Ultimate Iron Man #4 (Spoilers)

I don't think anyone is questioning the logic behind Card's Tony Stark of having a healing factor thing, but questioning the logic behind the established character of Tony Stark having a healing factor. That's what doesn't make sense.
Guijllons said:
I don't think anyone is questioning the logic behind Card's Tony Stark of having a healing factor thing, but questioning the logic behind the established character of Tony Stark having a healing factor. That's what doesn't make sense.

Guij hit the nail on the head. There has been absolutley no evidence of Stark having a healing factor in Ultimates. In fact, what would be the point of creating the Iron Tech armor in the first place if you basically can't be hurt? You can tell Card hasn't read anything but the basics on the rest of the Ultimate Universe. The series isn't bad, it's the point that the series is supposed to be about Ultimate Tony Stark. You're right, SV, his origin hasn't been set up, but half of these ideas contradict the already established canon.

Tony would not need to wear the Irontech armor if he had such a great healing factor.

Tony wouldn't have been afraid of Hulk eating him because, hey, he'd just grow himself back.

Tony doesn't know his mother according to UIM, yet he boguht a place for his mother in Ultimates, which came first.

Tony can't have a brain tumor if his whole body is his brain.

See the point? Plus, you're right, this isn't 616, but the basics are the same. Captain America still is a supersoldier from the 40s, Hulk is still a maniac (Just more so), Thor is still a big, scary guy with a magic hammer, Spidey was still given his powers by a spider bite. This is completly different. The brain tumor instead of the heart condition was fine. A child genius is fine. But, he has a healing factor ala Wolverine/Deadpool/Sabertooth,he has bio armor (So, he has a healing factor, bio armor AND the Iron tech armor? That's a little overboard.), and his body being a brain is a cop-out for being smart. So, was Tony going to be retarded if his body wasn't a brain? Because he's about as smart as Reed Richards and Reed's brain is all in his head. How's that for constructive critism on Card?
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Lynx said:
See the point? Plus, you're right, this isn't 616, but the basics are the same. Captain America still is a supersoldier from the 40s, Hulk is still a maniac (Just more so), Thor is still a big, scary guy with a magic hammer, Spidey was still given his powers by a spider bite. This is completly different. The brain tumor instead of the heart condition was fine. A child genius is fine. But, he has a healing factor ala Wolverine/Deadpool/Sabertooth,he has bio armor (So, he has a healing factor, bio armor AND the Iron tech armor? That's a little overboard.), and his body being a brain is a cop-out for being smart. So, was Tony going to be retarded if his body wasn't a brain? Because he's about as smart as Reed Richards and Reed's brain is all in his head. How's that for constructive critism on Card?

Or, more simply - the entire point of Iron Man is that it's a regular guy in a suit, who happens to be very smart. Not smart because his brain is larger (I still defy anyone to prove that a larger brain makes people smarter), and not because he has a healing factor.

It's so much crap; it's like Card thought of all these things and is shoving it into a character who doesn't need them because it completely defeats the purpose of what he's supposed to be - 616, Ultimate, or not.
Shi_Vral said:
I realise its the internet, people have their own opinions, and most of the people here aren't afraid to share them, but when I disagree with someone here, I offer arguements. It seems like when I post some arguemtn about why its not as horrible as you all make it sound, its shot down as a stupid arguement, with no reason or, or at most a "I'm right because I'm right and people here agree with me." All I'm looking for is a well thought out argument as to why I'm wrong, rather than a short "That's dumb, now lets move on."

I know how you feel. I was screaming my head off in the Ultimate Nightmare thread about how absurd it was to have Falcon be able to eye gouge Colossus. But, the only response I ever got was, "what are you talking about it makes sense."

The explanation for why Tony has a healing factor fits pretty well with the early issues. The one thing that I never got over was why his skin feels like it's on fire all the time if he doesn't have the armor on. It seems like everything abnormal dealing with Tony seems to be credited to a "side effect of his creation." I'm not sure why people are all pissed about his healing factor now since in the previous issue he regrew a foot. Hell, in the Age of Apocalypse wolverine lost a hand and never regrew it(I think that was stupid but still).

