Ultimate Comics Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Captain Canuck said:
like drinking.

The guy worked while sick as hell on his hospital bed. I doubt drinking would deter him. :p

But the guy does put more effort to his CLINT magazine, so I'd say that's where his main focus has been.
So I read the Blade storyline and it is just awful, awful writing. Blade is an almost racial stereotype that would've been a caricature in the 70s. The plot was unflinchingly cynical. Millar spent a lot of time building up the mystery of the head vampire in the Iron Man suit and it turns out to be someone we've never ****ing heard of before. He set up a bunch of characters like the new Daredevil, Perun, and nerd Hulk, and proceeded to kill them all for no real reason. And then there's the whole nonsense idea that nerd Hulk's favourite writer is Mark Millar but it's tongue-in-cheek because nerd Hulk liked TROUBLE and he's a 'loser' with no taste. It's just shameless. The whole series read like a first draft. Half-thought and rushed.

However, there were three nice bits to this series: first of all, I liked the TWILIGHT gag, it was quite funny. I also enjoyed the two Starks little argument. Finally, Cap's plan to defeat the vampires was genuinely brilliant. It was a great twist, well set up, and just top action writing.

But that's it. The rest is just awful.
I agree. It was so god awful. The only thing I liked was how they were defeated and it actually led to the first interesting storyline next.
Aaaand, I just read the AVENGERS VS ULTIMATES thing.

It had a nice set up, with the double-traitor and the political elements but... it was stupid. What the hell was up with Gregory Stark anyway? He appears out of nowhere, everyone assumes he's Kang because he has to be some reality-warping villain from the future or it doesn't make sense and then he just turns out to be an easily defeatable villain who can (for no reason) destroy Cap's shield and pick up Thor's hammer (he was worthy, I guess). What was that other Spider-Man about? Remember how his true identity was supposed to be a big secret? It turns out he's some Asian person. I assume Gregory Stark said his identity was secret to throw people off the fact he was a double agent or something? What was the point in him? Also, do they now have access to Hulk-pills forever? I mean, the whole run feels like Mark Millar undoing all of Loeb's shenanigans so he can leave the title again exactly how he left it so the next person can come along and do it right this time.

Which isn't a bad thing now that I think about it.

Also... Spider-Man died in this out of ****ing nowhere. I've not been reading USM but it is such a complete and utter left turn that makes no sense at all.

It was the best of Millar's Avengers; I mean it was quite exciting for the first couple of issue, but man, did it fall apart.

And everyone sounds exactly the same.

It's a shame, really. Millar's better than this.
The guy worked while sick as hell on his hospital bed. I doubt drinking would deter him. :p

But the guy does put more effort to his CLINT magazine, so I'd say that's where his main focus has been.

It's like Ernest Hemingway once said, "Write drunk, edit sober."
Canuck, Millar really doesn't drink. He has/had severe health problems.

I follow him on Twitter. This is not inaccurate.

Which is funny because he got really sick a few years ago and said the doctor told him he can't drink at all anymore.

What E said.
I follow him on Twitter. This is not inaccurate.

Which is funny because he got really sick a few years ago and said the doctor told him he can't drink at all anymore.
All of you are wrong. And right.

Millar stopped drinking most of his favorite libations because of Crohn's disease, which he was diagnosed with a handful of years ago.

However, that hasn't stopped him from drinking ENTIRELY, as if I recall correctly, he can still drink a little wine.

I might be getting the facts mixed up, but the gist of it is that Millar still drinks, he's just very limited in the kind of alcohol his body can handle.
okay, i believe you guys, i'll stop making comments about his drinking. I just remember him making comments on twitter and stuff to the effect of: "just got home, i'm pretty wasted, but McNiven sent me a sample of his art and it looks beautiful!"

Sorry for being insensitive (or at the least for making inaccurate claims).
Because no one pays any attention?

I mean; is Thor magic or not? He was, then Loki showed up and retconned it so he wasn't, then it turns out, he really is! Fine. Now, all of a sudden, his powers can be copied by Perun and he's artificial. Or not.

If Banner's Hulk serum was originally created by Tyrone Cash, how come we never, ever heard of him before? Or Greg Stark? It's all inconsistent.
If Banner's Hulk serum was originally created by Tyrone Cash, how come we never, ever heard of him before? Or Greg Stark? It's all inconsistent.

The word I'd use is "cheap". It is inconsistent, yes, but it's incredibly cheap. They don't have any more to add, so they start working on the back story. And it's completely unimaginative. Gregory Stark might not have been a bad character if he wasn't introduced in a cheap, half-effort of a story.

Go back and read Ultimates & Ultimates 2 - and now, knowing Banner didn't create the serum, ask - what does that make him? It takes all of the tragedy out of his story. It destroys his character, and for nothing.