Steve GMan said:
How would you explain Reed being born 21 years ago but than saying that he's only 19 in the Ultimate Vision flip?
Ignorance (or a blase attitude about it) on behalf of Millar.
Pandrio said:
EDIT: Speaking of ages, don't know if this was brought up before, but in UXM #3, Wolverine refers to Jean as a certain nineteen-year-old, but in issue 25, Xavier refers to her as an eighteen-year-old.
See above answer.
Steve GMan said:
I always liked the Ultimate Iron Man mini-series, but I was wondering about the errors that Card created. I hear a lot of mention, but none really struck me.
His childhood as presented in UMTU was reported as falsified by SHIELD and/or Stark Industries to keep his true background private, so anything that Card states could basically be true.
Actually, it wasn't reported anywhere. I just made that up to explain away the discrepancies. It makes sense in a way, but its nothing official.
And the mention of Reed Richards in that issue of UMTU is explained as well in some upcoming event. Its name escapes me at the moment though.
Then there is the fact that he was layered in that blue crap to keep him healthy, and people wonder how he can get a tumor. I figured he came off it a long time ago, maybe because he couldn't get drunk with it on, who knows why. I assume it'll all be explained.
I was just wondering any of the other errors I could have missed.
Or is it just shoddy writing that's getting people?
Thats whats been getting to me, don't know about others though. "Brain-body"...heh.
UltimateE said:
Here's another one for you (even though it has little impact on the timeline) - in Extinction #1 Reed tells Sam Wilson it's nice to meet him in person rather than videoconferencing, even though they DID meet in person in part 1 of Millar's Vision story.
I thought the same thing after seeing the UE #1 preview, but then went back and checked Ultimate Vision, Part 1, and it seems they were in fact conversing over video-conference, just Romita did a shoddy job of making that apparent. Notice we never see them in the same room together, just that they seem to be conversing through a window. This window is in fact a large TV screen.
ProjectX2 said:
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure he was just there on the video for the first few pages...
He was, E's mistaken. But I can't blame him, as I said above.
UltimateE said:
I thought he was looking through a window like he was in the next room.
Like I said, it appears that way, and I assumed that was the case up until reading the UE #1 preview pages, but it was just Romita slacking on detail (as usual) and they were in fact talking over a long distance, not just a window. He could have at least added in some digital numbering or something to a corner of the screen to make it appear more like a screen than a window, but considering we're talking about JRJR's art here, it must be taken with a grain of salt...and maybe half a bottle of Stolichnaya to be appreciated.
Steve GMan said:
I'm not sure if this is a timeline question, but regarding the game, how is Electro free? If he escaped SHIELD would have picked him up by now. A sort of work-release thing?
It was never addressed. Its just assumed he escaped somehow. Electro's personal timeline works like this: we first encounter him during the "Learning Curve" arc in USM, he gets his *** whupped by Spidey and is knocked unconcious and spends awhile in a coma. He wakes up, kills some Feds, and is captured by the Ultimates. He somehow escapes or is let out by SHIELD, and makes his appearance in the game, doing some work for Roxxon and testing out Venom's abilities. He then gets beaten, again, and picked up by SHIELD...again. The events of Ultimate Six take place and he escapes custody...yet again. Then he gets beaten again by Spidey and the Ultimates, and is imprisoned, again. Man, Electro's whole criminal career is quite repetitive when you think about it. Anyway, we haven't heard anything out of him since, but I'm sure he'll manage to escape again and cause a bit more trouble before being put down and imprisoned, all over again.
Anyway, updated for Ultimate Spider-Man #88 and Ultimate Fantastic Four #26.