Well, I liked this issue more than the others. We finally get to see Tony get the drive to become a super hero. This issue alludes that something is going to happen to Howard Stark and Tony is going to use his armor to get retribution. I would have like to see the turn around time on his healing factor be longer, just so that his invulnerability would be so profound. I couldn't believe Obadiah would kill a couple of kids for no reason, other than to show that he could get away with it.

Not that regular continuity standards can be placed on this book, but I found a discontinuity. When Tony is the furnace room Rhoedy calls Howard on a modern size cell phone. I figure Tony's about thirty-five so that would mean that this was supposed to happen twenty years ago, making it impossible to have a cell phone smaller than a brief case.
UltimateE said:
(I still defy anyone to prove that a larger brain makes people smarter)
You're right, it isn't the size of the brain it's how wrinkly it is, at least that's a factor between species. The unfolded human brain would be about the size of a pillow, and it's the surface area that defines out innate intelligence as a species - a chimps brain is much smoother and has a smaller unfolded size. This is only a small part of the story though, neuron firing is a big part as we know, so in a sense the 'density' of a brain is important too. So, we have a large brain surface area compacted into a smaller space, plus firing.

Now, have you ever stubbed your toe and thought "damn, that's really gonna hurt in a min.. OUCH!", that's because it does take some time for some signals in some instances to travel around the body. You could kick a dinosaur in the plums (do they have plums?) and they woudn't notice for a good long while.

So, Tony Stark have a larger brain, a lower density since it's just brain material spread through his body.. over a distance... that isn't going to make any significant difference to his intelligence at all. In fact, the only thing that all of this has any effect on, is Card's intelligence.
Healing factor sucks and makes no sense.

Baxter Building? I don't get it? Does Tony end up going or not? And is it an attempt to patch up the Reed/Tony went to school together thing? Because that makes no sense seeing how in Secret it's like the first time they meet. But hey, I bet that's the one thing Card would probably tackle to **** things up even more.

Card's attitude towards children is.... god! he's an idiot.

What I liked?

Obediah Stane... definitely a cool character.

But I doubt he could pull off that **** in the Baxter building like he does. It's definitely got security cameras everywhere and that bit with killing the kids is probably not the only thing he's done.

.5/5 Card's lucky he even got that
Guijllons said:
You're right, it isn't the size of the brain it's how wrinkly it is, at least that's a factor between species. The unfolded human brain would be about the size of a pillow, and it's the surface area that defines out innate intelligence as a species - a chimps brain is much smoother and has a smaller unfolded size. This is only a small part of the story though, neuron firing is a big part as we know, so in a sense the 'density' of a brain is important too. So, we have a large brain surface area compacted into a smaller space, plus firing.

Now, have you ever stubbed your toe and thought "damn, that's really gonna hurt in a min.. OUCH!", that's because it does take some time for some signals in some instances to travel around the body. You could kick a dinosaur in the plums (do they have plums?) and they woudn't notice for a good long while.

So, Tony Stark have a larger brain, a lower density since it's just brain material spread through his body.. over a distance... that isn't going to make any significant difference to his intelligence at all. In fact, the only thing that all of this has any effect on, is Card's intelligence.

That's a No Prize answer. The point is, Card wanted Tony to be super-smart so he made him have a super large brain. As you said, this makes no sense. Only if Tony's brain were a lower density while Reed's was super-dense would any of this make sense. The Irontech armor is supposed to be what makes Tony a superhero. He's like Batman only with more money. Now. . .he's like Iron Wolverine.
Erm, the point I was making was that it wouldn't make any difference at all. The brain density thing was more of a light hearted explanation of wrinkliness than anything else.

Reed is smart because he's smart, that's it. That's actually how it works with people, with any species. There are only physiological differences between species, and I was pointing out that this one would make no actual difference at all, as a human. You know they dissected Einstein's brain after he died? They found nothing special about it.
Lynx said:
I have to agree. Smith's comic tend to be pretty good. Not as good as his movies, mind you, but quality stuff.

I just hope Singer on UXM and Lindelof on UWvH don't pull a Card. I think I'd quit collecting the UU. There's crap and then there's explosive diarreah.

