Ultimate Comics Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I love how "Everybody acts like a dickhead" seems to be Millar's understanding of writing nuanced characters.
I stand by that his Ultimates (1 & 2) has properly nuanced characters, who are occasionally dicks sometimes. The same can't be said for his Avengers run, obviously, but extending it to the entire scope of his work seems a little drastic.

That said, this title is totally dropped. It started out okay, quickly turned mediocre, and now outright sucks. All within six issues. I'm done with it.
here's the real question...

why do some guns go CHOOMF CHOOMF and some go BLAM?

And I'm pretty sure the one at the top of page 4 should have gone BRAKKA BRAKKA, not BLAM.
I stand by that his Ultimates (1 & 2) has properly nuanced characters, who are occasionally dicks sometimes. The same can't be said for his Avengers run, obviously, but extending it to the entire scope of his work seems a little drastic.

I'm not sure it's applicable to all his work, but it very well might be. I enjoyed Ultimates pretty well when I read it in trade and 2 was okay when it first started coming out, but that was when I had just rediscovered superhero comics and was wide-eyed in wonderment. Looking back, I think if I picked the books up again, they may just come across as a clumsy attempt at writing the Authority with Marvel characters. There's nothing that sticks out to me, in memory, as particularly strong about the characters. Tony's an alcoholic womanizer. Cap is an alpha male with 1940's values. Hawkeye kills people with his finger nails. Nick Fury is Sam Jackson... Then again, I could be wrong.

here's the real question...

why do some guns go CHOOMF CHOOMF and some go BLAM?

And I'm pretty sure the one at the top of page 4 should have gone BRAKKA BRAKKA, not BLAM.

I'm also pretty sure CHOOMF CHOOMF is the sound effect for the grenade launcher in T2.

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The first volume of The Ultimates is a masterpiece. It is a perfect superhero comic.

Ultimate Avengers... not so much.
Hey everybody, it's me again!

Just stopped by to say you're all wrong. Ultimate Avengers is the best Ultimate comic on the market, this is undeniable, unless you just happen to find Bendis' attempts at writing teenaged characters still worth reading or unless you're 'tarded and like Jeph Loeb.

Sure, it's not saying much, but I've enjoyed it. Haven't been reading a lot of comics recently, just when I have time (which isn't often) but I still pick up Millar books. Sure is a lot of hate for the guy, but that's okay. Maybe he's a dumbed-down Garth Ennis or Warren Ellis, but the alternative is Jeph Loeb so you people... put a sock in it.

See you fine folks around.
That Punisher costume thing is still stupid. And this was another cliffhanger Millar already revealed.

Other than that, good issue. Yu is awesome.
I liked the new take on the Punishers backstory. I found it quite refreshing. As one would expect from the ultimate comics.
And the punisher taking the role of Captain America? Pure genious! How do they keep coming up with such innovative and fresh ideas!? [/sarcasm]
Should Ultimate Avengers 2 discussion go in a separate thread? Seems like it should...
So Red Skull is Cap's son. Don't spoiler it for me, I've only got that far.

OK, already spoiled in a sense, it seems to be not that popular but that's because you're all hardened comic book cynics! Yeah, you heard me right! HARDENED!

I'm going to take this preposterous revelation at face value and see where it ultimately leads.

OK, reading issue 2 now, just a few pages in and we get the full Red Skull back story, and I'll tell you what, I'm sold! I actually think it works! See there's me being infected by cynicism before giving it a chance.

Uh-oh! "The Red Skull's been out there ever since. A freelance assassin…"

****ing freelance assassins! Come on! You had me! I was buying into this, I was enjoying the kick of Cap having an illegitimate child that is for one reason or another a pointless psychopath and then they go and make him a freelance assassin. Comic book conventions of cool meaningless evil, you never let me down.

End of issue 2.

So, the cliffhanger du jour of this series is "meet you long lost, ne'er before mentioned family member"!

Can't wait until the end of ish 3 where we get to meet Nick Fury's nan. Who I'm guessing also has an eye-patch, and beard.

But I'm still none the wiser why Cap has gone all wibble over this kid thing. He's got a kid with a stupid red face and has started beating up his mates and jumping out of aeroplanes. Well I'm sure it will either be fully explained (read not explained) or was given in the deep character grounding of the Loeb penned Ultimates stories (which i didn't read, for obvious reasons).

So bizarro Tony Stark eh. Well at least they didn't just open up a portal to another dimension to get another Tony Stark that was blond, wore white, didn't have a drinking problem and has an aid called Mrs. Jarvis. But they may as well have done! In fact, it possibly would've been nice, because apart from the obligtory 28 pages per issue of Cap beating people up nothing has happened yet. I like slow character driven stories but come on! OK OK, we found out Cap has a lunatic son and Tony has a lunatic brother, so not nothing has happened.

Anyway, still reading, can't wait for the cliffhanger!

Taking that cynicism right back! Nearly.

Still not much going on, but bullet Wasp thing pretty cool, exposed brain Hulk pretty cool, War Machine pretty cool, Cap… yeah, lots of Cap fighting, again.

It's got a good few action beats and I suppose since The Ultimates are being reintroduced there's a certain amount of getting people where they need to be but…

No, no more buts. This is the best Ultimates comic since the last one not written by Jeph Loeb or that homophobic **** that I can't remember the name of.
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Hello! :) And now you've edited my posts together it's lost all coherency. Not that there was any really.

Right, so, it's all about the crap versions of the Ultimates that we knew. OK, I can dig that. I should probably write up my full thoughts on the matter but I probably ain't gonna.

I thought it was fun all in all.

Well I finished Ultimate Avengers 1 and started 2. Gotta say this is Millar at his worst, which is still infinitely better than Leob and is still readable. Millar had a lot of great ideas with this but was given too much free reign. When he was writing the Ultimates all the characters were based of preexisting. So he had to keep them inline with that, notice how Hawkeye and Cap are written just about perfectly. But with the others he could make them "the most bad ass characters just because ever!" because that's where his mind naturally takes things. The ending just proves what a bad idea making Red Skull Cap's son, I was hoping there would be a twist where Skull used the cube to change history so his young self turns evil thus creating a predestined circle and explaining why he suddenly went crazy. Which Millar didn't even try to do. I feel if this was Ultimates 3 if Skull wasn't Cap's son it would have been much much greater. Also the twist with Fury at the end was unessecary and seems out of place.

As for Avengers 2, I like how Millar redeemed Punisher and the idea of Fury recruiting him is cool. But really without Cap, Iron man, or Thor I have no real interest in continuing, specially since the replacements really suck. Thanks a lot Leob...
UA2 issue one was truly a comic book made for scanners.

;) Millar is at the vanguard of the twenty-first century.
Hello! :) And now you've edited my posts together it's lost all coherency. Not that there was any really.

Right, so, it's all about the crap versions of the Ultimates that we knew. OK, I can dig that. I should probably write up my full thoughts on the matter but I probably ain't gonna.

I thought it was fun all in all.


It lives! Welcome back.
I haven't finished UA1 yet... today will change that. But I told you so. It's great to have Millar writing Ultimate books again, innit?