UC: Stuck

Annoucer's Voice: So, do you want more UC: Stuck?

Audience: YEA!

AV: Do you want to find out more about the elusive Dr. Strangefate and his roommates?


AV: Do you want to see who counts as an extremely smart patient in the mental hospital?


AV: Do you want to find more about the nefarious E and his plans?


AV: Do you want to see McCheese naked?

*crickets chirp*

AV: Did Houde type out this whole thing to simply say the by the end of this issue, three of the four things would happen?

A: Probably.

AV: UC: Stuck, same damn time, same damn channel, tune in Monday Thundercats.

A: HOOO!!!!!!!!!
Consider me officially pumped
Same here.
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UC Stuck is so awesome, hopefully Houde will come back to write it awesomelly. :D
I love my place of awesomeness. :lol:
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Dr.Strangefate: Well, that was interesting.

Dr.Strangefate walked out of the orientation room, half asleep from boredom, when E.Vi.L approached him.

E.Vi.L: Good orientation?
Dr.Strangefate: Um…maybe you mistaken me, but I'm…
E.Vi.L: Or look, here's the ritual of the smart ones now, they tend to distract you with one of the stupider ones.

E.Vi.L led Dr.Strangefate into the room with some patients. A ruckus was going on here, with one of the patients standing on a table, completely nude.

McCheese: Look at me and my naked glory!
E.Vi.L: Now, these ones act like velicoraptors. The one in the front will distract, while ones on the side try to flank you, see.

Sure enough, Baxter was on the side of the wall, slinking towards the two doctors. When he noticed they were looking, he froze, completely still.

Dr.Strangefate: This is all good and everything, but I tried to tell you before.
Dr.Strangefate: I've seen better, anyways, I'm actually here to see one of your doctors.
E.Vi.L: You're a patient?
Dr.Strangefate: No, I'm his friend. His name Dr.Draco?
E.Vi.L: You're a smart patient, aren't you?
Dr.Strangefate: Are you one?

Baxter had slinked closer to them, one of his hands held a spork in a threatening manner.

Dr.Strangefate: Listen….I don't do psychology, my major was in something else.
McCheese: Well, I majored in HUGE DONGS!
E.Vi.L: Hmm…..fine, stay right here, and let my get Dr.Draco.
Dr.Strangefate: Um..am I safe here?
E.Vi.L: Yeah, you should be. Just watch out for that one with the spork, he likes to pretend he's people.

Dr.Strangefate shot Baxter a look. Baxter simply looked back and licked the spork in a threatening manner. Or he tried to be threatening about it.

Dr.Strangefate: He looks so cute 


At the encampment

Random: So, they were nutty people then?
Dr.Strangefate: Completely bonkers yeah.
Random: How come you were searching for Dr.Draco?
Dr.Strangefate: Lunch. He owed me some.
Random: Interesting.

Next to them Sjmole cried to himself, rocking back and forth.

Sjmole: I need to build a bigger fire. I need to beat Gamma Man.

Mumbling nonsense he left the fire and into the forest.

Dr.Strangefate: Man, I just wish I knew where we are right now…

The bushes parted, and out walked Ultimate Quicksilver, Iceshadow and Slimjim, tied to a rope.

Random: Iceshadow, is that you?
Iceshadow: Yup, I was captured by this man.
Random: For what reason?
Ultimate Quicksilver: I liked his hair. And he screams a lot. I like screams.
Iceshadow: Listen, whose in charge around here? We found this guy trying to escape into the forest.
Random: Oh, I think they are over there somewhere.
Iceshadow: Care to direct?
Random: Naw, I'm listening to a story that should reveal part of the plot to us.
Iceshadow: Sounds good, I guess.


