Ultimate Comics Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Hah! You light up my life.

I've got to respect the writer though. He reviewed the book because he has A JOB TO DO, and that's JUST HOW AMERICANS ROLL. We have VALUES over here. No wonder Mark Millar couldn't even finish his Fantastic Four arc. Because he's a Communist.

:D It's hilarious that 80% of the article is him ranting about Mark Millar being a Communist. Then there's, like, a paragraph where he just summarizes the plot of the issue, and that's it for the review. "AIM's designs are cool. I like the twist! Oh yeah. And Better Red than Dead. Suck it Millar!"
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Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I can't believe that this guy honestly thinks this way about Communism.

He doesn't look 60 years old.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

He still gave the issue a pretty good score though.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Well that Millar fellar is clearly a commie, that's right. He's from some Godless non American country and he sounds like some elitist who reads books all day and doesn't believe the world was created 6000 years ago. That ain't right.

Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I know this is wandering off topic, but I just read David Torres' review of Batgirl #1

He completely spoils the hyped mystery of the book in the first paragraph! This guy is all kinds of stupid.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Millarworld said:
I've heard that the Marvel Spotlight issue that came out recently had some interesting tidbits about upcoming events in this series. A new Wasp (one of the reprogrammed terrorists from Ultimates 2), a new Giant Man (reformed heroin addict), and even the new African-American Hulk (Banner's old professor who is in a wheelchair; not sure if he's in the chair when he's Black Hulk, though). Also, more info about The Spider, who is a cannibal and appears in a scene with Fury talking to him while he reads in a cell and eats bloody meat (or something like that). Basically these are a bunch of guys like Hawkeye (who was apparently a killer on death row) who have been reformed and made into superheroes.

Also, it would seem that Nick Fury is going to employ time travel to recruit Wolverine for the vampire arc, which is the 3rd UA arc. He basically goes back in time and grabs him for this mission (probably because he needs someone with a healing factor who would be immune to vampire bites; that's my guess at least). Pretty neat way to get around Loeb's killing him off and the new "dead means dead...for real this time" rule that they've put in place for Ultimate Comics. But it also means he likely won't be sticking around, as removing him from the past would destroy the present (or at least I would think it would).

As for other stuff in the Spotlight issue, they talked about Loeb's New Ultimates, but frankly it sounds like such a trainwreck that I really won't go into it beyond saying that he's replaced Thor with Valkyrie as the new god of thunder and added Shanna and Ka-Zar to the Ultimates.
so Ultimate Avengers = Ultimate Thunderbolts

Loki twisted reality so that Thor was created by technology in a way, and without his belt and hammer he was powerless.

Actually, I much preferred Thor when it was unclear whether or not he was a mental patient who only believed he was a god and derived all of his powers from the stolen weaponry or an actual Norse god.

And if we had to discover the truth, I would have rather him be delusional than a god.

I might have more haters than Loeb, but if I were writing Thor now, I'd retcon him. I'd explain that he was actually an extremely powerful mutant who can warp reality like Scarlet Witch, only his powers are subconscious and he doesn't even know he has them. And because he's freaking crazy and believes he's actually Thor, the God of Thunder, his mutant abilities essentially make it so. So ironically, while he wouldn't be a god, he'd essentially be Thor outwardly but actually powered by abilities more similar to those of Loki.

And the only reason Loki would exist is because this powerful mutant believes he's Thor and believes there's this Loki out to get him, which makes it happen through the reality twisting, etc. Self-fulfilling prophecy powers.

wow...you just turned Thor into a mixture of Magician and The Sentry...
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Sounds more like the way the Asgardians were written in the Earth X series with little differences here and there.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

What exactly is the problem with communism? I understand that dudes like Chairman Mao and Mr. Stalin/Lenin/Kruschev kind of tainted the image but for real, what is the ****ing problem? From each according to his ability to each according to his need. What is the major problem there? Let's take care of each other.

But seriously, what's the damn problem?
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

The problem is he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

What exactly is the problem with communism? I understand that dudes like Chairman Mao and Mr. Stalin/Lenin/Kruschev kind of tainted the image but for real, what is the ****ing problem? From each according to his ability to each according to his need. What is the major problem there? Let's take care of each other.

But seriously, what's the damn problem?

The major problem there is human nature but that isn't really a discussion for this thread I am sure.

In general that review is just utter trash. I can't believe this guy had enough people reading his site to even get linked to.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

The major problem there is human nature but that isn't really a discussion for this thread I am sure.

In general that review is just utter trash. I can't believe this guy had enough people reading his site to even get linked to.

Then you have much to learn about the world at large.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I found that preview to be extremely hilarious.

Cause you know when I go searching for someone, I'm going to beat up my teammates, destroy one of their planes, and then swim instead of, I don't know, sneaking off in the middle of the night.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I found that preview to be extremely hilarious.

Cause you know when I go searching for someone, I'm going to beat up my teammates, destroy one of their planes, and then swim instead of, I don't know, sneaking off in the middle of the night.

Presumably he knows that SHIELD/Fury have been keeping Red Skull a secret and he knows that they do not want Captain America to go after him.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I got the "I am Outraged. Giant-man-beater outraged. I want answers now and if I go back to headquarters, I would be restrained" vibe.

I like that this Captain America has a temper. 616 Cap is so....goody goody.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I found that preview to be extremely hilarious.

Cause you know when I go searching for someone, I'm going to beat up my teammates, destroy one of their planes, and then swim instead of, I don't know, sneaking off in the middle of the night.

what do you think that A stands for? Rational!?!?