Well-Known Member
And it stinks for me, cuz USM is one of my favorite titles, and I don't even have a game system, nor do I know how to play VG's.
Hi-Fi said:This issue sounds great.
Did the rest of the X-Men appear at all?
and can i assume this happens after the current Magneto arc in UXM?
TheManWithoutFear said:YOu know why I agree with this. Because seeing how it seems like they don't give a damn about continuity anyway, why would they try to match up Video Game and Comic? If you ask me it's just so us suckers (and yes I'm a sucker) will immediately go out and buy the game. But still if they don't care enough within the comics themselves why try so hard to fit the game in with it?
DIrishB said:That I can agree with, but its been made perfectly clear that you don't need to know about the comics to get whats going on in the game, and vice versa. So if you're not interested in on or the other, don't bother. I, for one, however, am glad they made an attempt to make it in-continuity and a part of the overall Ultimate Spider-Man story. And it would be one thing if this game was going to suck, but can anyone, even after seeing the little we've seen of the game, say they can think this will be the case? If so, I'm sorry, but you're either impossible to please or a total idiot. I have no doubts this will probably be one of the top ten games of the year, and that its release will bring in a flood of new fans to not only Ultimate Spider-Man, but the rest of the Ultimates line...which in my opinion is a great thing.
notTHATtodd said:Yes. Nightcrawler and Colossus had a cameo in the first two pages (with Peter's budding crush on the elf very evident) and Kitty has a chat with Jean Grey.
As for assumptions...don't know what to say to that. Sure. No. Who knows. Depends on Vaughn at this point, I suppose, and Singer in the future. We can assume that Bendis will be having his way with Kitty as he sees fit (damn, that gave me a very bad image). I'm guessing there'll be a show down between MJ and Kitty coming very soon. Not sure if I'd expect that to happen in the current arc, however.
ultimatedjf said:Did anyone else think it was extremely funny/wrong that Peter went to Google to search for Kitty's pictures right after he got off the phone with her?
Hi-Fi said:Clearly in this issue Kitty is not with Bobby anymore, so it probably happens after Magnetic North, right?
And thanks for the info about the cameos.
TheManWithoutFear said:I'm glad too it kinda makes it seem like they do care. But most of us are completeist and poor UltimateDJF doesn't even play video games. We're talking about a whole other adventure in itself here. So You're obviously missing out if you don't get the game.
EDIT: we're way off topic and I was getting very confused thinkin I was in the game thread.
Goodwill said:I'd give this a four...
The only thing I had wrong was that Bendis lengthened the issue by having Kitty simply fall to the sewer for a page. Millar got away with it to introduce her, but I think it's silly to have her fall through the street... It was obvious he was just filling the number of pages. There could have been a longer/better fight with Shocker. I'm tired of seeing him as a joke.
Ultxon said:I gave this one a five.
Had to say I really enjoyed this issue. I mean I really really did. ASide from a few art glitches this issue has been one of the better uSM issues. I liked the chemistry between Kitty and peter and by the end I was hoping that these two would remain such great friends. The dialogue was great. There didn't seem to be any unnessary words and the book was humorous in many differant ways. From the rhino fight to the phone-call everything made me chuckle. I am indeed very happy to see a chartcer I have read about for what is it 4-5 years now finally get some much needed happiness.
One last thing, I loved the jinxworld and macchio panels.
DIrishB said:I agree, poor kid has been going through hell since he got these damn powers, its a wonder he hasn't killed himself or something.
im guessing its at the end of the current arcs in both books because if you look at the solicits in november it says "And what happens when the spark of romance is rekindled between Spidey and the Black Cat? Let the fur fly!" in the final issue of the arc. im guessing that bendis & Vaughan are basing it after the end of the arcs to show they aren't just on the reboundIt could easily (and probably more likely) fit inbetween issues 61 and 62 since the X-Men aren't really doing anything at that point.
Zp1d3r_W3I3_L337 said:im guessing its at the end of the current arcs in both books because if you look at the solicits in november it says "And what happens when the spark of romance is rekindled between Spidey and the Black Cat? Let the fur fly!" in the final issue of the arc. im guessing that bendis & Vaughan are basing it after the end of the arcs to show they aren't just on the rebound
UltimateE said:5 stars, in spite of the art. I really didn't care for it...Brooks draws like he's trying to copy McFarlane's Spider-Man.
This is some of the best writing this book has seen in a loooooong time. The interaction was just so well written...I'm impressed. Between this and the Warriors arc it's great to see this book at it's best again.
I really hope this is an ongoing thing for a while. The circumstances of Peter and Kitty not being able to just hang out like normal are interesting and I hope Bendis explores it fully. Likewise I hope we get a confrontation between Peter and MJ and she asks about it.
The teen drama thing is what Bendis is good at - not DNA-munching clones or mutant monsters. The scene where the X-Men's jet comes to pick her up - I like stuff like that.
Great job by Bendis. I agree with Doc - my faith in this book is restored.