Houde: This is an incredible machine of yours.
E: Thanks
Ice: That's what she said.
Houde: The programming….is very nice.
E: I know
Ice: That's what she said.
Houde: The lab attached to this project, does it have good machinery?
E: The best
Ice: That's what she said.
Houde: Does he come with a mute button?
E: No idea
Ice: That's what she said.
E: Working with these people makes anyone more or less iummune to insanity after awhile.
Houde: I could see that. This program on the machines….that symbol on it…looks like my friends.
E: It is, Random I believe h is name is.
Ice: That's what she said.
Houde: Hm….did he know what he wrote?
E: He thought it was code for a gaming engine, but we modified it to do what we want it to do.
Houde: Yeah, I'm kinda figuring that out right now.
Ice: That's what she said.
Houde: And out of all the things…
E: Well, I figured it was getting old and all.
Houde: Point, but, seems kinda stupid to me.
E: You think your smarter than me?
Ice: That's what she said.
E: I don't think your smarter than me.
Ice: That's what she said.
Houde: Technically, I am you know, you do need me to finish it and find the last piece for you after all.
E: I hate you
Ice: That's what she said.
Houde: Well, it's mutual my strange anger probe friend
E: Just fix it
Houde: Leave the money on the table
Ice: That's what she said.
E: You're not worth the money
Houde: Whatever
Ice: That's…

Ice went to finish his sentence, but E clocked him in the side of the skull.

Ice: But, she has told me all those things.
Ice: I know…
E: Now, guard him, would ya?
Ice: Fine...
E.Vi.L: Or look, here's the ritual of the smart ones now, they tend to distract you with one of the stupider ones.

E.Vi.L led Dr.Strangefate into the room with some patients. A ruckus was going on here, with one of the patients standing on a table, completely nude.

McCheese: Look at me and my naked glory!
Well I am glorious in my nudity. Wait... does that make me the stupid one?
E.Vi.L: Now, these ones act like velicoraptors. The one in the front will distract, while ones on the side try to flank you, see.
Clever girl.
It's huge!
McCheese: Well, I majored in HUGE DONGS!
I did.
Everyone likes a CHEESE LOG!

That's what she said.

Good chapter Houde.

Dr.Strangefate: Um...hello? Stay away from me.

Th enaked McCheese, and the non naked baxter had surrounded Dr. Strangefate. One would move when Dr.Strangefate looked at the other one. He decided he'd had enough, and would employ his obvious greater mind against these two.

but before he could, a voice rang out.

Person: McCheese, Baxter, enough. Leave this one alone.

Dr.Strangefate looked at the person talking, a man, with a goatee and sunglasses. Behind him played an old movie, and it was in it's montage scene. He also had a patient's robe on.

Dr.Strangefate: Thank you.
Person: You shouldn't be thanking me. They should be.
Dr.Strangefate: How nice.

Then, much to his relief, Dr. Draco appeared from somewhere in the back.

Dr.Draco: Ready to go to lunch...


Random: Wait, the guy had Karate Kid on in the background?
Dr.Strangefate: Yeah, so?
Random: I feel that's a major point.
Sjmole: Well, a man sent me a letter for me and my friend to come on this trip. It's stamp was a Karate Kid commerative stamp.
Random: Interesting....what was this guy's name?
Dr.Strangefate: No idea...maybe Baxter and McCheese would remember them.

With that, they got up and headed towards the main group, who were getting ready to attack Shanty Town, and right now talking to Ultimate Quicksilver and Iceshadow.

And one Slimjim, who was trying to bargain for his life.

Slimjim: I'll tell you where Shanty-Town is!
Baxter: Been there, I say we kill him, make things alot easier.
Slimjim: How about where they sell the ice cream?
TGO: Wait, they have Ice Cream and haven't given it to us?
Moonmaster: Those ******* bastards!

Hey, insane person, company coming

McCheese looked over his shoudler to see Dr.Strangefate, Random and Sjmole.

McCheese: The kid should stay here.

You may want him

McCheese: I don't want him, he, for one, is a HE! Secondly, all he knows how to do is to set fire to anything and.....oh my, you are a devious bastard

Aren't I?

