The Legend of Zelda General Discussion (Spoilers may apply)

They are beat 'em up/hack and slash games all about brutal melee combat. Don't expect Hyrule Warriors to have any sort of puzzles. It will be all about Link kicking moblin butt.
I am very much looking forward to this game. Big fan of both series.
I've never played a Dynasty Warriors game so I'm not sure what to expect either. I'm not big on games that are all mindless combat so I'm not exactly excited.

An open world Zelda that looks to have learned from the extremely well implemented exploration style from Link Between Worlds?

Hell yes. Double hell yes.
Some news!

Agitha Confirmed as Playable Character in Hyrule Warriors

You know, the bug collector!

Zelda Wii U to be Multiplayer?

The two-player functionality of Hyrule Warriors is actually something that has traditionally been done in the Dynasty Warriors series, but they've changed because of the hardware and the second screen on your GamePad. Instead of having a splitscreen on the television, you have one-player playing on the television and one on the GamePad. When I was talking back about making Zelda more than just a single-player experience? That's something you will see in the future, maybe next year.

And lastly two new trailers for Hyrule Warriors!
Dynasty Warriors is a series of action games that replicate the historical battles of ancient China. You pick a general and relive epic battles. There will be a huge battlefield stuffed with your army and the enemy's army and your goal is to hack through enough of them to win the battles. Generally this means carving your way through various hot spots throughout the map where there's a constant tug of war between the two vying armies. There will be other objectives like claiming certain territories or taking out enemy generals or just surviving for a set span of time. The criticism usually comes from the fact that the combat is overly simplistic. The appeal is the huge size of the armies and a large roster of playable characters who can all be customized and upgraded. Typically there's a lot of variety in replay and game modes.

Hands on demos of Hyrule Warriors suggest that the typical Zelda gadgets will return and can be used strategically (bombs against Dodongo, timed for when his mouth opens, for instance)and it appears it will retain some degree of dungeon exploration to unlock new tools, but I'd expect combat to be the main appeal in the game. My guess is that there will be less characters than the dozens that are usually packed into a DW game, but the combat will hopefully be a bit more complicated. The director has mentioned they pulled in members of Team Ninja (Ninja Gaiden) to tighten the fighting. I'm kind of interested in it. It's not a system seller, but if the DW series is any indication, I imagine it will be packed to the gills with fan service and dumb mindless fun.
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This looks like a big love letter to the franchise disguised as a Dynasty Warriors game.

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The perfect game just got better!

Did anyone by hyrule warriors? it's pretty damn fun
It's a same the warriors series isn't bigger. I just got Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate on ps4 , hyrule warriors was great and dynasty warriors empires versions are awesome.

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