Ultimate Spiderman Annual #1 discussion (spoilers)

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Well, it went from amused, to annoyed, to a very WTF face. I know there was SOMETHING going on in that head of his.

Anyone else wonder if they've just sorta tossed Shadowcat over to Bendis's side of the fence because they aren't going to need her for a while in UXM? I imagine things were planned out maybe as far back as when Singer was still onboard. Maybe Singer had no use for her, and so they decided that rather than hear people whine about her lack of use, they'd give her to Bendis for a while. And then her and Peter can break up and she can take a more active role in UXM if they need her for story arcs.

Or it could be a way to push the two more closely together (USM & UXM), which would also be consistent with their move of introducing the Reavers and Omega Red in USM...
Anyone else wonder if they've just sorta tossed Shadowcat over to Bendis's side of the fence because they aren't going to need her for a while in UXM? I imagine things were planned out maybe as far back as when Singer was still onboard. Maybe Singer had no use for her, and so they decided that rather than hear people whine about her lack of use, they'd give her to Bendis for a while. And then her and Peter can break up and she can take a more active role in UXM if they need her for story arcs.

Or it could be a way to push the two more closely together (USM & UXM), which would also be consistent with their move of introducing the Reavers and Omega Red in USM...

my spider-sense is screaming team-up in the next arc with at LEAST kitty & logan...but probobly most of the team

anyone else getting that?
jtg3885 said:
Well, it went from amused, to annoyed, to a very WTF face.

I read it not as the thoughts getting worse, but just that they kept going on and he wouldn't/couldn't stop it.
I'll repeat what I said in the timeline thread. I don't think it goes Gang Wars -> USM Annual. I think it's Gang Wars -> Silver Sable/Omega Red -> USM Annual. It'd give them a chance to reintroduce Peter and the X-Men, refresh Kitty's crush, deal with Omega Red with the X-Men, and then have an established tie between the group and Peter so they could come back for the Reavers.

UltimateE said:
I read it not as the thoughts getting worse, but just that they kept going on and he wouldn't/couldn't stop it.
I dunno... those last two Jean faces... like I said, she's in a school full of guys. And does psychic make-out with Scott. What the hell could have been going on his mind to get THAT kind of reaction from her? ;)
jtg3885 said:
I'll repeat what I said in the timeline thread. I don't think it goes Gang Wars -> USM Annual. I think it's Gang Wars -> Silver Sable/Omega Red -> USM Annual. It'd give them a chance to reintroduce Peter and the X-Men, refresh Kitty's crush, deal with Omega Red with the X-Men, and then have an established tie between the group and Peter so they could come back for the Reavers.


This makes the most sense to me. Not that Bendis is going to make sense of this mess, I just think that is a good idea. Kitty really was just a fan who needed another pair of love handles to hold, so she calls Peter up. I think we need to explain it a bit more. Good call, J.
I'll repeat what I said in the timeline thread. I don't think it goes Gang Wars -> USM Annual. I think it's Gang Wars -> Silver Sable/Omega Red -> USM Annual. It'd give them a chance to reintroduce Peter and the X-Men, refresh Kitty's crush, deal with Omega Red with the X-Men, and then have an established tie between the group and Peter so they could come back for the Reavers.


This makes the most sense to me. Not that Bendis is going to make sense of this mess, I just think that is a good idea. Kitty really was just a fan who needed another pair of love handles to hold, so she calls Peter up. I think we need to explain it a bit more. Good call, J.

thats an excellent point & i hadnt realised it...i reckon your right. it would help develop the characters freindship first so that its a logical step. although why release the album now (except for the fact that they're releasing all the others now but they still could have held off)

i really think that bendis or vaughan need to address the continuity of when the annual takes place.

*takes a bow*

Hmm. I really shouldn't bow in a kilt...

as long as its online & not in person...bow, bow & bow some more, 'till you cant bow no more, then keep on bowing!!!
jtg3885 said:
I'll repeat what I said in the timeline thread. I don't think it goes Gang Wars -> USM Annual. I think it's Gang Wars -> Silver Sable/Omega Red -> USM Annual. It'd give them a chance to reintroduce Peter and the X-Men, refresh Kitty's crush, deal with Omega Red with the X-Men, and then have an established tie between the group and Peter so they could come back for the Reavers.

