Well-Known Member
And the best costume Thor's ever had.
This is the best costume Thor's ever had:

There's no reason they couldn't have updated it to make it look something along the lines of this:

And the best costume Thor's ever had.
That would more likely look horrible on screenThis is the best costume Thor's ever had:
There's no reason they couldn't have updated it to make it look something along the lines of this:
Agreed.I like the JMS costume, but it would look better if his sleeves were actual chain mail and not rubbery scales.
sort of in this vein:
It probably would have. I like the updated version much better.That would more likely look horrible on screen.
This is the best costume Thor's ever had:
There's no reason they couldn't have updated it to make it look something along the lines of this:
Cap, the image is gone because that site doesn't allow hotlinking.
Yeah but Thor needs to be wearing armor. He's an Asgardian Warrior who would likely go into battle in full armor. It's just more practical. Besides he looks more like royalty in it.
....He's a god though. Beowulf didn't even wear that much armor.
Like the gods in the new Clash of the Titans. Zeus just looked retarded with all that armor on. If you want it to be practical, then give Thor some room to move his limbs and fight in his clothes.
It's the comic book Thor, so it doesn't really matter if it's accurate to the mythology (though, an attempt at accuracy would be appreciated) or even, at this point, the comic books. I'm okay with chainmail armor, so long as it doesn't look like rubber.
How about... Oh I don't know, we wait until the movie comes out and actually watch it, before making sweeping judgements. Or is that too much to ask?
There's a reason why comic book geeks are mocked in media.
Caricatures of geeks are mocked for the same reason that caricatures of any other social group are mocked; the media tends to just accentuate stereotypically negative attributes. It has less to do with the reality of message board posts and comic shop conversations than it does a popular perception of these sorts of things. It's not geeks that are impossible to please, it's just people; sports fans are known to complain incessantly about early draft picks before even seeing
I don't think anyone's as up-in-arms as you're accusing us of being. Everyone's well aware of the fact that it's just a single photograph of a costume that might not even be finalized (who knows what it'll look like on film?), no one's making sweeping judgments. People just commenting on what they do and do not like. What's the problem with that?
i think a part of it is that more often than not, negative critiques are highlighted or discussed far more often positive. that goes for all social groups as well. you make a good observation about the similarities to sports fans. i am a guilty member of thinking our franchise is headed down the drain because of a bad draft or management decision, but then again i am a kansas city royals fan and my are we terrible.
Just like the Green Goblin, I know!The Destroyer looks fine, and I'm certain Thor will look fine. Happens every time; the first time a single shot of the costume is shown, every decries it as fan fiction, and then as soon as it's moving and there's sound attached, it's all super-awesome.
I feel your pain... I'm a Cubs fan.
The Destroyer looks fine, and I'm certain Thor will look fine. Happens every time; the first time a single shot of the costume is shown, every decries it as fan fiction, and then as soon as it's moving and there's sound attached, it's all super-awesome.
I'm kinda interested to see this because it's got Idris Elba and it's directed by Kenneth Brannaugh. Unfortunately, it also has Natalie Portman, whom I can't stand.
But I'm only kinda interested, in the same way I'm kinda interested to see THE LOSERS, which might be fun. This is because, I will never understand why 'classic' Thor is still around since Millar and Hitch's Ultimate Thor debuted in '02. Ultimate Thor not only had, in my opinion, the best costume and best-looking hammer, but he had the most interesting and exciting character, and wasn't annoying in his nonsensical "verily" speech. Now, I can imagine that this Thor will turn out to be Ultimate Thor in the 'classic' costume with the 'classic' Mjolnir, and f so, suddenly I am 99% uber-excited. But from all reports, it seems the movie will be Asgard heavy, and I'm sure he'll have the nonsense speech that pisses me off, and so I'm only kinda interested. Not because it is teh sux, but because I've never cared for Thor until Ultimate Thor (whom I love dearly) so my anticipation for this is only slightly less tepid than my anticipation for GREEN LANTERN (who I think, sucks).