Ultimate Comics Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Or The Skull hates his dad, knows he'll show up at some point and wants to destroy everyone and everything right in front of him. You know for spite.
The fight scene was done better in Millar's Authority run with the evil Doctor.

I liked most of the issue though. I definitely think the next arc is going to be a lot better by default - Yu's drawing it and it's going to be coming out every two weeks.
What a load of nonsense. The dialogue, in particular, was atrocious. "You think you can defeat me? I am a god! I can do anything! Look! Look as I talk about someone you loved who died! Look! Oh, I'm dead. But, all I wanted was a happy memory. That's why I spent so long killing everyone and intentionally being cruel in a cartoonish way."

Oh. And what happened to the Cube at the end? WHO HAS IT?!

What a load of nonsense. The dialogue, in particular, was atrocious. "You think you can defeat me? I am a god! I can do anything! Look! Look as I talk about someone you loved who died! Look! Oh, I'm dead. But, all I wanted was a happy memory. That's why I spent so long killing everyone and intentionally being cruel in a cartoonish way."

Oh. And what happened to the Cube at the end? WHO HAS IT?!

Yeah, as I was reading it, the dialogue was definitely bothering me. And seriously: the line, "Like taking candy from a baby." needs to be retired forever. It's an old cliche/cheesy line that just doesn't work anymore. As to Red Skull's motive: It seemed to cheapen the character. It just didn't seem to fit to go from psychopath killer to just "I wanted my mommy and daddy!"

The only other thing that bothered me, though very minor, is him "coming out of retirement". To have never been mentioned before by any hero or villain, who really knew, "ZOMG! The Red Skull!" It kind of seems like when Vanilla Ice came out with his first song going, "I'm back." You were never here to come back in the first place!

Anyways, the ending was definitely awesome. I loved that Fury was the one (or so it seems) to have gotten the Red Skull to do all this just to get a Black Ops team so eventually he'll weasel back up to his old job. Awesome.
I got annoyed with all the rhetorical questions.
See a preview of vol. 2 #1 here: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=preview&id=4966&disp=table

Ok, the last story wasn't millar's greatest. And this preview is just
the Punisher shooting people
. But I got to say I love this variant cover.

I love how "Everybody acts like a dickhead" seems to be Millar's understanding of writing nuanced characters.

Proj said:

CHOOMF! indeed

This just in! Following in the footsteps of All-Star Batman changing its name to The Boy Wonder, Ultimate Comics Avengers is now being retitled What If: Garth Ennis Had Zero Talent.
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Also, what did Fury mean when he mentioned that Greg Stark was the one who "had broken" James Rhodes?
It is possible that he means changing his attitude from when he was younger. Wasn't Rhodes more calm or something during U.I.M.? I don't remember him acting the way he did here. It could be that.
It is possible that he means changing his attitude from when he was younger. Wasn't Rhodes more calm or something during U.I.M.? I don't remember him acting the way he did here. It could be that.

UIM? What's that? Ultimate Iron Man? What are you talking about? That never happened.