You very well may be right, and I've been wondering about that some myself. It would also help with the USM timeline catching up to the rest in a believable way. At the same time, I have a hard time believing Bendis would jump ahead THAT much with the Annual...its possible, just not likely. If this does in fact end up being the case, I'll change the timeline to reflect it, but for now I have to leave it as it is based on the evidence we've been given.
I'm always right. I'm a god. I went online, and got myself certified and everything...

TheManWithoutFear said:
I definitely think the annual takes place after this arc and before Omega Red. Why didn't we see this? There's so many X-related stories happening in USM that Kitty has an excuse to actually be around a lot.
I'm going to laugh if Kitty is MIA during the Silver Sable/Omega Red arc only to reappear later. Laugh really hard. At you.
I definitely think the annual takes place after this arc and before Omega Red. Why didn't we see this? There's so many X-related stories happening in USM that Kitty has an excuse to actually be around a lot.


I'll repeat what I said in the timeline thread. I don't think it goes Gang Wars -> USM Annual. I think it's Gang Wars -> Silver Sable/Omega Red -> USM Annual. It'd give them a chance to reintroduce Peter and the X-Men, refresh Kitty's crush, deal with Omega Red with the X-Men, and then have an established tie between the group and Peter so they could come back for the Reavers.

what do you reckon the basics will be in the upcoming arc(s), reason for appearence etc to explain each scenario?
jtg3885 said:
I'm going to laugh if Kitty is MIA during the Silver Sable/Omega Red arc only to reappear later. Laugh really hard. At you.

No your not. Anyway, why do we need Peter to be re-introduced to the X-Men? It looks to me like it all worked out from their last encounter that took place not recently but awhile ago. Kitty and Peter were talking as if they left off right where they last left off in the Ultimate Universe.

And I just scrolled down. I think that Bendis does right them with enough problems and we're sort of on the same wave length your just taking it to much extremes and I have to just learn how to ignore that but gee I hope the kids that see the site can ignore it too.
Zp1d3r_W3I3_L337 said:
what do you reckon the basics will be in the upcoming arc(s), reason for appearence etc to explain each scenario?

I dunno. I don't write the thing. But what's the difference of how the X-Men get involved with UOR before or after this USM arc? I didn't think they'd be involved at all but both mine and J's theories say that they will be but neither of us know how they'll be brought into it.

What's really got me hopped up now is maybe Ultiamte Deadpool is gonna be a mutant! Man, if 616 DP could see himself now.
Yeah, like you're worried about the kids while you're hopping on here totally smashed and ranting at people. ;)

And Kitty had a few lines to him in the Geldoff arc, and Peter was cussing at the X-Men in the bodyswap arc. I really think there needs to be some sort of arc in there to explain the 'close calls' and such that Kitty refers to, as well as giving them something more solid to work on. Peter has never been one to chase skirt just for sport (Black Cat aside) and I think there needs to be a better foundation for Peter and Kitty actually dating than what we've seen so far.

Give it up. Especially when you only come on to argue my points, ignoring others who build off of them, you're really transparent.
jtg3885 said:
Yeah, like you're worried about the kids while you're hopping on here totally smashed and ranting at people. ;)

And Kitty had a few lines to him in the Geldoff arc, and Peter was cussing at the X-Men in the bodyswap arc. I really think there needs to be some sort of arc in there to explain the 'close calls' and such that Kitty refers to, as well as giving them something more solid to work on. Peter has never been one to chase skirt just for sport (Black Cat aside) and I think there needs to be a better foundation for Peter and Kitty actually dating than what we've seen so far.

