Well-Known Member
The space opera game just turned into Deadlands. It's a strange world. but wild west + zombies + steampunk is unmatchably awesome.
I want to play in a Deadlands game so god damned badly....
The space opera game just turned into Deadlands. It's a strange world. but wild west + zombies + steampunk is unmatchably awesome.
I want to play in a Deadlands game so god damned badly....
4th edition.
I might try it.
3e was stupid. I remember a line in Millar's AUTHORITY run where the Engineer says, "I'm down to my last ten amusing ways to kill a supervillain."
After you create a wall with multiple layers that first burn you, then electrocute you, then turn you to stone, then drive you insane, and finally dump you in a parrallel wall, but you decide to open the wall in the air and reverse gravity to send the monsters into it... well, I think you hit the apex.
Christ sake, I had a guy who could just turn villains into loot. Their body disintegrates but their belongings remain.
Stupid game.
Bass said:I don't know this "three books a year" thing you mention.
However, I think 4e is right in spirit, but still floundering in execution.
Three books a year thing?
And the online thing doesn't bother me. People to play with aren't much of a shortage here. I just never took to 3E.
I just don't understand how anyone can care about Dungeons and Dragons anymore.
I mean, I haven't really checked in on Pen and Paper RPG books in years, but surely there's got to be plenty of better things out there than D&D, right?
D&D is pretty much the epitome of Fantasy Role-Playing Games. Nothing really comes close.
Lynx said:However, if you're talking about any pen-and-paper RPG, then yeah, there are (Although, I'm pretty biased as an avid WoD GM).
What about F.A.T.A.L.?
See, White Wolf used to be my thing, but I've got my own bias. I've as much as given up shelling my money on roleplaying books. There's better ways to spend my money, and the ideas I can come up with are way better than anything I'll find in a book anyway.
Please, please tell me you're kidding.
Lynx said:I agree about the books. I usually just use the books for rules, anyways. And when I need detailed histories of things like clans or covenants (Which I don't have the time to write).
How can you not love a game where you roll for your character's anal circumference?
Yeah. Well, I just wing it when I don't have the history. I've drawn away from real life RPG sessions though. I just hate most of those people. All my stuff's online, and collaborative, and either slim on rules or entirely absent.
Yeah. Well, I just wing it when I don't have the history. I've drawn away from real life RPG sessions though. I just hate most of those people. All my stuff's online, and collaborative, and either slim on rules or entirely absent.
I use to do alot of online roleplaying would like to check out how guys do it.
I just don't understand how anyone can care about Dungeons and Dragons anymore.
I mean, I haven't really checked in on Pen and Paper RPG books in years, but surely there's got to be plenty of better things out there than D&D, right?
D&D is pretty much the epitome of Fantasy Role-Playing Games. Nothing really comes close.
However, if you're talking about any pen-and-paper RPG, then yeah, there are (Although, I'm pretty biased as an avid WoD GM).
* hugs his Demon: The Fallen book *
I'll agree, that was an awesome game.
Just wish I'd gotten an opportunity to play it.
I ran a Demon in a general WOD game for a while. He had some sort of EMP ability that really hosed on of our party members, a Mage who had a computer system wired into his brain.
We should have killed him then. Thats how our WOD group rolled.