Thats the most perfect summary/analogy ever.

Shi_Vral said:
The reason Tony has a healing factor is explained in the very first issue. I realise that I'm more than likely wasting my breath (figurativly (sp?) speaking of course), but Tony's mom was working on a way for humans to regrow cells at a very accelerated rate. In fact, that's why his dad brought her out in the first place. The blue armor ate people's skin if left on too long. Howard wanted a way for people to regrow skin quickly so that the armor eating the skin wouldn't cause any damage. They had injected the monkey that went crazy, cut off its arm on her helmet, and spilled its blood into her pregnant body. Because brain cells grow without loss (IE, our brains are growing already) the work they were doing sped this up, and so now the monky's brain and the mom's brain are growing too fast for their bodies to handle.

So they can accomplish all this without realizing the effect it would have on a living brain? I know there's a reason for experimentation, but they should have been able to predict the adverse reaction of the brain outgrowing the skull based on their work alone. That is just one reason this whole premise is stupid.

Because of the way a baby grows in the womb, the stuff affected baby Tony differently, making him something like a human stem cell battery. The reason that he has such a great healing factor is that any of his cells can grow any type of cell he needs, not just copies of themselves. Maybe OSC didn't read the 20 some issues that have been writen about Ultimate Tony, but the fact of the matter is, no origin had been set in place. This is the ULTIMATE UNIVERSE, not 616. The idea is that things can be different here.

Ummm, yes, yes it had. Besides the UMTU #4-5 issues (since a lot ignore them) are you forgetting everything Tony said in Ultimates? Or should we ignore that as well in favor of Card's version? Tony said he bought the house for his mom, which according to Card died before he was born. Second, WHY WOULD A BRAIN TUMOR BE LETHAL TO SOMEONE WHO'S ENTIRE BODY US BRAIN MATTER AND WHO HAS THAT LEVEL OF HEALING FACTOR? No one who's actually a proponent of this crap mini has explained that yet.

The FF were created because Reed built a mater transporter to send things to the N-Zone. Peter was bit by a spider being used in experiments to recreate Captain America. The Hulk is a homicidal maniac. These are the characters we know and love, but not the stories. Anyway, now that I've wasted my breath, here come the insults to my inteligence, or OSC's, or the editors, or whoever gets the blame next. Oh, and MWoF, just because I like Card, I'm sticking around, on this thread, on this site, and hell, maybe I'll even read some DD so that I can post about how crappy some of the writers for it are.

Yes, that indeed was a waste of breath and energy.

Shi_Vral Criticism of UIM or Card personally, no. The fact that most of the arguments I bring up are dismissed without any real discussion, a little bit. I realise its the internet, people have their own opinions, and most of the people here aren't afraid to share them, but when I disagree with someone here, I offer arguements. It seems like when I post some arguemtn about why its not as horrible as you all make it sound, its shot down as a stupid arguement, with no reason or, or at most a "I'm right because I'm right and people here agree with me." All I'm looking for is a well thought out argument as to why I'm wrong, rather than a short "That's dumb, now lets move on."

I've countered your arguments quite well for the most part as have most of the other members, based on the subject matter at hand. Card is completely messing up continuity with a story that isn't even worth it.

Lynx said:
You're right, SV, his origin hasn't been set up, but half of these ideas contradict the already established canon.

No, he's not. Technically his origin was convered, in a very summarized form, sure, but it has been established.

So, was Tony going to be retarded if his body wasn't a brain? Because he's about as smart as Reed Richards and Reed's brain is all in his head. How's that for constructive critism on Card?


UltimateE said:
I still defy anyone to prove that a larger brain makes people smarter

You're right, it can't be proven currently. And since say, a whale's brain is much larger than ours, that proves brain size doesn't necessarily equal more or less intelligence. However, since its a human brain we're talking about, one would assume more brain matter would equal more mental capacity. Otherwise the rest of the brain matter may as well be an appendix. Its useless. More muscle tissue equals greater strength, and that can and has been proven, so why wouldn't the same apply to brain cells? Not to defend Card's use of the subject, just saying.

