ULTIMATES 2 #1 {spoilers!!!}

Pym is probably going to go to the other team as Ant-Man, Maybe he hopes that no one notices that he is the same person with new name and new powers.
erm... the front cover of Ultimates 2 has the following characters in the team;

Scarlet Witch
Black Widow

so how does this fit in with the whole ant man issue?
XTFLyons said:
yea just how reliable is the cover supposed to be with all of our speculations??

Yeah, and how reliable are the specualtions on this board even though Neary is a board member?
Do any of you remember the saying "Never judge a book by its cover?" This also applies to comic books! The covers to these Ultimate comics are merely designed to entice us into picking them up and look inside to see what's really happening. Some of you are just in waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too deep of thought! :crazy:
odie1kenobi75 said:
Do any of you remember the saying "Never judge a book by its cover?" This also applies to comic books! The covers to these Ultimate comics are merely designed to entice us into picking them up and look inside to see what's really happening. Some of you are just in waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too deep of thought! :crazy:

Exactly. Covers anymore are glorified pinups. They have no bearing on the contents of the issue, and this is especially true with the Ultimate books.
You know something I'm kinda mad at odie's response... first off i don't care if the front cover was blank I'd still buy the book ... second off no one is going to deep into any of it I think we all have lives outside of comics and don't sit there and study them all day... we were using the cover as a minor tool to figure out where Pym stands in all this....
UltimateE said:
Exactly. Covers anymore are glorified pinups. They have no bearing on the contents of the issue, and this is especially true with the Ultimate books.

That's exactly what I said in another thread somewhere! Some people just think what's on the cover will be inside. That's not necessarily true. That rarely happens.

XTFLyons said:
second off no one is going to deep into any of it I think we all have lives outside of comics and don't sit there and study them all day...

Wait- There's a life outside comics?! Since when?! :shock:
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Well, with the covers, I think Jemas said that he wanted them to be magazine covers or something like them. Like, rather than them be apart of the story, or sort of spoil the story in a way, they should be post-ups like I believe someone said.
Well, I just got the issue and, let me tell you, I don't see what the hype was all about. I'm not sure I'm going to continue reading this. For one thing, Millar doesn't know how to right relationships and another thing is is that the action opened the issue but it had a very stale ending. This isn't to great a way to open a comic, don't you think?

Also, my take on the Thor thing is that Loki was actually taunting Thor. Loki was playing games with Thor by putting that Asgardian guy in there and making him believe they were talking. The reason why Loki actually let the two of them talk about how Loki is so terrible is because that will be Loki's character... He's going to be this wreckless, arrogant guy.
Well could you then tell me what comic Goody was reading cause it sounds very interesting and completely different, must be an alternate Ultimate Universe. :wink:

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