Ultimate Comics Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

except that in Ultimatum he states that he "went through the program" and has enhanced vision...literally 'hawkeyes' and that's why he never misses.

(sorry to remind you all of that)
You didn't remind, you informed... so thanks! I've been away from the UU (and comics really) since the end of Ultimates 2.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I was mostly underwhelmed... By both the art and the story... I mean, it was good in a standard sort of way, but there wasn't really anything interesting about the way Millar handled anything. I expected more.

100% agreed.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

See... I expected less so was pleasantly surprised.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Anyone have a torrent link for this? I'm trying to save some cash this week so I won't be going to the LCS until at least Monday.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

except that in Ultimatum he states that he "went through the program" and has enhanced vision...literally 'hawkeyes' and that's why he never misses.

(sorry to remind you all of that)

It is also mentioned (I think in Ultimates Vol. 1) that Hawkeye had surgical implants which increased his speed, precision, etc. And all after he was already a gold-medal winning archer.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

It is also mentioned (I think in Ultimates Vol. 1) that Hawkeye had surgical implants which increased his speed, precision, etc. And all after he was already a gold-medal winning archer.
I was thinking in Vol. 1 it was mentioned that Black Widow had such implants but Hawkeye did not (he was telling her to quit talking so he could concentrate during an op, saying maybe she could do it and talk at the same time due to her million dollar enhancements but he could not).

However, such enhancements would make sense since his reaction time, speed, body control, etc. seem to be written as pretty obviously superhuman.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I was thinking in Vol. 1 it was mentioned that Black Widow had such implants but Hawkeye did not (he was telling her to quit talking so he could concentrate during an op, saying maybe she could do it and talk at the same time due to her million dollar enhancements but he could not).

That is how I remember it also. But I haven't read Ults V1 in a long time.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I was thinking in Vol. 1 it was mentioned that Black Widow had such implants but Hawkeye did not (he was telling her to quit talking so he could concentrate during an op, saying maybe she could do it and talk at the same time due to her million dollar enhancements but he could not).

However, such enhancements would make sense since his reaction time, speed, body control, etc. seem to be written as pretty obviously superhuman.

Ach, you're right. Sorry, I'd mixed up the two. :oops:
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

It is also mentioned (I think in Ultimates Vol. 1) that Hawkeye had surgical implants which increased his speed, precision, etc. And all after he was already a gold-medal winning archer.

I was thinking in Vol. 1 it was mentioned that Black Widow had such implants but Hawkeye did not (he was telling her to quit talking so he could concentrate during an op, saying maybe she could do it and talk at the same time due to her million dollar enhancements but he could not).

However, such enhancements would make sense since his reaction time, speed, body control, etc. seem to be written as pretty obviously superhuman.

Ach, you're right. Sorry, I'd mixed up the two. :oops:
yeah, i was going to say.

so the issue was better than anything involving the Ultimates that's come out since Ultimate Power, but it was mediocre at best.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

What incident involving Wolverine was Tony talking about? Surely not Wolverine VS Hulk?
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Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

No, I think he meant him killing Wolverine.

Which is fine, because he was covered in metal. And Wolverine was made of metal. And they took on the master of magnetism. One at a time. And watched him die without actually fighting Magneto even though he had just lost an arm and been stabbed in the chest.

Dammit, Loeb. L2W.
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Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

yeah, i was going to say.

so the issue was better than anything involving the Ultimates that's come out since Ultimate Power, but it was mediocre at best.

Dude...it was mediocre, but it was night and day better than Ultimate Power. Ugh.

And the artwork was MUCH better...Pacheco's work was beautiful, pure awesometasticness.

What incident involving Wolverine was Tony talking about? Surely not Wolverine VS Hulk?

No, Wolverine dying at the end of Ultimatum. Another timeline marker, since its said UCA takes place 3 weeks after Ultimatum, its believable Tony could be still depressed. A bit out of character, but not unbelievable.

No, I think he meant him killing Wolverine.

Which is fine, because he was covered in metal. And Wolverine was made of metal. And they took on the master of magnetism. One at a time. And watched him die without actually fighting Magneto even though he had just lost an arm and been stabbed in the chest.

Dammit, Loeb. L2W.

Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

No, Wolverine dying at the end of Ultimatum. Another timeline marker, since its said UCA takes place 3 weeks after Ultimatum, its believable Tony could be still depressed. A bit out of character, but not unbelievable.

Or he was using it as an excuse to get drunk which was very much in character.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Or he was using it as an excuse to get drunk which was very much in character.

Exactly. It's what he does.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Another timeline marker, since its said UCA takes place 3 weeks after Ultimatum, its believable Tony could be still depressed. A bit out of character, but not unbelievable.

Very out of character.

Remember, he had his fiance betray him, the team, and the entire country, kill his butler, and had them falsely accuse his best friend. He mourned for about 5 minutes until he saw a hot blonde walking down the street.

He shouldn't be mourning after 3 weeks.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

He was using it as an excuse!

Though I guess if you want another reason, it could be because Magneto used his suit to kill Wolverine and Tony was helpless to do anything about it. But I prefer to ignore Ultimatum.
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Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Dude...it was mediocre, but it was night and day better than Ultimate Power. Ugh.

yeah, when i said "since Ultimate Power", i meant that Ultimate Power was the beginning of the sucking

sorry, that was unclear.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Very out of character.

Remember, he had his fiance betray him, the team, and the entire country, kill his butler, and had them falsely accuse his best friend. He mourned for about 5 minutes until he saw a hot blonde walking down the street.

He shouldn't be mourning after 3 weeks.

I think he was more depressed after realizing that he attempted to stop a villain who had magnetic powers capable of destroying the planet with a metal suit called Iron Man was so stupid it doesn't take a Human made of brains to figure that out.