Maxwell Smart said:
Not that regular continuity standards can be placed on this book, but I found a discontinuity. When Tony is the furnace room Rhoedy calls Howard on a modern size cell phone. I figure Tony's about thirty-five so that would mean that this was supposed to happen twenty years ago, making it impossible to have a cell phone smaller than a brief case.

I noticed that as well. They also mentioned The Terminator, so one would have to assume this takes place in or after 1984. To make Tony's age make sense, on the timeline I placed Tony being born in 1970 and indeed have this take place in 1984. And considering that Tony is a genius and capable of building all the stuff he can, I don't think a modern cell phone twenty years early is out of the question. Definitly more believable than the rest of this storyline.

Guijllons said:
You're right, it isn't the size of the brain it's how wrinkly it is, at least that's a factor between species. The unfolded human brain would be about the size of a pillow, and it's the surface area that defines out innate intelligence as a species - a chimps brain is much smoother and has a smaller unfolded size. This is only a small part of the story though, neuron firing is a big part as we know, so in a sense the 'density' of a brain is important too. So, we have a large brain surface area compacted into a smaller space, plus firing.

Now, have you ever stubbed your toe and thought "damn, that's really gonna hurt in a min.. OUCH!", that's because it does take some time for some signals in some instances to travel around the body. You could kick a dinosaur in the plums (do they have plums?) and they woudn't notice for a good long while.

So, Tony Stark have a larger brain, a lower density since it's just brain material spread through his body.. over a distance... that isn't going to make any significant difference to his intelligence at all. In fact, the only thing that all of this has any effect on, is Card's intelligence.

Good point. But assuming the density is close enough to your average human brain (the brain matter scattered over his body, not the actual brain in his head) it isn't out of the realm of possibility to assume it would equal increased intelligence.

Oh my God, I'm defending Card now. Someone shoot me.

TheManWithoutFear said:
But I doubt he could pull off that **** in the Baxter building like he does. It's definitely got security cameras everywhere and that bit with killing the kids is probably not the only thing he's done.

I was thinking the same. It seems Card puts a lot of thought into his scientific explanations without giving any thought to more practical things going on.

Guijllons said:
You know they dissected Einstein's brain after he died? They found nothing special about it.

Doesn't mean there wasn't something special about it though.
DIrishB said:
Good point. But assuming the density is close enough to your average human brain (the brain matter scattered over his body, not the actual brain in his head) it isn't out of the realm of possibility to assume it would equal increased intelligence.
No, the neuron firing speed would be what increased his intelligence, the ability to process information at a greater speed. Having brain tissue further away from the cortex would effectively negate any advantage that the extra brain tissue may give.

Doesn't mean there wasn't something special about it though.
There was nothing physiologically different with his brain. This is what Card is trying to push on us as a factor in intelligence, and while brain architecture is different between species (yet actions of intelligence is the same across the board) there is no evidence that a greater amount of brain tissue is a contributing factor towards higher intelligence. It's the wrinkliness.

What I would be worried about is Tony's psychology, I mean, each part of the brain does a different thing, it has a purpose. It's not just a lump of matter that works everything out as it goes, there are paths and channels which govern how we do things. Frankly I'm amazed he's not a vegetable since he has this growth throughout his entire body that didn't arrive through tried and tested evolution. His entire brain is a tumor in that respect.
Guijllons said:
No, the neuron firing speed would be what increased his intelligence, the ability to process information at a greater speed. Having brain tissue further away from the cortex would effectively negate any advantage that the extra brain tissue may give.

What if his central cortex truly in his center, meaning his gut? Then it might work out.

There was nothing physiologically different with his brain. This is what Card is trying to push on us as a factor in intelligence, and while brain architecture is different between species (yet actions of intelligence is the same across the board) there is no evidence that a greater amount of brain tissue is a contributing factor towards higher intelligence. It's the wrinkliness.

Right, but more surface would equal the ability to have more wrinkliness equals probably more intelligence. Or am I missing something?

What I would be worried about is Tony's psychology, I mean, each part of the brain does a different thing, it has a purpose. It's not just a lump of matter that works everything out as it goes, they are paths and channels which govern how we do things. Frankly I'm amazed he's not a vegetable since he has this growth throughout his entire body that didn't arrive through tried and tested evolution. His entire brain is a tumor in that respect.

