#1 reason not to join UC
XTFLyons said:I thought reviews and interviews said that Pym was gonna be on another team at the start of this??
longshotjimlee said:Yeah, he's going to be joining Beast on the Defenders!!! :wink:
XTFLyons said:yea just how reliable is the cover supposed to be with all of our speculations??
odie1kenobi75 said:Do any of you remember the saying "Never judge a book by its cover?" This also applies to comic books! The covers to these Ultimate comics are merely designed to entice us into picking them up and look inside to see what's really happening. Some of you are just in waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too deep of thought! :crazy:
UltimateE said:Exactly. Covers anymore are glorified pinups. They have no bearing on the contents of the issue, and this is especially true with the Ultimate books.
XTFLyons said:second off no one is going to deep into any of it I think we all have lives outside of comics and don't sit there and study them all day...
longshotjimlee said:Never judge a cover by the book!