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Pandrio said:I believe this kind of evidence in the comic itself and the statement by Mark Millar saying that UFF came first, along with the way it seems to fit well in the timeline is enough to believe that the origin was meant to take place in the Ultimate Universe's 2002.
The only things that made me doubt it is the Handbook and what Stuart said (since he communicates with the writers or editors or whatever)
It seems that when UFF started, since Millar wrote it, he decided he wanted it to take place before any other title. Hence him saying it on his message board. Though at this point it wasnt concrete because it hadnt been said in the comic. Until its in the comic it can be changed
Then when Ellis started, im guessing Ellis considered the UFF origin happened only recently, well after Spidey, Ultimates and X-Men, which is why, it had it that way in the handbook and with what Stuart said.
Then Millar again wrote UFF and now decided to concrete the UFF's placement, as happening before everything else, in the latest issue