True. Or maybe womanizing and alcoholism truly is the next step in human evolution. If thats the case, future, here I come!
DIrishB said:
What if his central cortex truly in his center, meaning his gut? Then it might work out.
Nah, still too great a distance. And if you think about it, this extra brain must be in strings. Now a brain is a 3D space, and even if all the important firing goes on on the surface, you have a far larger web to work with. A neuron firing from A to B is nothing, but being able to fire from A to B, or to C, D, E, F.... etc. in any order it wants, that's something special. Ok, this is a massive over simplification, but the architecture of the brain works for a reason. Having bits of brain through the entire body? That's just a central nervous system, and we already have one of those.

Right, but more surface would equal the ability to have more wrinkliness equals probably more intelligence. Or am I missing something?
Innate intelligence yes. An orangutan has the intelligence of a 3 year old human, roughly. But, so do some humans have that intelligence, or not much more than that. Meaning that wrinkliness isn't the be all and end all, it's neuron fire speed, plus very specific and tiny pathway differences that may have the individual architecture of the brain to help it on its way. The reasons for intelligence are varied and often debated.
Guijllons said:
So, Tony Stark have a larger brain, a lower density since it's just brain material spread through his body.. over a distance... that isn't going to make any significant difference to his intelligence at all. In fact, the only thing that all of this has any effect on, is Card's intelligence.

That's sig-worthy. :lol:
UltimateE said:
Or, more simply - the entire point of Iron Man is that it's a regular guy in a suit, who happens to be very smart. Not smart because his brain is larger (I still defy anyone to prove that a larger brain makes people smarter), and not because he has a healing factor.

It's so much crap; it's like Card thought of all these things and is shoving it into a character who doesn't need them because it completely defeats the purpose of what he's supposed to be - 616, Ultimate, or not.
Thanks, E. I was afraid I was going to have to post that explanation for THE FIFTIETH FRIGGIN' TIME ON THIS SITE!!! And I'm sorry, Shi Vral, but the reason why this idea sucks has been reasonably argued many, many times over (*looks up*). Maybe you aren't reading people's post properly or something. :?
moonmaster said:
Thanks, E. I was afraid I was going to have to post that explanation for THE FIFTIETH FRIGGIN' TIME ON THIS SITE!!! And I'm sorry, Shi Vral, but the reason why this idea sucks has been reasonably argued many, many times over (*looks up*). Maybe you aren't reading people's post properly or something. :?

Or he just doesn't care. As we don't care about people trying to rationalize Card and his writing. It sucks, end of story. Doesn't need to be any deeper or more explanation than that. And if you want one, they've been listed hundreds of time already.
Ok, well, if you read the explination of what's going to happen to Tony given by his mom at the end of the first issue, she says undifferentiated neural tissue, which is not brain mater at all. So, Tony's body isn't a brain. Its just a stem cell factory. Which is why his healing factor is so good. Maybe I'm just used to Card's writing, and so I'm looking at the story as a whole, rather than just the individual issues. Irish, how much of Card's writing have you read? Because I've read a good 70-80%, and this isn't his best, I'll admit, but I like this origin/backstory/whatever for Tony much better than any other I've seen. You're right, he does say he bought his mom a house. Doesn't the UMTU issue say he was adopted (it has been a long time since I read it, and I don't have my copy here to read) so maybe that's the mom he buys it for. Or maybe I'm misremembering the story. It is possible, as I said it has been a long time since I read it. Why does Iron Man have to be the same kind of character as he was in 616? Personally, the alcoholic, heart conditioned playboy with more money than God who builds a suit of armor while being held prisoner never seemed like a good character to me. Comparing him to Batman isn't fair, cause Batman goes out and fights criminals in, at best, a midly bullet proof vest, with some neat tools. Iron Man always had the suit, with super powered gizmos, 10 times better than most of the stuff Batman had. I love Batman, he is a great detective, and an awesome super hero. Iron Man was a guy wearing armor who goes out and fights super powered villans hands on. Anyway, just my $0.02

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