Ultimate Spiderman Annual #1 discussion (spoilers)

How would you rate this issue?

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    Votes: 19 52.8%
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    Votes: 13 36.1%
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    Votes: 3 8.3%
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DIrishB said:
Not to join in, but you have a decidedly liberal view of a "tramp". To me, a tramp is a girl who sleeps with just about anyone (see also slut, whore, Moonmaster's mom), not just some girl who calls up a guy she likes and asks him out. And yeah, its a little weird her saying she "loves" Spidey without even knowing him, but teenage girls are like that, they tend to over-exaggerate things and make it seem like more than it is. I don't see how this makes her a tramp though.

And everyone has issues, but I seriously don't think its anywhere near what you're making it out to be. You're overdoing it a little in my opinion. And she'd be a stalker if Peter had made it clear he wanted nothing to do with her and she continued to pursue him, hiding outside his window and following him around. She hasn't done any of those, so maybe you should examine the meaning behind the words you use a little better.
I was referring to the fact that she throws herself at Bobby and breaks up him and Rogue by exploiting the fact that she can touch Bobby while Rogue can't. That's what creeped me out about her at first.

Peter's been shown to like messed up girls. MJ, there may or may not have been attraction to Gwen, Felicia, he leers at Elektra even though she's tried to stab him, and now Kitty. They're perfect for each other. I'm not debating the pairing, just how they get there if there's not some sort of transitional arc between Gang Wars (well, the rest of USM) and the annual.
Enough with the personal insults and jabs.

I ban the next person that does it again.
jtg3885 said:
I was referring to the fact that she throws herself at Bobby and breaks up him and Rogue by exploiting the fact that she can touch Bobby while Rogue can't. That's what creeped me out about her at first.

You're right about that, but then again Bobby was the one who kissed her, so technically he made the first move, not Kitty.

Peter's been shown to like messed up girls. MJ, there may or may not have been attraction to Gwen, Felicia, he leers at Elektra even though she's tried to stab him, and now Kitty. They're perfect for each other. I'm not debating the pairing, just how they get there if there's not some sort of transitional arc between Gang Wars (well, the rest of USM) and the annual.

I also agree about the transitional comment. Would've been nice to see a bit more time pass before he's getting another girlfriend. I mean its normal to go out and have meaningless flings immediately after a break-up, its part of what helps you get over the other person, but I see the Pete/Kitty relationship as being more than a fling. Hopefully its developed and lasts at least a little while, but I think its a given that when all is said and done Pete will end back up with MJ.
Which is why I'm thinking there's gotta be the gap. Otherwise Kitty and Peter become each other's rebound fling thing, and that's just bleh. Or in Peter's case, she'd be the second rebound fling thing, if we're counting the Black Cat's unrelenting attentions. Given that she's still chasing hard in the solicit for the last issue of that arc, I wonder how they're going to deal with her. All the more reason to have a transition arc, neh? Especially if she bites it or is injured or what not. Peter angst on top of the build-up to Kitty's landing in life, which would also really reinforce the usefulness of her powers in their relationship. MJ almost bites it, Black Cat gets hurt (or killed) again... Kitty would look even better. And given the very compressed timeframe that Bendis works in, a few weeks could house an arc or three...

EDIT: No jabs... what about jibs? This land is your land, this land is my land...
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I also agree about the transitional comment. Would've been nice to see a bit more time pass before he's getting another girlfriend. I mean its normal to go out and have meaningless flings immediately after a break-up, its part of what helps you get over the other person, but I see the Pete/Kitty relationship as being more than a fling. Hopefully its developed and lasts at least a little while, but I think its a given that when all is said and done Pete will end back up with MJ.

Which is why I'm thinking there's gotta be the gap. Otherwise Kitty and Peter become each other's rebound fling thing, and that's just bleh. Or in Peter's case, she'd be the second rebound fling thing, if we're counting the Black Cat's unrelenting attentions. Given that she's still chasing hard in the solicit for the last issue of that arc, I wonder how they're going to deal with her. All the more reason to have a transition arc, neh? Especially if she bites it or is injured or what not. Peter angst on top of the build-up to Kitty's landing in life, which would also really reinforce the usefulness of her powers in their relationship. MJ almost bites it, Black Cat gets hurt (or killed) again... Kitty would look even better. And given the very compressed timeframe that Bendis works in, a few weeks could house an arc or three...

i think thats the best explanation so far BUT im still not completely convinced because of the annual being released now. i am hoping your right though because i think it could make whatever their relationship is more real in a way.
Well, if they had to put out the annual story... I suppose it would be convenient marketing-wise to do it now. I mean, no series has their annual coming out in the perfect order that it occurs in the series. USM would just be a little worse than the rest if it doesn't take place for another arc or two.

Could be a great big tease too. Hell of a marketing device, especially when you read on here what people are saying. Now everyone will buy through the next X amount of arcs so they can get to where they can see the Kitty/Peter relationship.
Hey, not jabbing anyone at all, but I dont think Kitty's actions were wierd. She liked a guy, she called him, they went out....so where is the problem? Even better, if it had been the other way around, and Peter called her, would he be regarded as a "tramp".
And I know one of the debates was this: how could she love the guy, or have a crush on him, without even knowing them???

Ok, now raise your hand if you didnt have a "crush" on a celebrity *cough* Pamela Anderson *cough* when you were a young kid? She had a little crush, met the guy in person and liked him, and persued it, case closed :lol:
Yeah, but you don't see me calling up Amber Benson or Amy Allen and telling them that I love them.

Not that I haven't tried with Amber...
jtg3885 said:
Kitty steals Bobby from Marie

By Marie, you mean Rogue right?
In the Ultimate Universe she's called Marion... As in Miad Marion... just FYI...
Samurai Jack said:
My bad, I recently read the Cry Wolf TPB, she said her name was Marion.

no prob, and like I said her full name is Marion, they just shorten it and call her Marie, guess to make it easier, sort of like my full name is David but most people call me Dave for short, or ****tard when they're being descriptive
jtg3885 said:
Yeah, but you don't see me calling up Amber Benson or Amy Allen and telling them that I love them.

Not that I haven't tried with Amber...

Give me Amber's number and I'll strongly consider it. Of course, her boyfriend is a big guy...
I doubt they'll be anything between Black Cat or Elektra with Spidey. First of all, Black Cat and Elektra are obviously older than Spidey. Black Cat probably doesn't know that, and that's why she flirts a lot. Spidey's attraction to both characters are more on the physical especially Elektra. They're girls with exposed cleavages and skin-tight outfits, tell me a hormone-charged teen like Parker won't be tempted to look down Elektra's chest.

Heck, if you consider that an attraction, you can even consider Jean Grey which we know Spidey already had nasty thoughts before. Black Cat shows some affection to Spidey and with a guy having a hot chick like Felicia coming on to him, it would be a little hard, but I'm sure Spidey has no desire for any long-term relatioship with her. Why would he say "Oh no" when Felicia shows up in Warriors?

I really hope Kitty and Spidey's relationship would go for a long time. I am positive that they will break up eventually, but I don't want it too soon. They look so great together, have similar personalities, great chemistry, and I felt a warm, fuzzy feeling inside when they finally kissed. I believe that their inevitable break-up will have something to do with Kitty being one of the X-Men, since they always go into these dangerous missions and one of them is already dead. Spidey will probably feel what MJ felt before during their first break-up, the thought that one of the missions or the psychotic mutants that Kitty would face could possibly end with her death.
Hey all, I was thinking this...

In the original, when Peter did like the Black Cat, he exposed her face, and she wasnt interested because she liked Spider-Man, not the man beneath the mask...