McCheese: Guys, what took you so long to get up here?
Dr.Strangefate: Telling a story, I remember you you know.
McCheese: Really?

Trouble, shive him

McCheese: Do tell...
Dr.Strangefate: Yea, you were insane, or at least in a mental home for insane people, with Baxter. There was another guy....what was his name?
McCheese: No idea.
Dr.Strangefate: Listen, jus.
McCheese: No really, I have no idea. He never gave his name, only let us call him by an initial.
Baxter: McCheese, who's there?
McCheese: The Doc, Random, and the kid whom I will have devious plans in the future for.

Ourchair: did you hear that?
Bass: Hear what?
Ourchair: Someone said something....sexual....


Baxter: Doc, what's up? We are about to offer up SLimjim for Houde, then attack this guy.
Dr.Strangefate: Listen, I remember you, you were in a mental home.
Baxter: Maybe I was.
Dr.strangefate: I'm not going to tell anyone else, I'm just wondering, there was a strange patient there, what was his name?
Baxter: Oh, that guy, thought he was the boss of us, some days we let him for fun...had an infatuation with Karate Kid if I remember correctly...let's see...or yeah, called him E.
Dr.Strangefate: That's it.
Random: Of course...
Baxter: What?
Random: The program I wrote right before I came here. The name on the email was strange, just one letter. E at hiddenisland.com
Baxter: What was the program for?
Moonmaster: Did it just get tense in here, or is it me?
TGO: No, it's past 6:20, and I haven't relieved myself yet.



Moonmaster: Oh, okay. Thought I smelled something.
Random: The program was a simple one, to put it simply, it could rename.
Project: Rename what exactly?
Random: Well...I guess anything.
Project: I know what he is doing then.
Baxter: What?
Project: I know this E, he's my mailman, always singing You're the BEst to himself. He's going to RENAME THE WORLD!

A pause of silence.

Manwithoutfear: And that would do what exactly?
Project: I have no idea, but he feels the world's name is old, and it needs to be rebooted.
Baxter: I say we stop him.
Zombipanda: How did I get messed up with this.
Ultimate Quicksilver: I'm with you on that one.
Project: Let's go tell this guy a piece of our mind!

END OF UC: STUCK 5, The Degrees of Strangefate. And next week, witness the beginning of the end of UC: Stuck, with it's final episode...Uc: Stuck 6

People, tomorrow brings you the end of the island, the end of life on Planet Earth as we know it, THE END OF ALL!

And more rubbing to my already huge ego.

UC:Stuck Episode 6 begins.


Oh yea

Feel the burn
UC: STUCK Episode 6
The Mister That is E

Whistling to himself, the mailman jumped down the street, smiling. He had a tune in his head, and the world was going to know it.

Too bad this was the day everything went wrong in his life.

The mailman put the mail in the slot, and continued. He waved to a kid riding a bicycle. The kid stopped to talk to him.

Mailman: Ah, Project, how you doing today?
Project: Great E, how are you?
E: Good good, I get promoted today, if I finish my rounds on time that is.
Project: Don't let me slow you down.
E: No problem Project, I'm one hour ahead of schedule.
Project: Wow? Really? I've felt one hour behind all day today. How do you keep up your energy?
E: What are you talking about?
Project: Daylight Savings time happened today. It's really 4 o'clock, not 3. You knew that, right?

E paused for a minute, and his music skipped a couple beats. His eyes gleamed red and he looked down at Project.

E: Take that back
Project: Take what back, Daylight Savings time?
E: I will kill you kid, I will CRUSH YOU FOR CRUSHING MY DREAMS!

E stormed off, huffing and puffing.

E: Not only that, I WILL CHANGE THE WORLD!


E: He should be done by now.
Bass: He is, I think
Ricky: He says your missing something, missing something important.
E: I told Cad to get it for me, but he failed, he brought me the wrong one. I didn't need another scientist, I needed the stupid kid.
Bass: What for?
E: To power my machine, of course.
Ricky: What?
E: His blood will power my machine.
Bass: I think I should go buy ore insurance from that Planet-Man character.

