Ultimate Iron Man #4 (Spoilers)

My favorite tv show is "Two Kirks, A Khan and A Pizza Place".

KHAN: "Here's you change."

*Khan accidentally bumps into Kirk, knocking a tray out of his hands*

Spade said:
lay up on the card bashing for all we know he looses the healing factor and it gives him cancer!!!!

Wha-? You're joking about that one right? I mean of course the letting up on Card. That'll never happen.

Guijllons said:
It's the exact expression that E has had frozen on his face since reading the issue.

In Ultimate Iron Man II, I think Card is going to just all of a sudden do a "Where the hell did that come from?" plot twist that completely undoes everything in the first mini. What a waste. Also:

Lynx said:
I honestly think that they don't read it. I mean, Joey Q probably is just like "OH EM GEE, we have the guy who wrote Ender's Game!!!!!!!!!!!11111111ONEONE! He's got to be 1337, right!?"

I'm thinking this is spot on. I think that guys like Card and Kevin Smith get a helluva lot of slack on what they do based only on their "name". This crap from Card is awful and Kevin Smith's comics aren't any better.
TheManWithoutFear said:
What comics are you referring too? *Cracks Knuckles*

I have to agree. Smith's comic tend to be pretty good. Not as good as his movies, mind you, but quality stuff.

I just hope Singer on UXM and Lindelof on UWvH don't pull a Card. I think I'd quit collecting the UU. There's crap and then there's explosive diarreah.
Card is excellent.

At writing novels with his own original characters.

He sucks at writing comics. He should stick to what he does best.
AAAAAAAAARG! I was COMPLETELY FINE with Tony's human brain thing, but the better-than-wolverine/deadpool healing factor just F * C K * N G PISSED me OFF!!!!!!

Doc Comic said:

I love it. I'd love to use it as my avatar if you don't mind.

ProjectX2 said:
He should stick to what he does best.

But what he does best is screw up great comic book characters with crappy stories and needless explanations.

As I said in the preview thread, the coal line was already bad enough. This book didn't deserve to be read after that - that was enough.

But a healing factor?

A healing factor.

And he gets his legs burned off for no reason.

I hate this book with every fiber of my being.
Yeah, I'm cool with the brain thing. I'm cool with the blue armor. I'm cool with the way Card's depicting children as monsters (A bit theme in his stuff. He goes beyond depiciting them as humans and into a whole new realm sometimes). I don't think I'm making it past the legs burnt to hell and regrown bit. Theres just no god dmaned reason for it. Its got no connection to the brain tissue thing since we regrow brain cells at such a negligable rate that scientis thought we didn't atall for the longest time. It jhust doesn't mkae any sense....
Another problem I have with this drivel (and it's entirely possible I missed the explanation as I was trying to read through it as quickly as possible) - but why is Stark paying for ANYONE to be at the Baxter Building when it has already been established in UFF that the government pays the families for the kids to be there?
UltimateE said:
Another problem I have with this drivel (and it's entirely possible I missed the explanation as I was trying to read through it as quickly as possible) - but why is Stark paying for ANYONE to be at the Baxter Building when it has already been established in UFF that the government pays the families for the kids to be there?

Maybe the Baxter Building used to be run by a private corporation or the government hasn't funded it much yet. Maybe. Please God. :please:

I really don't like turning Tony into freakin' Wolverine. Card is supposed to give Tony reasons why he should build an Iron Man suit, not the other way around.
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UltimateE said:
Another problem I have with this drivel (and it's entirely possible I missed the explanation as I was trying to read through it as quickly as possible) - but why is Stark paying for ANYONE to be at the Baxter Building when it has already been established in UFF that the government pays the families for the kids to be there?

Because the government wouldn't accept Obediah, so the only way to get in was to pay the men at the top (It probably cost a few blow jobs too, but H. Stark could have probably hires a few hookers for that).
The reason Tony has a healing factor is explained in the very first issue. I realise that I'm more than likely wasting my breath (figurativly (sp?) speaking of course), but Tony's mom was working on a way for humans to regrow cells at a very accelerated rate. In fact, that's why his dad brought her out in the first place. The blue armor ate people's skin if left on too long. Howard wanted a way for people to regrow skin quickly so that the armor eating the skin wouldn't cause any damage. They had injected the monkey that went crazy, cut off its arm on her helmet, and spilled its blood into her pregnant body. Because brain cells grow without loss (IE, our brains are growing already) the work they were doing sped this up, and so now the monky's brain and the mom's brain are growing too fast for their bodies to handle. Because of the way a baby grows in the womb, the stuff affected baby Tony differently, making him something like a human stem cell battery. The reason that he has such a great healing factor is that any of his cells can grow any type of cell he needs, not just copies of themselves. Maybe OSC didn't read the 20 some issues that have been writen about Ultimate Tony, but the fact of the matter is, no origin had been set in place. This is the ULTIMATE UNIVERSE, not 616. The idea is that things can be different here. The FF were created because Reed built a mater transporter to send things to the N-Zone. Peter was bit by a spider being used in experiments to recreate Captain America. The Hulk is a homicidal maniac. These are the characters we know and love, but not the stories. Anyway, now that I've wasted my breath, here come the insults to my inteligence, or OSC's, or the editors, or whoever gets the blame next. Oh, and MWoF, just because I like Card, I'm sticking around, on this thread, on this site, and hell, maybe I'll even read some DD so that I can post about how crappy some of the writers for it are.
Shi_Vral said:
Oh, and MWoF, just because I like Card, I'm sticking around, on this thread, on this site, and hell, maybe I'll even read some DD so that I can post about how crappy some of the writers for it are.

Are you saying that you are taking the UIM/Card criticism personally?! :sure:
Criticism of UIM or Card personally, no. The fact that most of the arguments I bring up are dismissed without any real discussion, a little bit. I realise its the internet, people have their own opinions, and most of the people here aren't afraid to share them, but when I disagree with someone here, I offer arguements. It seems like when I post some arguemtn about why its not as horrible as you all make it sound, its shot down as a stupid arguement, with no reason or, or at most a "I'm right because I'm right and people here agree with me." All I'm looking for is a well thought out argument as to why I'm wrong, rather than a short "That's dumb, now lets move on."

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