It was so good but now I have to wait wait and wait for more... I knew I shouldn't have teased myself like that... I need a comic fix of some sort

I feel your pain brother. I only get the Ultimate Line in TPB, and about half of it in HC, same with Daredevil. The wait kills me sometime.

XTFLyons said:
I don't like the whole Captain/Wasp thing goin' on... seems out of character for Captain America I mean if I came from the 40's I probably wouldn't go near anyone who didn't look American... I mean the guy had a problem with Fury as soon as he woke up....

Well, his problem with Fury wasn't so much tha he was Black, but that he didn't think that black me had advanced that far into the military. Remember, he said that the highest ranking black officer was a captain he grew up with, odds are that Cap has been more or less working on some integration within the army for his friend. Now if Cap had served in the pacific I would whole-heartedly agree with you, but his ingrained steriotypes are probably leaning against middle-european based groups instead of Asians.
You know I really liked the last page. Where Banner's like "Oh $#^%!"

I thought it was just halirious the way Hitch drew it. :lol:
icemastertron said:
You know I really liked the last page. Where Banner's like "Oh $#^%!"

I thought it was just halirious the way Hitch drew it. :lol:
Yea Ice that was all right... but I thought the best part of the book was when Pym first entered and Banner quoted Anthony Hopkins I thought that was classic...
Shihad said:
Didn't Ultron create Vision, to like destroy the Avengers in the 616 version, and then re done his programming to become good and then join the Avengers.
I wouldn't mind seeing Ultron, coming into the Ultimates pages, but there aren't any villians in the first arc is there, its just the trial of the Hulk????
I remeber reading that somewhere?
If someone wants to correct me i would be glad to know whats going to happen with the rest of the arc

Yes, that's how it went down. Vision was the original Human Torch crossed with Ultron's own genius.
Correct, except for the fact that The Vision actually shook hands with the original Human Torch in Avengers West Coast #50, 1988, which I read when i was 3 years old (well, not really, but I was 3 when that issue came out). So, technically, you're not correct. I believe that the original idea of The Vision had him being created using the Torch, but John Byrne didn't like that idea and had them meet in the issue I mentioned.
OK, just to clarrify that up, GW is partly correct.

You see, Ultron took the original Human Torch, and split him in two, making two versions of the Human Torch. The 'clone' one became the Vision.

This can be found in the Avengers Handbook btw.

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