Dude, the close calls WERE the Geldoff and Wolverine body swap arcs. Thats all we're gonna get in regards to that, just going to have to deal with it.
jtg3885 said:
Yeah, like you're worried about the kids while you're hopping on here totally smashed and ranting at people. ;)

And Kitty had a few lines to him in the Geldoff arc, and Peter was cussing at the X-Men in the bodyswap arc. I really think there needs to be some sort of arc in there to explain the 'close calls' and such that Kitty refers to, as well as giving them something more solid to work on. Peter has never been one to chase skirt just for sport (Black Cat aside) and I think there needs to be a better foundation for Peter and Kitty actually dating than what we've seen so far.

Give it up. Especially when you only come on to argue my points, ignoring others who build off of them, you're really transparent.
I meet girls all the time and with no "build up" do I hesitate to approach them. Again, teenagers. It's perfectly plausible that she could just call him. Teenagers set a mental list in their head of prospective "significant others" Spider-Man was on Kitty's, Bobby was giving Kitty a hard time she wanted to move on, so off the whim she does. It happens you are contradicting yourself saying that real teenagers real situations garbage and you can't even grasp it. And Peter didn't even "chase skirt" Kitty came to him he accepted, end. Two guys were "building" off your theory. I'm not aloud to express my opinion that maybe it might be different? Or wait....

I have dedicated my entire life of this site just to argue with you. Yeah...

And you're not my shrink so stop trying to be. Wait, if it makes you stop thinking about your own "issues" then go ahead and analyze me. Transparent my ***.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I meet girls all the time and with no "build up" do I hesitate to approach them. Again, teenagers. It's perfectly plausible that she could just call him. Teenagers set a mental list in their head of prospective "significant others" Spider-Man was on Kitty's, Bobby was giving Kitty a hard time she wanted to move on, so off the whim she does. It happens you are contradicting yourself saying that real teenagers real situations garbage and you can't even grasp it. And Peter didn't even "chase skirt" Kitty came to him he accepted, end. Two guys were "building" off your theory. I'm not aloud to express my opinion that maybe it might be different? Or wait....

I have dedicated my entire life of this site just to argue with you. Yeah...

And you're not my shrink so stop trying to be. Wait, if it makes you stop thinking about your own "issues" then go ahead and analyze me. Transparent my ***.

Ohhhh, SNAP!!!

MWoF does make some good points though, and I mean in regard to the Kitty/Peter relationship and teenagers in general. I'm not getting in between your two's argument though.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I meet girls all the time and with no "build up" do I hesitate to approach them. Again, teenagers. It's perfectly plausible that she could just call him. Teenagers set a mental list in their head of prospective "significant others" Spider-Man was on Kitty's, Bobby was giving Kitty a hard time she wanted to move on, so off the whim she does. It happens you are contradicting yourself saying that real teenagers real situations garbage and you can't even grasp it. And Peter didn't even "chase skirt" Kitty came to him he accepted, end.
Staying away from the Romantic Life-stylings of the Drunk and Dysfunctional... it's really not. That's like, creepy stalker girl tendency. Calling up some guy you barely know because you think you're in love with him is right up there with... Hell, actually, I can't think of anything else that freaky. Kitty was a tramp with Bobby, Kitty's now playing stalker girl with Peter. Kitty-cat has issues.
jtg3885 said:
Staying away from the Romantic Life-stylings of the Drunk and Dysfunctional... it's really not. That's like, creepy stalker girl tendency. Calling up some guy you barely know because you think you're in love with him is right up there with... Hell, actually, I can't think of anything else that freaky. Kitty was a tramp with Bobby, Kitty's now playing stalker girl with Peter. Kitty-cat has issues.

Not to join in, but you have a decidedly liberal view of a "tramp". To me, a tramp is a girl who sleeps with just about anyone not just some girl who calls up a guy she likes and asks him out. And yeah, its a little weird her saying she "loves" Spidey without even knowing him, but teenage girls are like that, they tend to over-exaggerate things and make it seem like more than it is. I don't see how this makes her a tramp though.

And everyone has issues, but I seriously don't think its anywhere near what you're making it out to be. You're overdoing it a little in my opinion. And she'd be a stalker if Peter had made it clear he wanted nothing to do with her and she continued to pursue him, hiding outside his window and following him around. She hasn't done any of those, so maybe you should examine the meaning behind the words you use a little better.