Bass exited the room, followed quickly by Ricky.

E: What? Just a drop, sickos, thinking I would actually kill the kid.

Outside Shanty-Town

Baxter: If we get any closer, we are bound to set off alarms.
McCheese: Well, that's were my plans come in Bax. SJmole, front and center!
Sjmole: I changed my name, to SJJmole.
McCheese: Don't care. Say, you wanna make a bigger fire than Gamma Man ever did?
Sjmole: Yes..yes I would.
McCheese: Well then, let's do this, shall we?

McCheese and Sjmole creeped off into the brush. McCheese found what he was looking for, and hut with the word explosive written on the side.

McCheese: Here, take this zippo, light it, and run into that hut.
Sjmole: And that will?
McCheese: Make a fire that would make Gamma Man jealous.
Sjmole: YAY!

Sjmole grabbed the zippo, lit it, and ran full tilt into the hut.

Hey, I know I'm a disembodied voice and all, but isn't that alittle extreme?

McCheese: Maybe, but I like fireworks.

The resulting explosion lit up the sky, fire spewing towards the heavens, and getting everyone's attention.

Zombipanda: I always said I love the man's intensity. Well guys, shall we?
Project: CHARGE!

And the survivors, as one, charged into Shanty Town.
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Hey, insane person, company coming

McCheese looked over his shoudler to see Dr.Strangefate, Random and Sjmole.

McCheese: The kid should stay here.

You may want him

McCheese: I don't want him, he, for one, is a HE! Secondly, all he knows how to do is to set fire to anything and.....oh my, you are a devious bastard

Aren't I?

McCheese: Guys, what took you so long to get up here?
Dr.Strangefate: Telling a story, I remember you you know.
McCheese: Really?

Trouble, shive him

McCheese: Do tell...
Dr.Strangefate: Yea, you were insane, or at least in a mental home for insane people, with Baxter. There was another guy....what was his name?
McCheese: No idea.
Dr.Strangefate: Listen, jus.
McCheese: No really, I have no idea. He never gave his name, only let us call him by an initial.
Baxter: McCheese, who's there?
McCheese: The Doc, Random, and the kid whom I will have devious plans in the future for.
This scene was frackin' brilliant.

Plus devious plans, w00t!
UC: STUCK Episode 6
The Mister That is E

E: What are you talking about?
Project: Daylight Savings time happened today. It's really 4 o'clock, not 3. You knew that, right?

E paused for a minute, and his music skipped a couple beats. His eyes gleamed red and he looked down at Project.

E: Take that back
Project: Take what back, Daylight Savings time?
E: I will kill you kid, I will CRUSH YOU FOR CRUSHING MY DREAMS!
Baxter: If we get any closer, we are bound to set off alarms.
McCheese: Well, that's were my plans come in Bax.
Devious plans!
SJmole, front and center!
Sjmole: I changed my name, to SJJmole.
McCheese: Don't care.
I really don't.
Say, you wanna make a bigger fire than Gamma Man ever did?
Sjmole: Yes..yes I would.
McCheese: Well then, let's do this, shall we?

McCheese and Sjmole creeped off into the brush. McCheese found what he was looking for, and hut with the word explosive written on the side.

McCheese: Here, take this zippo, light it, and run into that hut.
Sjmole: And that will?
McCheese: Make a fire that would make Gamma Man jealous.
Sjmole: YAY!

Sjmole grabbed the zippo, lit it, and ran full tilt into the hut.

Hey, I know I'm a disembodied voice and all, but isn't that alittle extreme?

McCheese: Maybe, but I like fireworks.

The resulting explosion lit up the sky, fire spewing towards the heavens, and getting everyone's attention.

Ha sssjjjmole, I blew you up!!! And now I laugh! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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